
The Legend on how you Disappear

Jairo_Smith · Realistic
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: William and James

Chapter Two: William and James

It was the last day of Campaign, Jak together with Justine feel a bit worried because they will now campaign on their seniors and deliver their speech.

"Justine! Hmmm.. I am nervous"

"Wait what? You are nervous? Seriously? Jak this is the first time that I heard you say that word when you will speak in front of other people, You can do it! I am the one who is nervous and I am getting my strength to you!"

That moment Jak felt a bit of a strange feeling of doubt inside of him, Speaking in front of other people specially in front of the crowd was Jak's forte it excites him everytime and the more people he will speak on to the more excited he is that is why he feel strange at this moment when he feel nervous when he will speak in front of 30-35 students per classroom.

Before Jak's turn to deliver his speech and advocacies Bryan noticed how worried Jak is and try to do his best to cheer Jak Up!

"Jak, You okay? You look stressed out?"

"Nothing Bryan I am just a bit of worried because they are look matured and they are intimidating"

"Jak You are Great! Always remember that I am sure that they will admire you once you start speaking!"

At that moment Jak is starting to have self doubt that is really strange to him, he usually the one who is aways positive in these kind of stuffs. Good thing that he has a enough support system to make him feel a lot better.

Jak speaks to himself "Alright! Jak let's do this show them what you got!"

"Hello Everyone my name is Jak Marquez I am First Year Student running for Vise President Internal…."

The time Jak started speaking everyone looks at him as his well modulated voice gather all the seniors attention to listen to him and right after he finish his speech and ask the seniors to vote for him, Jak feel a bit strange because there as 2 seconds of silence and then everyone in the room Claps for him.

"Wooooh! You are Good we will VOTE for you!"

Several random compliments showered Jak and it boost ups his confidence there are even some seniors who are teasing Bryan "Bryan Jak should be the president! Switch position now!"

**Everyone is laughing and the tension that Jak felt at first was changed to a Bright smile and confidence.

"Jak is really great isn't he, you are lucky to have him at your side Trish,"

Jak overheard that statement from someone on the room who seems like a friend of the Vice President External of his Party. Compliments showered Jak until the Election day came everyone is rooting for Jak and for his Party,


It was The election day and every running candidates should attend their class and wait for the Committee that will come to their rooms to cast their votes,

Everyone in the classroom Cheering Jak up even other students from first year who is not Familiar to him is cheering him up, It is undeniable that Jak is really happy that he has a full support of the First Years and hoping to get the seniors side too,

Jak is washing his hands on the rest room when a tall Guy with a familiar face went out from one of the cubicles, It was William the Guy smiled right away and wash his hands on the faucet next to Jak,

"Good Luck Jak I will surely vote for you"

Jak was shocked and answered "Thank You!"

William went out of the rest room and go back to their room and Jak followed after a minute, At that moment Jak was thinking why did this Guy was hated when he really looks innocent and sweet,

The Committee's that will get the votes of Jak on his room came and the whole Faculty of Psychology was casting there votes as of that moment and on the afternoon of that day the votes will be Tallied and announce the winner on the Universities Page.

Jak's Class finished at 2PM that day and his fellow Party Members are on the Library and trying to get updates of the counting and that just announced to be released on 6PM, The Whole Party decide to wait for the announcement and meet each other on the announcement at 6PM.

Jak decided to visit his previous Clubs office to stand by there and finish some of his assignments and while waiting for the Result and help with some of the choirs that they have, some of his Batch mates on the club was there which is Ari and Nette they are really close to Jak and Ari is the Senior Consultant of the Club since Jak already have other Organization, Ari was under the same Faculty with Jak but under different Dash and Nette is under Faculty of Medicine.

When Jak entered the Office everyone wish their Good lucks to Jak even his Adviser Mr. Tonio a Good Friend of Jak and Strict adviser, when he entered the office he saw a familiar face,

"Hi Jak! Good Luck! I am sure you will win"

It was James, James is also his classmate who is also an Officer of the Club, James is a friendly and sweet Guy, He is also a Goodlooking Guy that will surely liked by Girls and Girls at heart.

"Hello James Thank You so much!"

After the small talk Jak go directly to their Cubicle inside the office and overheard Ari and Nette whispering and seems like talking about some gossips and rumors, When he entered the cubicle both of the Girls went silent as he sat on Chair between Ari and Nette who is sitting in front of each other,

"Alright what are you too talking about?"

"Nothing" Ari replied

"Why are you here Jak you should be with your Party right?"

"Uhm the results will be released at 6PM so I will finish some assignments here are wait until the results came out, and what were you talking about before I came again?"

"It is nothing" Nette Replied

"Really? Are you talking about me? And wait Ari did you vote for me?"

"Of course I did and No we are not talking about you"

"It is nothing important Jak and the important thing today is for you to win the Election alright!"

While the Three are talking to each other James enter the cubicle and said hi to them,

Nette looks excited when James entered the room and…

"Alright James! Continue the Story!"

