
Extra 17: To Love Ruto (48)

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Uzumaki Kurama" - said the female figure while showing her appearance, a pretty girl with brown skin and black hair. She had nice golden eyes, though her appearance didn't contrast with her sadistic attitude.

Kurama raised an eyebrow - "I see you know my name, but I still don't know yours."

"Oh, sorry, my name is Nemesis" - replied the girl while looking with interest at the white-haired man - "And this is my subordinate, Mea."

Mea remained silent, watching the interaction between her master and this dangerous man while trying to reduce her presence as much as possible, after all, she didn't want to gain the stranger's attention.

"What do you want from this planet?" - Kurama asked neutrally now that the formalities were over.

"We have come to pick up Konjiki no Yami" - Nemesis answered normally - "Or rather, what dwells within her."

Mea gave a confused look to her master, after all, she didn't expect Nemesis to tell her aim so easily, what she didn't know, was that Nemesis was also feeling a huge pressure on her small shoulders. She could feel Kurama's power slowly pushing her to the ground, as if he was telling her to kneel before a higher being.

Kurama was silent as he narrowed his eyes, more so when he remembered what Tearju had told him a long time ago - "Project Darkness."

Nemesis was surprised to hear those words as he looked more interested at the white haired man - "I see you know what I mean."

"Yes, though I regret to tell you that my daughter will not be going with you" - said Kurama as he narrowed his eyes.

"Daughter?" - said Mea with surprise - "Konjiki no Yami is your daughter?"

"Her mother is my wife, it is obvious that she is my daughter" - replied Kurama as he folded his arms.

Mea's expression darkened as she felt a rising surge of feelings appears inside her. She was jealous, very jealous, she was always alone, thinking she was the only one of her kind until she met Nemesis and told her she had an older sister. Mea tried to contact Yami all these years working as an assassin, but every time she tried her luck, she found out that her sister was off on another mission to a different sector of the galaxy, that's why she thought Yami was just as lonely as she was, although such seemed like she was a clown for thinking this.

Kurama raised an eyebrow when he noticed the change in the girl's expression, though he decided to ignore it for the time being.

"Oh, that's a bit complicated" - Nemesis said as she frowned because she wasn't expecting something like this.

"Now, I want you to answer some of my questions" - said Kurama seriously - "What are you?"

"I'm just a pretty girl who suffered a tragic fate" - Nemesis answered with a teasing smile.

"A girl? I can feel the passage of time inside you, no matter how much you camouflage it, I can sense that you are not as young as you show yourself" - Kurama replied with disdain.

Nemesis' expression changed when she heard this, after all, no one knew about her age, or how long she had been suffering in that nameless lab.

Mea raised an eyebrow because it was the first time she saw her master show that kind of expression.

"How?" - Nemesis muttered with a frown. She took this small form out of habit, though this she did because it was the best way to maintain a physical form. She had spent half her life in this small form, though now she could modify her body at will in order to take on an appearance befitting her age.

"It's easy to detect this kind of characteristics when you have the necessary level, changing appearance is a common skill" - Kurama answered with disdain - "Now, why don't you take an appearance much more in accordance with your age?"

"Because I don't see the need, it's not like I want to show you a different appearance" - Nemesis replied with a frown - "Now, I think you better ask your questions, so we can get out of here, I don't want to be on this dirty planet anymore."

Mea tried to say something, though a single glance from Nemesis made her keep silent.

"What are you?" - Kurama asked again.

"I am the result of the experiment of an organization trying to create the ultimate weapon using the dark matter of the universe" - answered Nemesis with hostility - "I have no recollection of my past, I'm not interested in recovering those memories either."

"I see" - muttered Kurama as he nodded - "What is your real objective?"

"I think it's time for you to answer some of my questions" - said Nemesis neutrally - "I find it unfair that I'm the only one talking"

"Ok, shoot" - Kurama replied calmly.

"What are you?" - Nemesis asked with slight curiosity.

