
The Last Stand [The DnD Story.]

A story set in a fantasy, medieval world, with a the supernatural, natural, hope you all enjoy and please write some reviews! Credits to J_Void (names were originally in his campaign, players decided to use them in this one)

MrNightingale · ファンタジー
5 Chs


With the ceremony over and a few weeks have passed, they have all really focused on learning how to use their path, and how to save people, as that for Venerum and Heizenburg, they plan to take the knight course and join, training together, Heizenburg figures out that, his path goes into 3 abilities of some sort, hes still not sure on how to activate it on command but, one time he was testing with Venerum, the wheel starting to spin, landing on a red gem tipped wheel, as for the rest of the it, was blank in a white gem looks. When the wheel stopped, he felt a urge of power rush through his inner core as he punches a walk, cracking it with minor damage to his fists, Venerum on the other hand, he had figured out by just rubbing his hands together, fire emerges from the warmth of his hands. With no effect to him, he could cover his hand in fire and hold meat and cook it or start a fire in an instant, Venerum didn't see much use at the time, now going to the Sora, his plan was to go into the chemistry side of magic, to try optimize his use of his path, it which can summon potions stored inside of the marking, and most likely possible to throw it far distances from just summoning. With the other side of his power, it seemed he could enhance one things abilities just be touching it, but yet has no control over what seemed useful ability, and with that, his study mate, Silver, definitely trying to score that apprenticeship, he focused on his abilities a bit more, see Silver since he was born had a gift for magic, unlike many others, but he always had a keen eye to protect animals from whom might hurt them. With that Silver tests his abilities, which includes, the summoning of animals, and what seemed unlimited, a storage bag, for what it seems, which he thought was a neat party trick. With the months going past, exam day was closer than they thought with Sora and Silver, studying, and Heizenburg and Venerum, they train physically for the conditions in the test, but just before they knew what happened, exam day was already here. Silver stumbling with his papers and Venerum quick on his feet, the countdown begin with Venerum running along a brick wall. As for the test for apprentices, Sora is absolutely blasting through the numeracy questions but a little stuck on the magic writing, but quite the opposite with Silver, as he struggles a bit on the numeracy side but not so much with the magic writing. With the noise of heavy breathing and footsteps, Venerum and Heizenburg just barely dodge the swinging log, as sweat drips down their face, they finally see the end, with only a couple of courses to go, Venerum narrowly dodges the spikes that shoot through the roof, "Cmon Heizenburg!" as his cheering slowly stops from the roaring echoes throughout his ear. He turns around to see a raging beast, talons, larger than anything then he has witnessed, with teeth sharper than any razor, as Venerum freezes, making have flash backs, he sees, remembers, the night his parents were slaughtered, in the middle of the night, walking back from the movies, he sees a pair of red eyes glow in the emptiness of the dark, with growling. Venerums parents step forward protecting Venerum, but as the growling stops, silence surrounds the void as the splash of blood hits Venerums face, his eyes widen as a gust of wind blows on his face, with a spike slicing the two in half, as he returns to reality with Heizenbrug shaking him "MOVE MOVE!!" reacting he moves out the way, as a spike slashes towards him, barely dodging. As he looks at the monster in front of him his face changes, "Damn. you." as his hands begin to glow red, slowly merging to his arms and with a glow in his eyes he starts to flame up, with the noise of air swirling, and the temperature rising, flames blast by submerging the creature, burning it to ash, with Venerum forming from it on the other side, completing the test. Heizenburg shocked, he walks to the end, "well crap" very surprised, as they all complete their tests, now they await results.