
The Legend Of The Golden Eyes

The awakening of a mysterious being lay In the hands Of a young archeologist (Lu Shui Hua). He is one of the most world-known geniuses of all time. He was at the peak of his career and succeeded in every way. He blossomed in everything. He was about to embark on a journey In his career that could change history itself when destiny came knocking On the door. Being lured by his greatest rival of all time in his past life and even in his present life, he falls madly In love with this myth. What will happen when he discovers that his death lies In the hands of his heart's desire? What would he do when he has to choose between the career he has worked hard to accomplish and his destiny? Will he make the right decision? Discord: Beverly_spare#0707 Instagram: Beverlyspare Facebook: Beverlyspare TikTok: Beverlyspare

Beverly_Spare · ファンタジー
53 Chs

4. The Unknown.

The car screeched to a halt in front of the desolate street as they disembarked.

A group of seven individuals, including Jiangsu and Shui Hua, stood there, a mere fraction of the originally planned twelve.

The mission was originally scheduled for the following day, but Lu Shui Hua's impatience had compelled him to change the plans, leaving the rest of the team behind.

Stepping out of the vehicle, Lu Shui Hua cautiously surveyed the surroundings.

The place exuded an eerie aura, steeped in history and mystery. Even the wind whispered secrets, signaling that they were about to embark on an extraordinary journey beyond their wildest imaginations.

The dense mist engulfing the street shrouded their vision, making it impossible to see what lay ahead. The chilling air sent shivers down their spines, instilling fear and trepidation. Yet, Lu Shui Hua pressed on, leading the way, his grip tight on the torchlight, accompanied by a few steadfast companions. Jiangsu walked beside him, eyes wide with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, venturing into the dreadful depths of Suzaku.

Their steps were deliberate and cautious, each footstep a testament to their wariness.

Though the place reeked of unease, no one dared to acknowledge its creepiness, drawing courage solely from Lu Shui Hua's resolute demeanor. He, unlike the others, bore no trace of fear in his eyes; instead, his gaze burned with an intense fervor. His dim eyes radiated with an insatiable curiosity, tirelessly searching for something. He moved as if inexplicably drawn to this place, as though his very existence depended on it.

This was an unexplainable experience for Lu Shui Hua, a profound sense of destiny coursing through his veins. It was as if his purpose in life had led him to this pivotal moment, as if his breath and soul were tied to it.

The rest of the team trailed behind him, a few individuals flanking his side. They were meant to rest before undertaking this perilous expedition, but Lu Shui Hua's bizarre impatience left no room for rest. He was no longer the patient and caring person they had known; his focus was solely fixated on the mission at hand, disregarding the concerns and emotions of others.

Silently and calmly, they continued forward, acutely aware of their surroundings. An oppressive silence enveloped them, transforming the street into a desolate graveyard.

Their footsteps echoed as the only audible sound, guiding them toward the first two blossoms flanking the path they traversed. Fallen leaves obstructed their path, forcing them to tread cautiously, their movements betrayed by the crunching of dry foliage beneath their feet.

Lu Shui Hua's eyes darted in every direction as they ventured deeper into the unknown more focused than ever. He could feel the atmosphere growing more and more suffocating, an unmistakable sign that they were nearing the heart of the mystery that awaited them. Now standing at the center of the street, a bone-chilling coldness settled upon them.

"S-Shui Hua," Jiangsu called out in a hushed voice, tugging at his friend's sleeve. "Don't you think we should go back? It is like minus four degrees out here and we didn't even come prepared, we're going to freeze to death if we continue".

"We can't turn back now; we're already halfway there," Lu Shui Hua cautioned, his voice filled with determination. "We'll find shelter once we're inside."

"How can we find shelter in a place we know nothing about?" Jiangsu's anxiety peaked. The darkness and cold had already begun to unravel his composure. He had meticulously studied the history of this place, familiarizing himself with every detail.