"One of the last two Otsutsuki from the other half of the universe" - Kurama answered as he saw the girl's expression, oh, and it was just as he thought it would be, Nemesis opened her eyes, surprised at this revelation - "I see you know about my race".

"Yes, the fucking lab that contained me, had information about your race, it seems they wanted to replicate some of your abilities" - Nemesis replied with disdain - "I guess they tried to create a god, a pity they only created a demon."

"A god, huh?" - Kurama said while smiling slightly - "Well, I can't blame them for calling my clan as gods."

"Now I'm a little more curious to see the result of the union between the two most powerful entities from their respective sides of the universe" - said Nemesis with slight interest - "The result of the son of an Otsutsuki and the princess of Deviluke, that's something I want to see"

"I thought you would leave now that you won't be able to fulfill what you wish" - said Kurama with a frown.

"I changed my mind, this is much more exciting than awakening Darkness" - replied Nemesis calmly.

"Darkness?" - Kurama repeated as he raised an eyebrow.

"It's the entity hiding inside Konjiki no Yami" - Nemesis answered because if she was honest, with Kurama present, she wouldn't be able to fulfill her wish, so it was better to be honest on the subject, so at least she could score some points, and if she was honest, Kurama was much more interesting than Darkness - "It's the entity that freed Konjiki no Yami from the lab, you could say it's her perfect state as a subject of the Darkness project."

Kurama raised an eyebrow because he wasn't expecting this, though it made sense - "What about her?"

"Mea was also a subject of Project Darkness, albeit from a different branch" - Nemesis replied as she looked at her subordinate - "All three of us were in the same lab, but in different sectors. When Darkness broke free from her container, I managed to escape from mine during the commotion, it was there that I met Mea and the two of us escaped together."

Mea nodded at these words, though she was surprised at how honest her master was being.

"As for how we escaped, well, that will be history for another time, now there are more questions I would like to ask you" - Nemesis said calmly.

"Speak" - Kurama replied as he raised an eyebrow.

"How strong are you?" - Nemesis asked while squinting his eyes.

"Stronger than Gid, we both fought, and I won" - answered Kurama honestly.

"Interesting" - Nemesis muttered as Mea's eyes widened, surprised by these words, though it didn't seem like Kurama was lying, which made her fear for the white haired man even greater.

"What's the other part of the universe like?" - Nemesis asked as she smiled with interest.

"Desolate" - Kurama answered while shaking his head - "Most of the planets were consumed by the Otsutsuki clan, leaving only a few weak planets as the only survivors."

"The strong devouring the weak, I understand" - Nemesis muttered with a frown - "One thing has me confused though, how is it possible that there are only two Otsutsuki left?"

"Because I killed all of them along with my wife" - replied Kurama neutrally - "Neither of us wish to carry on the atrocious ways of the old clan, so we killed all the survivors."

"Wait, there is something strange in your words, you say that there are only two Otsutsuki left, you and your wife" - said Mea while frowning - "Does that mean that your son is not an Otsutsuki?"

"Interesting analysis, Mea" - smiled Nemesis as she nodded at her subordinate's words.

"Indeed, Naruto is not an Otsutsuki, at least not of pure blood" - replied Kurama as he shook his head - "It's a bit complicated, so I won't go into it."

"Well, it's not like it changes things much" - Nemesis said while narrowing her eyes - "Now that I know a little more about you, I think I know what to do from now on"

"Oh?" - Kurama raised an eyebrow with a slightly more relaxed attitude now that he could sense that this strange woman in a tiny body, was showing a more civilized attitude - "What are you going to do?"

"It's simple..." - Nemesis said as her body turned into a strange dark mist that flew to where the white-haired man.

Kurama raised an eyebrow as he felt the mist surround him, though after a few seconds he felt something soft pressing against his back.

"I'm interested in you, Uzumaki Kurama..." - Nemesis said with a huge smile.


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[The Legend of the Kyubi] Extra 19(1) <--- Available in Pa treon.

Remember that this story is translated with MT and edited with [Gramarly].

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