
The Legend of Seven Realms

The immortals of gods and Buddhas, demons and monsters, myriad beasts gathered together, righteousness against evil, who is right, who is wrong, who can see through?

linzhang190 · ファンタジー
142 Chs

Chapter 41: Five-Colored Immortal Orchid

Silence prevailed in the cave, undisturbed by any sound. All eyes were fixed on the movements of the mysterious flower, sensing the imminent moment when a surge of five-colored radiance would engulf them. Each person prepared themselves for what was to come.

In the cave, the milky liquid in the mysterious pool gently rippled, with countless hues shimmering in the water. The five-colored radiance revolving around the Immortal Orchid increased its speed, casting a brilliant and dazzling glow throughout the cave. The eight mythical beasts surrounding the pool, part of the "Eight Beast Hunting Immortal Array," began to rotate faster. As their speed intensified, the eight creatures merged into a radiant halo, transforming into a multicolored brilliance.

Outside the array, members of different factions gathered, closely observing the mystical events surrounding the Immortal Orchid and the enigmatic array. Seventh Xuan True Man spoke, "Chief Changchun, do you have any means to break the Eight Beast Hunting Immortal Array? If we can't crack this mystical formation, we might have to watch the Immortal Orchid without being able to obtain it."

Li Changchun's expression changed slightly. He looked at No Heart beside him and said, "Encountering this array is urgent, and there's no time to analyze its characteristics thoroughly. At the moment, I'm at a loss. Do you have any ideas, fellow Daoist?" He glanced at Seventh Xuan and Xuan Yu True Men, his eyes showing a hint of anticipation.

Seventh Xuan True Man shook his head slightly, "I was hoping Chief Changchun's extensive knowledge might provide a solution. If you can't figure it out, we're left with no alternatives. Currently, our only hope is to see if the array breaks when the Immortal Orchid ascends. If it doesn't, we can only watch without any chance of success."

Xuan Yu True Man added, "If we concentrate our efforts, we might forcefully break through the array. However, the beneficiaries might be the three creatures on the opposite side rather than us. That's not what we want."

Just then, the Immortal Orchid underwent a sudden change. The entire cave was filled with vibrant colors as the flower, which had been stationary, started spinning rapidly in the opposite direction. The five-colored radiance revolving around the orchid intensified, creating a dazzling display of lights throughout the cave. The ground trembled violently, and debris fell as if the entire mountain was shaking.

A tremendous explosion resounded as the cave experienced a violent shock. All the factions' members stared in astonishment as the Immortal Orchid pierced through the ground, creating a three-yard-wide passage that led straight to the sky. Sunlight poured in, creating a peculiar and beautiful spectacle in the heavens.

On the Summit of Immortal Ascension, a column of light shot up into the sky. The five-colored radiance pierced through the blazing sun, forming a spectacular scene that astonished the entire cultivation world. On Tai Xuan Mountain, everyone sensed the anomaly and rushed to the Summit of Immortal Ascension, gazing in amazement at the mysterious column of light.

Inside the cave, the ground shook violently before gradually returning to calm. At this moment, the black lotus, the ghost, and the dark orchid emitted strange sounds in mid-air, seemingly calling for something. High-level cultivators from various factions stood stupefied, their attention captured by the unexpected turn of events. They could hardly believe that the Immortal Orchid possessed such incredible power, creating a passage with a diameter of three yards beneath hundreds of feet of solid ground.

Landscapes eyes became serious, shimmering with a strange light as his mental waves analyzed the vulnerabilities of the "Eight Beast Hunting Immortal Array," attempting to find a method to break or penetrate it. Feeling the urgency of time, he increased the frequency of his mental waves to over two hundred thousand times per instant.

Meanwhile, No Heart's figure dimmed and instantly appeared outside the five-colored barrier. However, he was immediately repelled by the mystical formation. No Heart snorted coldly, his figure spreading across the entire mountain like a shadow with the "Shadow Flowing Light" technique. He forcefully charged towards the "Eight Beast Hunting Immortal Array."

