
The Legend Of The Golden Eyes

The awakening of a mysterious being lay In the hands Of a young archeologist (Lu Shui Hua). He is one of the most world-known geniuses of all time. He was at the peak of his career and succeeded in every way. He blossomed in everything. He was about to embark on a journey In his career that could change history itself when destiny came knocking On the door. Being lured by his greatest rival of all time in his past life and even in his present life, he falls madly In love with this myth. What will happen when he discovers that his death lies In the hands of his heart's desire? What would he do when he has to choose between the career he has worked hard to accomplish and his destiny? Will he make the right decision? Discord: Beverly_spare#0707 Instagram: Beverlyspare Facebook: Beverlyspare TikTok: Beverlyspare

Beverly_Spare · Fantasy
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53 Chs

5. The Battle To Fate.


Panic consumed them as they sprinted, desperate to escape.

What were they running from exactly?

The dense mist and enveloping darkness concealed their pursuer, but the sheer intensity emanating from the shadows was evidence enough that an unknown creature chased after them. Each person raced for their very survival, abandoning all else.

Their only desire was to cling to life at any cost.

The biting cold and exasperation they had felt moments was nothing in comparison to the urgent peril they faced.

The mysterious creature drew nearer, gradually revealing its ghastly form. It resembled an enormous, billowing smog, towering over even the tallest buildings, with crimson eyes that glimmered amidst the blackness. Its thunderous growls reverberated like rolling thunder, a relentless predator, signaling its intent on claiming their lives.

"Split up!!!"

Lu Shui Hua's urgent command prompted everyone to scatter. Two men veered left, another dashed to the right, while he and Jiangsu choose a divergent path.

They scoured their surroundings, desperately seeking a sanctuary, a refuge to catch their breaths.

"This way," Jiangsu whispered, leading them to a secluded corner nestled among bushes and between two houses. Their eyes sparkled defiantly in the darkness, accompanied by labored breaths. "What was that?" Shui Hua managed to inquire, struggling to control his breathing as he spoke.

"I don't know..." Jiangsu replied matter-of-factly, also attempting to regain his composure. "...But, if my assumptions are correct, it is one of the creatures of the dark mentioned in the documentary."

"What?! You failed to mention this during your research briefing," he whispered, his gaze never wavering as they heard the ominous growls drawing nearer.

"Not now, you'll get us killed" Jiangsu warned, silencing any further discussion.

They both fell into silence as the sounds encroached upon their hiding spot, holding their breath and shutting their eyes tight. For a tense moment, they remained frozen, until the menacing sounds receded into the distance.

Lu Shui Hua slowly opened his eyes. "I think it's gone, we have to move".

He was about to get up when Jiangsu held him back. "Wait, we can't go out there, we don't have anything to protect ourselves with if there's an attack". He whispered warily.

"We can't keep wasting more time here, we need to discover the legend and leave". His voice was also in whispers.

"What do you mean we? We came here with people, remember? Our men are also out there, we need them".

"We don't even know if they are alive, or dead, we can't just risk everything in the cause of looking for them in the dark… that thing can be out there anywhere".

"What the fuck is wrong with you Shui Hua? Jiangsu lashed out. His voice was barely audible but anger was boldly written in them. "Ever since you set your eyes on this mission you have fucking lost yourself. You don't care about anyone, you don't care about your life… you don't even care about the consequences of your actions. Come back to your senses, we are about to die in the hands of a fucking creature that we don't even fucking know about, we are literally about to become the next fucking history, damnit".

Lu Shui Hua went silent for a while. Jiangsu is beyond pissed, he could tell because he couldn't count the number of times he just cussed. It is very rare to see him in this state and he is like this because of him.


He is not wrong. Something had been happening to him ever since he set his eyes on the map. It is like an obsession, but with what exactly? He thought it was just enthusiasm but the moment he set his eyes on the mountain, he knew that it was more than that. He felt suddenly attached as if he had been there before but couldn't remember because he had never been there in his life.

