
The Last Stand [The DnD Story.]

A story set in a fantasy, medieval world, with a the supernatural, natural, hope you all enjoy and please write some reviews! Credits to J_Void (names were originally in his campaign, players decided to use them in this one)

MrNightingale · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Kingdom Of Avalon

"You are God?" Sora asked."Well, not literally, I guess. My name is Eon," he responded with a smile. The group nodded cautiously. "I have brought you all here for a reason—to enroll you in our school. Allegedly, we have the best program," he continued, his smile broadening. They were all suspicious at first, but their doubts began to fade as they were warmly welcomed into the dorms where they would be staying."Feel free to roam the city. Classes start tomorrow," Eon said, handing them their schedules before walking off."I guess we found a city," Venerum sighed with relief, sitting on his bed."Finally!" Silver exclaimed, lying down on his bed with excitement. They all chatted as the day turned to night, marking the end of their first day.The next morning, as the birds chirped and the villagers bustled about, a knock echoed through their dorm. Being a morning person, Sora opened the door to find Eon standing there with a cheerful smile. "Wakey wakey, it's your first day at the magic academy!"Unlike Sora, Silver was not a morning person. He groaned as he rolled out of bed, reluctant to move. Nonetheless, they all got dressed and ready for the day. They headed to a spacious room filled with books, where Eon began his lesson."This city stands on what was once a great battlefield," Eon began. "I fought in what we call the Great Heavenly War. After the war ended, I used the magic I had left, along with the life essence of the fallen, to create the trees, grass, walls, and the core that powers this city. Even in death, my comrades continue to protect us every day."As Eon delved deeper into the lesson, he explained, "There are three realms we abide by: the Ethereal Realm, or the Spirit Realm; the Magic Realm, where all magic is created and used; and finally, the Life Force, or Ki."He paused before continuing, "I have mastered all three realms. When one achieves this, they are gifted a Path, a sacred key to an infinite power source." Eon opened his palm, revealing a marking—a plus symbol. He placed a coin in his hand, closed it, and then opened it to reveal two coins.The students watched in awe as Eon demonstrated his mastery, the marking glowing faintly as he held the coins. The room was silent, captivated by the display of power and the promise of what they might learn in this extraordinary academy. With the lesson ended, everyone was left intrigued, with the days going past and knowledge flowing through, everyone was studying diligently, a year goes past, with a lot of changes, with trumpets and clapping, shoes step on the green royal rug, that belongs to our fellow adventurers, "welcome everyone, thank you for coming to this graduation of our students, we are so very proud of them, so lets give them a round of applause. Venerum Amare!" as he shouts the name Venerum shoots up and stands proud, taking a few steps up to the pulpit. "Venerum Amare is one of our most active students to this day, not only strong but smart. " as Eon pats his shoulder he brings out a book "this book has been here since the beginning of this great city, this book represents hope, power and concentration, I am very proud to give Venerum Amare , a gift." as he slowly opens the book his sight heeds on Venerum "Now by the power up held by me, i gift you, gods destiny." The book starts to glow red as Venerum flinches from what seems to be inflicted pain, the light slowly fades as a marking appears on the palm of his hands. As he looks, there lies a match and a match box, "the symbol of the hellish wraith, Wonderful." as a round of applause is heard once again, Venerum walks back to his seat "now then for our most gifted of the smarts is "Sora! he achieved near all excellence in both magic and chemistry, how wonderful!" followed along with a clap of hands, Sora rises to the pulpit, doing the same actions before, the books glows green, as with the flinch once again, opening his palm, the marking of an arrow climbs up his hand to his middle finger, as the other hand simultaneously starts to burn, with a marking of a potion bottle, Eon holds his wrists "i see, the enchanter and user of the infinite elixer." as round of hands clap. "Now for one of our most determined student and most egoistic, here comes Heizenburg Tempest!" as he walks to the pulpit he awaits his gift, placing his hand upon the book, the book turns purple with the haze of green, his hand flinched back for a moment as his hand revealed a marking of a wheel of some kind, Heizenburg reacts "what the hell is that!" Eon for a moment looks at the marking "Its the wheel of power, lucky!" as claps fill the room, "And now for one our unique students, Silver! with a score of near perfect of bestiary , what a great soul!" with more claps follow. Silver thinks to himself "is it gonna hurt?" as he slowly reaches over to the book, with the emitting ,yellow light, silver laughs to the burn of the book, tickling his palm, he looks over to see a paw type shape and the other hand with a bag outline. "wow how lucky, the legendary tame caller and the infinite storage, Before we let you go, its only fair to pick a starter pokemon- animal" as a wolf, a bear and a lizard emerges from the ground, Silver stuck on the choices, he looks at the wolf, and something snapped, an instant connection. "id like the wolf please!" he states, "of course." Eon responds as the symbol begins to glow, same with the wolfs eyes "perfect, its a bond" Eon smiles hazely, they go to sit down, "now with all that sorted, graduated students can either go for magic apprenticeships or the holy knight academy, Fair well students and safe travels"