A loud bang echoed through the cave, shaking the entire mountain. The spectators, including Seventh Xuan True Man and Xuan Yu True Man, exchanged glances with Li Changchun. Displeasure was evident in their eyes, clearly unhappy with Li Changchun's failure to restrain No Heart's actions. On the side, Ben Yi, Proud Snow, and Azure Moon silently watched the luminous pillar, pondering the events about to unfold. The Dark Immortal, Ghost Immortal, and Black Lotus seemed anxious, as if sensing that time was running out and they needed to act quickly.

Landscapes glanced at Azure Moon, noticing that she had left Proud Snow's embrace and was now standing quietly beside her. She was observing the mystical pillar of light, causing Landscapes to feel a slight sense of relief. Observing the multitude of shadowy figures surrounding the cave, Landscapes snorted. Despite No Heart's swift movements, Landscapes could discern his every trajectory, thanks to the rapid frequency of his mental waves. 

At that moment, the cave once again experienced a surge of brilliance. The Immortal Orchid, now detached from the stem, ascended while radiating a brilliant light. The five-colored radiance surrounding it was absorbed into its body, causing the brilliance to burst forth. The entire Tai Xuan Mountain was filled with the intense radiance, creating an awe-inspiring scene.

In the cave, the Dark Immortal, Ghost Immortal, and Black Lotus simultaneously roared. The three shadows violently charged toward the five-colored barrier formed by the array. Simultaneously, in mid-air, No Heart, after being repelled countless times, was once again ejected by the formidable array. At the same time, Li Changchun's figure flashed, grabbing No Heart and shouting, "Charging recklessly won't work. Let's go up. Hurry!" With that, his figure disappeared in the air.

七玄 True Person and Xuan Yu True Person's faces changed simultaneously, and they exclaimed, "Let's go, everyone, leave this place and go to the surface to figure out a solution." With that, the two of them, along with Ben Yi, disappeared from sight. Now, the cave was left with Cang Yue, Ao Xue, and Lu Yun, along with the three demonic creatures.

At this moment, the Eight Beast Hunting Immortal Array shimmered, instantly repelling the three demonic creatures attempting to break through. Seeing that the cave was now only occupied by Lu Yun and the two women, the demonic creatures understood what was happening. The Demon Immortal, upon realizing the situation, vanished into thin air. The Black Lotus and Ghost Immortal also emitted strange sounds, then quickly disappeared.

Cang Yue looked at Lu Yun and whispered, "Let's go, staying here won't help." Ao Xue glanced at Cang Yue, her eyes revealing a strange light. After looking at Lu Yun, she said, "Cang Yue is right, let's leave. There's nothing left for us here."

Lu Yun gazed at the mysterious formation, focusing on the pool inside. He sensed a powerful aura hidden within, and a thought suddenly occurred to him. Although the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid was filled with mystical energy, the pool still contained abundant spiritual energy. Could it be that this pool harbored a substantial amount of spiritual essence?

After giving a brief glance to the two women, whose enchanting figures stood side by side like celestial maidens, Lu Yun sighed. The two of them were exceptionally beautiful, and there probably wouldn't be a third pair of such beauties in the entire world. With a leap, Lu Yun landed in front of them, took their hands simultaneously, and with a peculiar light in his eyes, softly said, "Now, if we leave the cave, it's already too late. Relax your bodies and minds, don't think about anything. I'll take you through this mysterious formation directly into the pool." Finishing his words, he used both hands to grasp their captivating jade hands and, with a mysterious light in his eyes, shot towards the radiant barrier.

In mid-air, Lu Yun, holding the two women, adjusted the frequency of a true energy wave to match that of the barrier. The radiant light flickered, and the three of them instantly traversed the mystical formation, arriving above the pool.

Cang Yue and Ao Xue exchanged glances, their eyes showing astonishment. Lu Yun, in their hearts, carried too much mystery and unresolved questions. Crossing this formation was something even the head of the most prominent sect, Li Changchun, couldn't accomplish. Yet Lu Yun had done it, leaving the two women surprised and shocked.

Lu Yun looked down, and his gaze fell on the pool. He sensed a powerful aura emanating from it, making him think of something. Although the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid was magical, it was nurtured by the spiritual essence in this pool. The water inside, though the pool hadn't dried up yet, likely contained a vast amount of spiritual essence.