Jiangsu let out an exhausted breath and looked away, trying to control his emotions. He didn't want to yell but it was indeed called for. Lu Shui Hua needed to come back to his senses.

"...You are... Not wrong". Lu Shui Hua said quietly. His eyes went to absolutely nothing in particular but he kept looking in one direction; a look of regret. "Something is wrong with me". He aired out plainly.

Jiangsu opened his eyes wide and just kept looking at him, his words were already hunting him, he felt guilty but it was the truth. Not just him, but everyone noticed his behavior change ever since the trip. He didn't want to say anything but he had to let it out there.

"... Shui Hua…," He managed.

"No…, you're right…" He cut Jiangsu off before he could take back his words. "I-I didn't want to think too much about it but everything you have said is true a-and I can't help it, I feel drawn to it".

What is he talking about?

"What are you say…"

"Something is pulling me here". He aired out blankly.

Jiangsu's brows rose at his words in confusion as he furrowed them to try to understand what he was trying to say.

"What does that mean?" He managed.

Shui Hua's lips parted to speak, but just as he was about to answer his question, a thunderous growl came from behind them. A mighty beast of the dark came to view. It was over a duplex tall and its features came into view when Jiangsu's torchlight went to it. It possessed three heads; that of a viper, a wolf, and a bull. Its eyes glistened in the darkness and were the color of blood, its body was that of a werewolf and its growls screamed death.

He was too shocked to do anything. He couldn't move, breathe, or run. He just sat there terrified, looking at the most treacherous creature he had ever seen in his entire existence when Lu Shui Hua's voice called from behind, pulling him out of trance into an adrenaline rush.


They ran with all their might and as fast as their bodies could carry them but they were no match for the creature. It had already gained onto them as it hit Lu Shui Hua from behind with its gigantic claws.


Jiangsu screamed his name when he landed hard on one of the buildings, scattered from the impact of his fall. His eyes fled wide open from shock. It was like a nightmare.

He started to run for his own life when the creature charged at him. The speed it carried made him realize that his death was inevitable. This thing was going to kill him.

He watched his life flash before his eyes as he thought of her. So this is how it is going to end for him. He didn't even get the chance to see her one last time. As he lay on the cold gloomy floor of history, the tiny stones on the floor danced to the quaking steps of the gigantic beast that sought his soul. It got closer and closer and his breath became louder, accepting his fate and closing his eyes to drown in the arms of death.

He was already anticipating his death but it was taking longer than it should. He was ready to cross to the underworld but he was still alive.


He opened his eyes slowly to see what stalled the creature but was shocked when he saw it directing its charge with full force at Lu Shui Hua.

It is after Lu Shui Hua.

His eyes opened wide in realization.


The eyes of The Beast were directly on the man who grunted on the floor. It sought his soul hungrily. As the earth quacked to its monstrous pounce, the body of Lu Shui Hua lay on the shattered woods in pain.


He managed to move his body, not realizing what was coming in full force for him. He heard the voice of Jiangsu faintly but his eyes were blurry, he was still trying to recover from the fall. The voice of the monster was everywhere and he could tell that it was close but he couldn't see where it was coming from. Little did he know that he was the target.

Jiangsu fought his tears as he staggered and struggled to gather a little strength to run to his friend but it was useless. The monster was already close, it opened its mouth wide and its sharp claws were aimed at Lu Shui Hua.

"Shui Hua!!! He cried with all his might and fell to the floor in lost hope when he heard a loud shriek from the sky. It was a loud rumble in the dark clouds, more like a thunderclap but louder. Its shriek came with red lightning and its presence made the entire cloud red.

It was indescribable.

He had never heard a sound like that in his life and had never seen a thing like that in his life. He cowered in fear for what it was and what was about to come. The sound had him even more terrified than the beast in sight because it shook the entire place.

Immediately, everywhere went silent. The beast that was about to attack Lu Shui Hua seized its attack. It took slow steps back, cowered in fear, and fled for its life. It was as if it knew what was coming. As if it knew that a bigger fight was ahead.

In a split second, the cloud tore open, exposing the fiery beast of the sky.