
Extra 19: Change the World (65)

"Kuro-chan, I think it's time for you to take a break" - Kushina said as she knocked on the door of her husband's lab - "You've been holed up for two months."

That's right, another month had passed since Kurama had managed to find a clue in their experiments, time that Izumi and her friends had come to see them at least twice.

During this time, some things had changed.

Inuyasha had awakened from his slumber and had returned to Izumi's group, with whom he formally began a relationship. Izumi was happy and with mixed feelings, after all, she was taking advantage of the situation now that Inuyasha had forgotten how he felt about Kikyo. Yes, she felt a little filthy, but she was happy because she could finally say that her boyfriend was thinking about her.

The other big surprise was that Ryu and Sango had started a relationship after one of the visits, which had ended with them drinking a little in the safety of her friend's home.

Kohaku had tried to start a conversation with Mito, though she kept ignoring him because he was acting too shy. Yes, Mito was a strong-willed girl who liked firm guys.

Miroku tried to talk to Kazumi, only to end up running away when a group of animals shot out after him for trying something with their innocent mistress. Such it seemed the perverted monk was out of luck.

Hachi, the Tanuki that followed Miroku, had decided to stay in the golden city, so he could return to his roots, not to mention that he had met a cute Tanuki there.

Miroku sighed before nodding at this, after all, he couldn't force Hachi to follow him, though he had to admit he would miss having the tanuki by his side.

Kagome was resting normally, until she saw Irasue, who she immediately recognized as Sesshomaru's relative.

Inuyasha quickly jumped at her because he still hadn't forgotten what had happened with Tetsusaiga, though his expression changed to one of confusion when he saw how the woman treated him with utmost normalcy. She quickly introduced herself as Sesshomaru's mother, surprising the priestess-in-training and the Hanyo, who was confused because he expected her to be furious with his presence.

Irasue quickly explained the general situation of their family, as well as the reasons why Izayoi had "escaped" from their home, which infuriated Inuyasha, after all, he always thought that his father had abandoned them, but now he understood that it was the opposite.

Shippo on the other hand, became the new group son of the Uzumaki family, to the point that he was most of the time running around because Kushina and the others didn't seem to take no for an answer when they asked him for a hug.

* * * * *

"Kurama's log, day 60..." - Kurama said as he took a long sigh - "The experiments have ended in complete success, subject number 626 has managed to assimilate the natural chakra system of the Elemental Nations inhabitants, all thanks to the fact that he managed to create a core inside him that mixes and purifies the two energies, I called this core Ether."

Kurama walked to the place where subject 626 was floating in suspended animation - "After a few experiments, I managed to replicate this Ether, although I discovered a slight problem, these cores have to be created by the body itself or the results could be fatal, that's why I decided to create clones of my girls mixed with the DNA of certain Yokai in order to create these cores, then transplant them inside them and thus slowly modify their genetic codes safely."

Kurama pulled out a notebook that had the results of the previous experiments before letting out a sigh - "Success rate of this procedure, 95%."

"All set?" - Tsunade asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Do you really want to be the first?" - Kurama asked with a frown.

"Yes, I have the highest pain resistance out of all of us, not to mention I'm sure you'll be able to save me with the Rinnegan if something goes wrong" - replied Tsunade as she nodded firmly.

Kurama nodded weakly before walking over to a nearby shelf and pulling out a small flask with shards of the Shikon pearl. He had used the mystical power of the pearl as a catalyst, after all, it had the ability to transform other creatures into Yokai, though sadly it did not affect them because they were not from this dimension.

Tsunade quickly walked to a nearby stretcher and lay down.

Kurama walked to her side and put an anesthetic mask on her to further increase the woman's pain resistance, after all, he knew this procedure would hurt like hell because her body would slowly change.

The Kitsune Daiyokai quickly pulled out a vial that held a small marble-sized core before making an incision over the woman's chest before using his Sharingan to see the woman's chakra flow. Slowly, he placed the core over Tsunade's heart before making a hand seal, in the process making the small sphere enter without the need to make another incision.

After making sure everything was in perfect order, he used his Jutsu to close the cut and prepared for the worst, after all, this was the most difficult stage.

The minutes passed slowly while the only sound that was in the room, was Tsunade's heartbeat, which was getting faster and faster.

Kurama watched carefully, though his expression changed as he saw Tsunade's body begin to tremble. He gritted his teeth as he watched the blonde woman's corporeal trembling grow stronger.

"Please overcome this stage..." - Kurama muttered as he resisted the urge to use his Rinnegan to restore his sweetheart's body to its former state, though he let out a sigh when he saw the trembling stop suddenly, proving that Tsunade was out of danger and now all that was left was to wait.

Slowly, a huge amount of sweat began to accumulate on Tsunade's forehead as she began to move dramatically with a pained expression on her beautiful face.

Kurama let out a sigh of relief when he saw this because this was the last stage, it was the mutation in Tsunade's DNA, a process that she had to endure while resisting the enormous pain in every inch of her body. This was a slow and painful process, which Kurama was watching carefully to prevent any spontaneous accidents.

* * *

"Kuro-chan, is everything okay?" - Kushina asked from outside the room.

It had been two hours and so far there was no news from Kurama or Tsunade, and that was a bit worrying about the girls, who were all huddled outside the room.

"I think we'd better go inside, Kushina-chan" - Mikoto said seriously.

"No, it's possible that they are still in a critical stage, and this could cause problems in the operation" - interrupted Hikari while shaking her head - "Let's hope for the best."

The girls looked at each other before watching the door open. They quickly stepped back and saw with surprise, how Kurama came out next to Tsunade, who had changed slightly.

"Her boobs are bigger?" - Tayuya asked while frowning.

"That's the first thing you notice?!" - Kin exclaimed as she gave her best friend, almost sister a blank stare.

"Not only her boobs, she also seems to have grown a few inches, as well as her ass" - Anko replied as she stroked her chin - "She also grew some small horns on her forehead, so I guess she's an Oni..."

"A sexy one" - Kurama added as he let out a small groan of pain as Tsunade gave him a small punch on his arm, which was surprising, although this shouldn't be a surprise, because Tsunade now didn't need to use her technique to increase her strength to have the power to destroy a mountain with one punch.

"How are you feeling, Tsunade?" - Kushina asked as she walked beside the blonde woman.

"I actually feel different" - Tsunade replied as she looked down at her hands.

"Your ears are pointed" - said Mikoto as she raised one - "I guess it's a normal characteristic of the Yokai of this dimension."

"You'd better go to the training camp, so you can better adapt to your body" - said Kurama as he nodded in the direction of the beautiful blonde woman - "By the way, when you come back I'll have your clothes ready, so you can wear them now that you're much bigger."

"Thank you" - nodded Tsunade as she walked to the training field, from which they quickly began to hear her the sound of multiple explosions.

"I won't clean it" - said Tayuya as she shook her head.

The others gave her a blank stare as they watched Kaguya nod in the blonde woman's direction.

"What do you think, Kaguya-san?" - Mikoto asked earnestly.

"I can see that her vitality pool is huge, and it's not completely full yet" - Kaguya replied, confirming that Tsunade would live for a long time.

"I'm next!" - Kushina exclaimed with excitement, after all, they had finally managed to get a way to live longer, and even if it might not be a true immortality, they might have plenty of time to look for some other solution together with their beloved.


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[The Legend of the Kyubi] Extra 19(80) <--- Available in Pa treon.

Remember that this story is translated with MT and edited with [Gramarly].

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