
The Legend of Seven Realms

The immortals of gods and Buddhas, demons and monsters, myriad beasts gathered together, righteousness against evil, who is right, who is wrong, who can see through?

linzhang190 · ファンタジー
142 Chs

Chapter 48: The Mysterious Mirror (Part 2)

Descending slowly, Luyun looked at the five people with a solemn expression and said softly, "This place is too mysterious. We need to be careful. The information I've gathered so far indicates that there are seven mysterious places in the back mountain, and this is one of them. Why do each of us see different scenes? This question is currently inexplicable. Fortunately, there are no actively attacking entities here, so although we are puzzled, we are not in immediate danger. Aoxue's Purple Shadow Divine Sword seems to contain a hint of guidance. Let's see if you can use the divine sword to find any clues. Yunfeng's Yin-Yang Secret Technique is also extremely mysterious. Please try your best. Let's see if we can unravel this mystery."

Yunfeng smiled bitterly, "I've already tried, but I couldn't find anything. Let's see if Aoxue's divine sword can help."

Aoxue whispered, "I'll give it a try and see if it works." With that, she erupted with a powerful dark blue light, and her divine sword, Purple Shadow, automatically unsheathed, emitting a dazzling purple light as it hovered above her head, spinning continuously. Everyone watched quietly as Aoxue's aura intensified, and her divine sword spun faster and faster, eventually forming a purple disc that rotated so rapidly it became a blur. The disc of light transformed into a purple dragon that circled Aoxue before flying towards the water's surface, seemingly searching for something mysterious.

The group held their breath, knowing a critical moment was approaching. Whether the purple dragon could uncover the hidden mystery depended on this attempt. Meanwhile, Luyun's mental waves, except for one, had returned, with the last one being the highest frequency. As they awaited the results from the purple dragon, Luyun suddenly trembled, his eyes flashing with a strange light, but it quickly vanished.

After a while, the purple dragon let out a long roar, transforming back into a burst of purple light that shot towards the clear water's surface. The six of them watched intently as the purple light penetrated the water, causing a blue light to emerge, resisting the advance of the purple light. The blue light acted as a shield, incredibly resilient, and continuously opposed the purple light.

Aoxue's eyes gleamed brightly as she exerted all her true energy, supporting her divine sword as it shot downward like a purple dragon. After several clashes, the blue light finally shattered with a loud noise, sending countless water splashes flying towards them.

As the purple dragon approached the bottom of the water, a dazzling blue light suddenly emerged, revealing a peculiar blue-mirrored surface covered in strange patterns that emitted mysterious rays of light, constantly rotating.

Seeing the miraculous mirror, Lin Yunfeng exclaimed, "What a treasure! Haha, what an unexpected gain! Quickly, everyone, surround it, don't let it escape." With excitement, he gazed at the mirror as if it were already in his possession. The other five were astonished, surprised to find such a treasure on Mount Taixuan. Each of them guarded a side, with Luyun at the top and Xu Jie at the bottom, carefully observing the mysterious blue mirror.

At this moment, Aoxue continued to attack with her divine sword, attempting to suppress the mirror. In midair, the mirror emitted blue light with each rotation, repelling Aoxue's attacks. As the purple dragon approached, the mirror's rotation sped up, and it emitted various symbols and runes, forming a peculiar barrier that resisted Aoxue's attacks.

Cangyue's expression darkened. "This mirror is extremely unusual. It seems to be a kind of artifact with its own consciousness. We may not be able to subdue it easily. Let's see if there's any way to tame it."

Luyun spoke up, "Aoxue, temporarily cease your attacks. Yunfeng, try using your Yin-Yang Secret Technique to see if you can control it. This object has strong defensive capabilities, so be careful. Right now, it's likely trying to escape our encirclement, so we need to exert our full power. Let's create a sealed space with our true energy to trap it."

In midair, a dark blue true energy barrier surrounded the mysterious blue mirror. The six swords emitted different lights, forming a six-sided enclosure. Yunfeng activated his Yin-Yang Secret Technique once more, attempting to seal the mirror.

However, when his technique approached the mirror, the symbols on its surface emitted a brilliant light, resisting Yunfeng's technique and diverting it. Luyun sighed, "This mirror is indeed extraordinary. It must possess unique abilities, but we don't know what they are. Given the current situation, it seems we cannot obtain it without exerting considerable effort."

Time passed slowly. Although the six of them had temporarily trapped the mysterious mirror, they were unable to break through its outer barrier. Seeing this, Luyun suggested, "Our current approach is not working. Instead of continuing to stalemate, let's switch to an offensive strategy. Perhaps we can break through its outer barrier with our attacks. Everyone, raise your power to the maximum and push forward together. Prepare yourselves and begin." With that, the six of them tightened their formation and advanced towards the mirror.

Under their combined attack, the light around the mirror surged outward, but it was quickly suppressed by the six. Despite the resistance, they pressed on, advancing step by step. Eventually, they broke through the outer barrier, and the mirror was confined to a small space.

Looking at the still-rotating mirror, Luyun said, "Yunfeng, try your Yin-Yang Secret Technique again to seal the mirror. We need to act quickly." Yunfeng complied and activated his technique once more, forming a Yin-Yang pattern above the mirror.

As the pattern approached, the symbols on the mirror's surface erupted with a brilliant light, pushing back Yunfeng's technique. Luyun sighed, "This mirror is truly extraordinary. It seems we need a different approach to subdue it. Do any of you have any ideas? It would be a shame to give up now." He looked at the others, his eyes filled with inquiry.

Li Hongfei shook his head, "My expertise lies in attack techniques. I have no experience with sealing methods."

Luyun turned to Cangyue and asked softly, "What about you, Senior Sister? Does Fenghuang Academy have any techniques related to sealing?" He looked at her with a hint of tenderness, causing Cangyue to feel a strange sensation.

Cangyue glanced at Aoxue, who hadn't noticed, then looked back at Luyun and said softly, "Among

 the six academies, Dao Garden is the most proficient in sealing techniques, followed by our Easy Garden and then Bodhi Academy. The Phoenix Nirvana technique we practice at Fenghuang Academy rarely touches upon this area, so we are also at a loss. Encountering such a divine object, we are all powerless. It's truly regrettable." The others sighed in agreement, feeling a sense of helplessness.

Luyun pondered their situation. Besides his own abilities, it seemed they were all unable to handle the situation. However, if he were to intervene, it could potentially reveal his secrets, which would have severe consequences. Yet, to give up now, in the face of such a rare opportunity, would be a great pity.

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