
The last dreadnaut

Eve is a simple girl that lives in a remote village. called Num one day she is playing in the nearby woods while picking up her ball she meets a man named soma who see's her potential and teachs her the basics of energy manipulation later her village is attacked by a group of scientist using enhanced soldiers to abduct the village's they beleive to have potential for they're experiments. this is where eve's story begind!.

7Virtues · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Eve's Adventure begins

as eve finished gettin ready for the adventurers prep school she packed her clothes and some essential's as well as some training gear and a special blade

this blade was like a katana but instead of a single blade it had two blades coming from the hilt giving it the vistage of two fangs it has a unique color as it glows white maganta this is in fact Eve's fang blade after completing her basi sword mastery she was able to use her fang blade and its a unique Varient zero explained that this was from her unique pedigree or it could be a recessive trait that mutated as her energy pathways are unique do to her heritage and rare physique. in this time Eve decides to check her stats

Name:Eve ******** Age: 14

Race: Dreadnaut/Tettrarouge

Class: electric seraph

lv 10 exp 0/100

Hp 2050

Mp 2045

vitality : 105

strength : 120

Dexterity : 100

intelligence : 100

luck : 7

Skills: passives :

Supercell compression

Extreme energy manipulation

max Accelerated learning

great Reverse Phoenix body

sword mastery basic

Fang Blade mastery basic

Augmer mastery basic

enhanced eletric energy/photon. mastery basic

Actives: knowledge absorption lv7

Throwing lv10

accelerated move lv 11

summon Fang blade lv 8

summon Augmere lv 1

Photon shot lv10

photon Barrier lv10

eve was excited because she practiced diligently in these years her stats and skills all had amazing grownth however this is to be expected as long as one practices diligently certain skills can be trained and skill level can be increased her lv hasn't changed much because she hasn't fought since the Helix incident her level only increased after she destroyed the Helix soldiers and from the assist damage she had inflicted on garic before her now aunt Elisa who had taken the kill shot basically power leveled her from lv5 to lv10. Eve's level was normal only her skills and stats where abnormal. knowing this zero said it was fine that her stat growth could be explained by her unique physique and she could simply tell people that to cover the fact that she was experimented on it was common knowledge that ones stats and growth can be influenced by one's physique and if they have a growth type skill. since that was the case they don't have to worry about anyone targeting eve for her rare physique unless sone scientist from an organization was stupid enough to approach her he simply laughed since no one was that stupid since the helix incedent all country's and major power's where put on high alert when it comes to shadow organizations and they're activities... eve understood this nd simply nodded at the time eve was heading to adventurers prep school. it was explained that she could get a adventurers permit and take missions from F to E Rank while in the prep school which lasts for about two years afterwards she could then apply for an official. license which would show proof of being an official adventurer and double as I.D. once eve is ready she heads downstairs zero arranged for a transport to take then to a city in Beastmen country of Altier where has a job to do there has arranged for a home for him and eve he said he doesn't want her in the dorms because he was worried and that any house he owns is built like a small fortress his new job would perfectly coincide with the Prep schools schedule allowing him to drop and pick eve up if she wanted him to he said she could hang back and give him a call if she made friends and wanted to hangout so she nodded and let him know she would do just that he also made it clear that she could tell him if she had problems or any difficulties eve smiled and said i know Zer-Fatherm i promise i will do everything you instructed me to do. zero was smiling inside it took a few years but gradually eve started to call him as father rather then by name though occasionally she still has a hard time. Eve returned his smile she said I'm fine with calling you father its just a bit awkward because of how used to i am calling you by name but im getting better at it she said proudly zero laughed a bit and said you can call me ethier way only if you trully feel it and are comfortable in doing so but i am very happy you feel so strongly sweetie. Eve blushed a bit from freeling flustered she still at times couldn't accept she was out of that hell hole of a lab only things that made it barable was Zero and Berclai otherwise she might have lost her mind or died a long time ago. she smiled at zero's term of endearment she said something she was trying to say for awhile now and decides she will not only say it but will show it today!. as she got down stairs she saw zero checking all the essentials for they're travel to ghe new city she smiled and snucked up to zero. Zero heard Eve's soft footsteps and smiled when they became almost non existent he pretended not to hear her and was busy sorting the studf they will take on they're travels when suddenly her arms went around his waist and he felt her head rest on his back zero stiffened in surprise eve leaned forward to wisper in his ear good morning father i love you .

zero relaxed and laughed he was expecting a sneak attack he got one alright just not what he expected he turned around carefully to receprocate Eve's hug and said good morning sweetie i love you too but you really shouldn't give your father that kind of hug Eve's smile turned to a frown then a pout did i do something wrong ? zero almost laughed at her sudden change in expression no you didn't its just that kind of hug is meant for a boyfriend or girlfriend not a family member he said while scratching the back of his head eve oh.... Ohhhhh ... but Aunt Elise said this kinda hug makes all men the happiest zero frowned and did a mental facepalm. i see zero made a mental note to give Elise a piece of his mind for the prank she played on Eve's and said instead i think your aunt might have been confused or something when she told you that this is how you give a proper hug he hugged eve and wrapped his arms around her back and said i love you sweetie eve snuggled into the crook of zero's neck and wrapped her arms around his back returning his gesture and said alittle awkwardly i love you to f-father zero smiled a bit and soon let eve go thats how you do a proper hugg now lets eat some breakfast before we leave for Altier..