
The Legend on how you Disappear

Jairo_Smith · 現実
5 Chs

Chapter 1, Who Is Jak

Chapter One: Who is Jak?

June 2018

A Bright 18 year old young Man will start his 1st year in college with full of hopes and Dreams for his family and himself, The Young Man will start his Tertiary Journey after the additional 2 years of his Secondary Senior Years. Love by a lot of people and always exceed what people expect from him and that young man was named Jak. Jak was under BS Psychology even this is not his first choice he have this goal within him that he want's to be a mental health advocate who will help spreading awareness about mental health and doing actions to it, because of these goals Jak was exposed in several organizations and that promotes mental health even in his Senior Secondary Year and receive a national award that only 10 youth of his country received this award. Isn't he so bright? Yes he surely is.

The Class starts at what is expected Jak become a part of the first dash of his faculty and to mention Jak also have 90% Scholarship Discount for His Senior Secondary Year Grades and just paying 10% for his tuition fees, Jak ends up with some of his friends from the 1st Year of his secondary Senior Year, Jak's friends are those who really want to take BS Psychology ever since they were young, Jak's First choice is communication arts or Mass Communication but because of his goal and being practical with the discount that he will get Jak pursue BS Psychology.

At the first week Jak days are kind of weird he misses all of his friends knowing that he study on the same school where he finished his Senior Secondary Years having same environment with different people makes him a lot more sad.

The lesson starts swiftly and as expected everyone have their eyes on Jak on the first time that they hear Jak speak however the time when the lessons started Jak becomes worried of what he really likes, his friends do excel on the past few weeks of school and so is Jak however he needs to work double for him to excel and he realize that it is not really easy to study things that you are not passionate about yes he do love to spread mental health awareness but he realize it is on the other way by the mode of doing films or short films about it and even documentaries, Jak feels really anxious about his future that he has on this faculty.

Weeks past Jak is slowly coping up with the lessons and give extra time reading books just for him to understand them much more, An opportunity was opened to Jak when someone invited him to join the Organization of their Faculty, at first Jak was hesitant about it and take some of his friends words about it.

Ann and Ross are his one of his closest friends on the university however there is a year when Jak on his 2nd Senior Year choose to continue with his friends who have same passion as him in creating films and arts, that is why he still feel a bit of distant to his friends because they have their new group of friends.

"Ann, Ross I was offered to run to a position on our faculty's club what do you think about it?"

"Do you want to try it?"

"Actually I am having two thoughts, you both know that I am just like studying like highschool and doing the academic stuffs because it is a must and not that I really wanted it and it is my passion so I am thinking that I might try joining extra-curricular stuffs like this which is my forte so that I can still enjoy studying."

"Actually that was a good Idea Jak in that you might enjoy your stay in school while studying knowing the fact that you are a previous Student Council President"

Ross agreed right away on what Ann mentioned to Jak but Ross still see how worried Jak is,

"Why Jak what do you have in mind and you are still hesitant?"

"I am just worried that I might get a hard time because I am not really into this faculty and I need to study further than what I usually do for me to keep up and I will add another load of responsibility?"

"No need to worry Jak, Ross and I are here to help you and we will help each other with this and at least when you get stressed out of Academics you have something that will unwind." -says Ana

"Ann is correct Jak, come to think of it that you will have senior friends that might help you with your studies is a bonus right?"

After the discussion Jak finally decided to join the campaign and try to win the position, Jak has a previous organization in the university when he was on his 2nd Year on his Senior Year so he tries to get some background on the faculty organizations from there and receive praises and full support.

Weeks past Jak was preparing for his campaigns because he receives several invitations from different Party list at that moment and this thing makes Jak much more confident that even seniors know who he is and wants him to be on their side.

"Jak you are quite popular even in our seniors huh? Oh no the word quite is not applicable you are indeed popular and I heard even a Professor is campaigning for us because of you?"

"Oh Lady don't mention it and its just because I know them because of my previous organizations and contest that I have when I was in our Secondary Senior Year"

Jak become a friend right away with Lady, Lady is his classmate who is a really barbie like and innocent look, Lady is running for 1st year representative and Jak is running as Vice President, Jak and Lady become really close to each other in just a short period of time because most of the days they spend together during campaign and on their Classroom.

