
The last dreadnaut

Eve is a simple girl that lives in a remote village. called Num one day she is playing in the nearby woods while picking up her ball she meets a man named soma who see's her potential and teachs her the basics of energy manipulation later her village is attacked by a group of scientist using enhanced soldiers to abduct the village's they beleive to have potential for they're experiments. this is where eve's story begind!.

7Virtues · Fantasy
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Shadows Behind Helix.

after the helix society incident a man sat in a study viewing a mirror that was surounded by a obsidian mela with purple trimmings this man was looking through the mirror at what seemed to be recordings of experiments from helix society he watched Seraph-009's experiments as well as the raid by the x clan this man was a refined castellian with long silver abd black hair with a refined face and eyes as black as onyx and a athletic body he was 5"9 he said although helix society was partially. successful it was also a failure only reason there was any success was from that famous Zero the so called x clans greatest toy soldier and one of they're lead scientist's.... the man clasped his hands behind his back he made some motions that caused the mirror to shift to show footage of Seraph-009 fighting helix augmented soldiers the energy spheres she released where very impressive not many can create energy with such density let alone shock all those soldiers into submission. this man was perplexed as he saw her unleash a stream of bluish white electric energy that not only finished most of the group but paralyzed most of them not only that he wondered how such a small body could contain that much power ..... he had assumed the report on Seraph-009 stat chart that the skill list was intentionally left blank obviously he was correct he smiles as he looked at Seraph-009 until zero and his group rushed in and that idiot Garcai injectes himself with that unstable syrum the man grimaced as he told him demons blood could be extremely volatile when mixed in an augmentation syrum he knew Garcai was a fool he treated his experiments without care its no wonder he had so many failures even without the sabotaged one's he watched as this same idiot grabbed Seraph-009 by her neck and practically strong armed her as her aura was over powered by garcai's enhanced aura if he had known about Seraph-009 right away he wouldn't of wasted any time as she was the subject he has been looking for he could use her unique physique to complete his experiments and obtain a perfect body ... now it was too late she was well protected by the same clan that had ended his ambitions during the great conflict lord Riedo would rise again and he would have his revenge he smiled while looking at the frozen picture of Seraph-009 if only those fools trully knew what they had hahaha.. lord Riedo started caughing as his exertnal energy started to run rampant he caughes up blood as years ago when he was in the middle of a ritual to absorb the essence of an Espherion he was interrupted part way the backlash left his external pathways in turmoil causing him to occasionally have episodes where his energy would run rampant he is forced to take a vial of pure pheonix essence to stabilize and ward of these episodes ... one day i will have my revenge mark my words Doctor X you who cost me my godhood on that day.