Glancing at the two women, Lu Yun softly said, "Now, time is of the essence. You two ascend with all your might. Ensure you obtain the mystical Five-Colored Immortal Orchid quickly. Go, I'll join you shortly." After finishing his words, he exerted force with both hands, forcefully propelling the women upwards. After giving them a brief look, Lu Yun softly said, "I hope you won't let my good intentions go to waste. Good luck."

In mid-air, both women simultaneously lowered their heads, catching sight of Lu Yun's blessing. An indescribable sense of gratitude welled up in their hearts. Seeing Ao Xue looking at her, Ao Xue couldn't help but smile, gently holding her hand. Cang Yue, feeling Ao Xue's friendly gesture, nodded slightly, looked at the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid above, and gestured to work together with determination.

Below them, Lu Yun, in an instant, grabbed the pool's entire liquid using a powerful force. The milky-white liquid covered his entire body, and the small pool instantly dried up. Lu Yun's entire body emitted radiance as he utilized the "Unity of Ten Thousand Realms," creating a colorful sphere within the now empty pool. Countless streams of five-colored radiance filled the surroundings, forming a radiant sphere that enveloped him, and he absorbed the abundant spiritual energy, rapidly drawing it into his body. The sphere of colored radiance burst tenfold for an instant, overpowering all the surrounding radiance. However, this powerful radiance lasted only a moment.

Lu Yun, hovering in mid-air, had a proud smile on his face as he gazed at the mysterious "Eight Beast Hunting Immortal Array," quietly looking towards the sky. Glancing upwards, his eyes revealed a hint of dominance, and a faint seven-colored radiance flowed around his body. With a light smile, Lu Yun's figure disappeared without a trace.

Ao Xue and Cang Yue increased their speed to the maximum, quickly catching up to the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid. However, when they approached, an immensely powerful force immediately repelled them, preventing them from getting any closer. Ao Xue looked at Cang Yue and said, "Be careful. This Five-Colored Immortal Orchid is mysterious. It seems we can't force our way through. We need to think of another way."

Cang Yue looked around and noticed that the five-colored radiance pillar suddenly disappeared. They had already emerged from the ground and were now a hundred meters above the surface. Looking down, the entire summit of the Sending Immortal Peak was filled with all the experts from the six sects. Everyone was astonished, gazing at the celestial phenomenon above. Suddenly, several beams of light flashed, and the heads of the six sects simultaneously appeared in mid-air. They were approaching the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid. Additionally, among them were Ben Yi from the Bodhi Academy, Wu Wang from Dao Garden, Swordless from Heaven Sword Academy, Lin Yun Feng from the Change Garden, and Bi Tian from the Confucian Garden. Including Cang Yue and Ao Xue, a total of fourteen experts gathered in the sky.

Just as these fourteen individuals appeared, three dark shadows flashed in the sky. The Demon Immortal, Ghost Immortal, and Black Lotus simultaneously emerged and swiftly rushed toward the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid. Their speed was much faster than the experts from the six sects.

Seeing the three demonic creatures, Li Changchun's eyes showed a hint of coldness. After scanning a glance at Wu Xin, he immediately moved away, saying to everyone, "Be careful. The Five-Colored Immortal Orchid is the most mystical object in the world and is a treasure of our cultivation world. We must not let these demonic creatures seize it. Now, five sect leaders and I will first join forces to drive away these demons. Other sects should figure out how to trap the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid. After we drive away the demons, we will collectively find a solution to this matter." After speaking, his entire body burst with purple light, rushing toward the Demon Immortal and blocking its path.

Hearing his words, the other five sect leaders' expressions changed slightly, secretly cursing Li

 Changchun's cunning. Although they understood his intentions, he created a perfect excuse for the five sects to monopolize the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid. The so-called prevention of demonic creatures was just an excuse to delay the other sects.

Although the five sect leaders were aware of Li Changchun's intentions, they couldn't refuse openly because of the perfectly reasonable excuse he provided. At this moment, the five of them, with resentment in their hearts, had no choice but to confront the three demonic creatures.

In the sky, not to mention the battle between the six sect leaders and the three demonic creatures, let's focus on the eight disciples of the six sects. Each one of them, with full force, approached the mysterious Five-Colored Immortal Orchid, trying to seize the opportunity. However, being from the same sect and all belonging to the righteous path, no one spoke up, silently and independently acting to achieve their own goals.