"Of course Jak will surely win on this! He is really popular to us first years and we have like 45% more population than our Seniors" -Says Justine

"Oh Hahaha No Justine we are not so sure with that because there are also 4th Years who will vote for the position that I have so I am still worries about it"

Justine was also part of the same organization Jak has when they are on their 2nd Year in Senior Year and they are friends since then and one of the 1st year elite on their school, she is known for her verry Korean like look and skin with a chubby cheecks and adorable height and always mistaken as a High School student, she is almost as popular as Jak and running for a position that will also be voted for other Freshmens and Seniors.

A week past and preparations for the campaign finished and started to make their fellow students trust them in the promises that they will give in order for their faculty to be a much better and interactive faculty.

The campaign period start right away and Jak feels happy everytime they enter a classroom of freshmen who is cheering on his name and cheering for their Party,

"Jak you are doing a great Job! You are pulling up our Party's popularity on first year together with Justine and Lady! Thank You so much!"

"You are welcome Bryan and goodluck to us I am just a bit worried about the 4th Years they didn't even know me and I am afraid that they might not like me"

"No need to worry about it Jak, 4th years are in our hands and you are too good for them not to like you alright!"

Bryan was the running President of Jak's party who is really hardworking and motivating to Jak and his fellow Party List Members and because of this Jak becomes confident and Happy made him think that he did the right decision in running and joining the Organization in the Faculty of Psychology.

The moment arrived when Jak and his Party will campaign to his own Section and Jak felt weird because he become nervous because of it, as soon as the door opens and their Party enter and post their capaign materials the whole classroom shakes鈥�


The nervous feeling that Jak has drastically removed and Jak became more confident for the support that his classmates give to him that he really did jot expect because since its just almost the start of the School Year he still don't have much friends on his room aside from Lady,Ann and Ross and because of that Jak confidently deliver his speech and everyone is proud of Jak even the Strict Doc. Sanchez that was there while Jak was delivering his speech smiles and claps for Jak.

Before they end their campaign there is one student on their room who keeps on asking questions and seems like trying to found a hole on their platforms and plans that was answered by their President and even some of their Party members are kind of annoyed that even the obvious are being asked, and Jak, Lexi (Fellow Party Member and Running for Treasurer Position) and Lady starts to have a conversation about the Guy,

"Jak do you know who that Guy is? He is annoying! I would understand if he is asking for some critical questions but he keeps on mentioning nonsense things"

"You know what Lexi I kinda agree, he's acting like he was so good and in fact he is always late on class and can't answer questions from Doc. Sanchez"

"I agree actually he is my classmate in my previous year in Senior Year and He is good looking and I had a crush on him before, and kinda annoying I agree!" -Lady Added

The Guy Named William questions took a lot of time cause Doc. Sanchez to remind their party that they will still have to continue the lesson and William keeps on asking Questions that even Bryan is kind of annoyed because they are like repeating the same point.

The Campaign ends after a couple of answers Bryan hage given to the student with a lot of Questions and the party plans to rest,

"Alright Guys we did so well today! And Tomorrow hopefully we will finish campaigning with the 4th Years because it is really needed by our first years and we can call it day! Alright see you tomorrow!"

"THANK YOU BRYAN" *everyone

"Jak, William is part of our previous organization right?" *justine asked

"Yup I heard he is the new Vice President of the Organization, Actually I am the one who interviewed him for his application for the Club before"

"Really! Why did you passed that Guy he looks so annoying and full of himself and his looks"

"Hmm I don't know maybe because he is cute and he one of the counselors request him to be passed so yeah that is why and I agree he is annoying"

Actually Jak have a crush on William the first time that he saw it but suddenly during the summer activities that their previous club has which is Jak and Justine did not attend on as senior facillitator for the new batch of the club member Jak heard a lot of negative things about this Guy and most of his batchmates on the club hate him.

"I was just wondering why did all of his batchmates hates him.?"

"Because HE IS ANNOYING! that is it Jak and don't waste your time thinking about that Guy!"

"Hmmm I really wonder why?"