James look a bit worried because of Jak's pressence and seems like they are talking about something personal so Jak voluntarilly excuse himself so that James can talk to Ari and Nette Comfortably.

"No Jak it is fine! It is alright if you hear it"

"Ow alright, Uhm I will just finish some of my home works here go ahead and talk"

Jak started to do his home works and James, Ari and Netter starts their conversation, Jak was doing just fine with his homework when he over heard the name "William…"

Jak turned his Chair and try to Listen to the conversation when James looked sad and teary eyed, Jak was about to ask what Happen when James Phone Rings ….

*Phone Ringing..

"Sorry I just need to answer this call, please excuse me"

James leave the room and Jak was a bit confused and asked Ari and Nette,

"Why does James look sad and about to Cry and why did I heared William did they broke up?"

"What where did you get that?"

"Nothing I am asking, wait are they together"

"No Jak"

"Really Ari? I always see their photos for the past few months before the school year started and I thought they are seeing eachother"

"Almost! That is if William did not leave James alone out of nothing"

"Really Nette! How I mean why James looks kind and he looks good why did William left him?"

"That is what we are talking about about James said that since the training camp of the club they become close to each other and start flirting"

"Really Ari Flirting? Can you just use other term for that?"

"What do you want me to use? They did not officially date each other, should I call them Almost Lovers?"

Both Ari and Netter Burst into Laughter,

"I feel sad for James, I mean they look happy together in their stories and posts I shipped them actually! Specially in their photo with their Red Shirt together it looks like a Couple Shirt"

"Oh Yeah! I see that also! But we never know what happens?"

"You are correct there Nette! And because of that After William just did not contact James for a week until now a lot of their friends hates William because of that and he did not even go here to help and for the meetings"

"Oh I see.. That is the reason why I hear a lot of negative things about William ever since the school year started."

"Yes Jak You are Right and I am now kind of annoyed with William!"

"Yes I agree"

While the three are talking to each other Jak did not notice the time and check see that It is almost 6PM and need to meet his pther Party Members, Jak went to the Auditorium for the announcement of winners as soon as Jak reached the Auditorium Jak feels a bit worried about the result and overthink about it,

Jak stop on the Auditorium Door and frozen in his place overthinking,

"What if I loose! Everyone will be disappointed on me what about their support, should I come or should I just go home?"

Jak was talking to himself when he suddenly feel anxious about the result, when someone grabed his bu**

"Oh! Fuck! Oh Lady! You surprised me!"

"Hahahahah I am so sorry your Butt looks good Jak Huh! And why aren't you entering?"

"Oh.. uhmm.."

"C'mon let's go inside together! And have you heard that at 4PM on the last unofficial result you have the Highest vote counts of all the Position?"


"Yes! Everyone thinks that you are a sure Win!"

"Stop that Lady, how about your votes?"

"Secret! Hahahaha C'mon let's go inside!"

Jak and Lady went inside and the announcement of winners almost started,


Jak look at Lady because that was her position and Lady looks a bit worried, Jak Patt Lady's head

"You will Win I am sure of that!"


"Wow the whole population of 1st Year is 700 and that was more than 50% of the population!"

The whole Party was Cheering for Lady.


**Everyone on the Party Scream all their happiness and Congratulate Lady.

The announcement continues and most of the current position called winners are under Jak's Party, Justine sat on Jak's side since Lady is already up on stage as the winners are called out on stage to have some pictures with some Professors since the only people in the Auditorium are the Candidates and the current officers and the professors,

Jak observed Justine and she looks worried,

"Justine are you alright?"

"No! I am afraid that I will not win"

"Why? Look all of the person on stage are under our Party I am sure it will be straight and I believe in you!"

"Thank you Jak but base on the last unoffolicial Tally, I am the only one who is not leading on our Team"



"WOW! the estimated population of the Faculty is 1,400 and that includes the Irregular stundents, this is the most neck to neck fight!" *the announcer mentioned


Jak Hugged Justine who is crying out of happiness and move forward to the stage, several positions are mentioned and all the Candidate on stage was under Jak's Party and everyone is hoping that it will be a straight win and it came for Jak's Position.

Jak remains silent as only Him and Bryan remains off the stage because their position is the only one that is not announced..


The Announcement Ended as the Whole Jak's Party Wins, Jak was so happy at the moment and really excited about the things that they will do together in the future, for their Projects and how they will serve, The whole party decided to have a Celebration to drink but Lady and Jak needs to go home and left Justine To represent the 1st year for the Celebration.

When Jak and Lady was on there way home together Jak received a message..

: Congratulations Jak! I heard you Win! As expected Good Luck! And Goodnight.

-William Domingo

Jak was surprised for the unexpected message..

"Lady! Look William messaged me is the results released publicly and how did he get my Telegram account?"

"Not yeat but It will be released tomorrow morning but he messaged me earlier and asked about the result and specifically asked yours and your Telegram account I thought you have some business with him so I give it, I forgot to tell you earlier, are you too close now?"

"Are we?"