Under the scorching sun, the dazzling radiance from the sky enveloped the miraculous Five-Colored Immortal Orchid. In mid-air, the Demon Immortal, Ghost Immortal, and Black Lotus roared furiously, evidently angered by the interference of the six sect leaders. However, the six sect leaders were powerful cultivators, renowned in the cultivation world, and the demonic creatures couldn't easily break through their defenses. In their voices of anger, there was also a sense of helplessness.

Among the eight disciples of the six sects, the most powerful were Swordless and Jian Wuchen from Heaven Sword Academy. At this moment, Jian Wuchen's figure faded in mid-air, appearing next to the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid, six feet away on its left. In an instant, he bypassed the other seven disciples. Jian Wuchen's eyes sparkled, and his right hand swiftly reached towards the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid. It seemed like he was about to grasp the orchid, but suddenly, he let out a strange cry, his body trembling, and was instantly repelled. Jian Wuchen was sent flying, and Swordless, Ben Yi, Wu Wang, Lin Yun Feng, and Bi Tian almost simultaneously arrived, reaching out to seize the opportunity. However, as their hands approached the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid, a powerful force immediately bounced them away.

Ao Xue and Cang Yue exchanged glances, realizing that there was a formidable barrier around the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid. Without breaking through this barrier, obtaining the orchid would be impossible. They also observed that the radiant pillar of five colors suddenly disappeared. They had emerged from the ground, now a hundred meters above the surface. Looking down, they saw the entire summit of the Sending Immortal Peak filled with experts from the six sects. Everyone was astonished, gazing at the celestial phenomenon above. Several beams of light flashed, and the heads of the six sects appeared simultaneously, approaching the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid. Among them were Ben Yi, Wu Wang, Swordless, Lin Yun Feng, and Bi Tian, along with Cang Yue and Ao Xue, making a total of fourteen experts gathered in the sky.

Just as these fourteen individuals appeared, three dark shadows flashed in the sky. The Demon Immortal, Ghost Immortal, and Black Lotus rushed towards the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid. Li Changchun's eyes showed a hint of coldness, and he immediately moved away, saying, "Be careful. The Five-Colored Immortal Orchid is the most mystical object in the world, a treasure of our cultivation world. We must not let these demonic creatures seize it. Now, five sect leaders and I will first join forces to drive away these demons. Other sects should figure out how to trap the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid. After we drive away the demons, we will collectively find a solution to this matter."

Although the other sect leaders understood Li Changchun's intentions, they couldn't openly refuse due to the reasonable excuse he provided. The five sect leaders reluctantly confronted the three demonic creatures.

In the sky, the battle between the six sect leaders and the demonic creatures unfolded, but let's focus on the eight disciples of the six sects. The most powerful among them, Jian Wuchen, suddenly appeared next to the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid, attempting to seize it. However, a mysterious force repelled him, and others followed suit, but none could get close.

Ao Xue and Cang Yue understood that a powerful barrier surrounded the orchid. As they pondered the situation, they noticed the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid accelerating its ascent. They wondered why it continued to rise.

Cang Yue speculated, "Perhaps, like cultivators, this Five-Colored Immortal Orchid is reaching enlightenment and ascending to immortality. Otherwise, why would it keep rising?" This idea resonated with Ao Xue and made them think about the possibility.

Suddenly, a burst of colorful radiance filled the sky as Jian Wuchen's Divine Sword struck the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid. A dazzling light overshadowed the sun, and a muffled sound followed by gasps erupted. Jian Wuchen, along with his sword, was forcefully repelled, and though the barrier wasn't breached, the protective field around the orchid suffered damage.

At the same time, a purplish light emanated from the hands of No Mind, enveloping the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid. No Mind's entire being radiated with this mysterious dark purple light, revealing a strange and powerful aura. As No Mind struggled against the orchid, the five disciples, including Cloud Maple, rushed forward, attempting to stop him. However, they were met with the sudden appearance of five colorful dragon-like entities, forcing them to retreat.

Seeing No Mind being pushed back, coughing up blood, and the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid accelerating its ascent, the group felt a surge of joy. It seemed that they had given up on obtaining the orchid at this moment.

As the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid continued to rise, a sudden ominous aura filled the atmosphere. A dark, black cloud appeared in the sky, covering half of it without any warning.

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