He had seen the enchanting beauty of the cherry blossoms, he was basically in the darkness, a tingling sensation crawled beneath his skin, a silent warning that something ominous lurked there, and Lu Shui Hua was leading them straight into its clutches.

Fear gripped his heart, he didn't want to die.

There were countless dreams he yearned to fulfill and so many things he was yet to accomplish, yet, he hadn't even confessed his love to the woman who held his heart. A gnawing sensation took hold of him. He could already feel that if he continued this treacherous mission, he might not be able to set eyes on her again.

Though he believed in Lu Shui Hua's discernment, there was an undeniable change in him ever since the inception of this mission. His unwavering dedication consumed him entirely as if he were possessed.

"Try to understand, Jiangsu. We can only find shelter in there. Turning back now would only delay our mission," Lu Shui Hua rationalized.

The estate's houses had long vanished from their view, swallowed by an impenetrable mist that deepened with each step, drawing them nearer to an uncertain fate.

"Is this mission all that matters to you now? Look around you, Shui Hua... These men are freezing to death, their endurance waning. How long can they go on? And the only thing you think about is this goddamn mission?" Jiangsu exclaimed, his voice tinged with frustration.

Just as Jiangsu voiced out his concerns, one of the men crumpled to the ground, sending the rest into a frenzy of panic.

Immediately, two men rushed to lift him, desperately attempting to rouse him from his unconscious state, but their efforts proved futile. He remained motionless, his pallid complexion resembling a lifeless carcass as if all blood had been drained from his body. Shocked and loss for words as the scene unfolded before them, evoking an eerie sense of dread, they all stood still, confused. It resembled a horror film.

What is going on?

Zhong Jiangsu's attention was immediately captivated when the man fell, and the same held true for Lu Shui Hua.

Without wasting a moment, they rushed to his side, propelled by urgency. Jiangsu swiftly instructed the others to provide them with space, and they obediently complied. Squatting beside the lifeless body, Lu Shui Hua commenced his search for a pulse.

The glimmer of hope in his eyes swiftly transformed into a furrowed brow as he failed to detect any signs of life. His gaze shifted from the motionless figure to Jiangsu, who stood nearby, as he promptly rose to his feet completely unbothered and indifferent.

Not uttering a single word to anyone, he pressed forward, seemingly driven by an unseen force. This peculiar and unnerving behavior sent chills down their spines.

"Lu Shui Hua!!" Jiangsu's voice rose, his frustration evident. What the hell is wrong with his friend?

Quickening his pace to catch up with him, Jiangsu remained smitten on pulling him along, oblivious to the changing surroundings. Unbeknownst to them, something lurked within the darkness, concealed by the shrouding fog. It moved at the pace of a serpent, ready to attack.

The other men, positioned behind and encircling the lifeless body, sensed an eerie presence lingering in the shadows. Most of them, who stooped down to inspect the body, hastily stood upright when the sudden movement caught their attention. They scanned their surroundings, their eyes tracing the faint sounds.

"What was that?" One of the men inquired, his gaze darting in every direction.

The sounds intensified, heightening their sense of security.

"I'm not sure... but I sense something's here." A cautious reply echoed, accompanied by the man's wary glances. "Quickly, let's catch up to Jiangsu."

"Wait, what about Zu Ling?" One of them gestured toward the lifeless man lying on the cold ground.

"He's gone... come on, let's go."

With rapid strides, they hastened to join Lu Shui Hua and Jiangsu, engaged in a heated dispute some distance ahead. However, as the eerie sounds came from behind, the two men trailing behind were abruptly engulfed, as if they had ceased to exist from the beginning of time.

It was sheer terror. Fear gripped them all, compelling them to flee. It felt like a nightmare, an agonizing dream.


Their anguished screams captured the attention of the two men in the lead as they turned their heads instantly, only to witness the others sprinting towards them with alarming speed. It appeared as though they were fleeing from some unseen pursuer.

What pursued them?

Not a clue.

Driven by a mixture of fear and desperation, they pounced on them with fear in their eyes.
