
Its more fun to die without knowing~

Harry said "We need to find Rowena Ravenclaw." Cross laughed and said "Would you like me to send you to the afterlife to find her?" Hermione said "Harry said Rowena Ravenclaw in a vision, there must be a Horcrux in the castle."

Luna chimed in "How about Rowena's Diadem?" Ron sighed and said "Here we go.." Cross smiled and sipped his tea, as the rest watched him. He was currently teaching a class, when they barged in. The first years started whispering "Is that Harry Potter? He knows teacher?"

Cross chuckled and said "Relax you all, turn to page 67 in your books." as he got his puppets and said to Harry "I don't know if her Diadem is a Horcrux, but if you're looking for something, your best bet is the Room of Requirement. Though I should warn you, spells like Accio Horcrux or whatever, don't work in there and it's a giant mess."

Before turning to the first years and controlling the puppets as he said "Today, we'll be continuing where we left off, grab your quills. The Imp was travelling through the forest..." while moving several puppets at once creating a story with them.

Luna smiled and rubbed her stomach on the side, she had a free period right now. The other three watched in awe, Ron chimed "If our class was like this, I reckon I would've got a O+ in it." Harry nodded and said "He's pretty good." Hermione added "He's wonderful..." after which a sad glare was sent to Luna, who spat out her tongue and flipped her off.

Hermione snorted and dragged Harry and Ron away, going to search for the Diadem. Apparently they weren't the only ones.

A while later

The whole school heard McGonagall's voice say "Everyone in the Great hall! Immediately!"

A few minutes later

Cross was sitting in the great hall as McGonagall looked nervous. Cross looked at all the students and McGonagall said "Things are very dangerous, I've heard that Death Eaters have surrounded the perimeter!" The teachers gasped and Cross stood up, walked to the podium and stopped in front of it.

He smiled to McGonagall and said "Let me handle this." before chuckling and turning to the students. McGonagall had a bad feeling and it turned out to be right.

Cross grinned maliciously and said "Seems we have a few snakes surrounding Hogwarts. Voldemort is here to kill you all." McGonagall slapped her forehead, completely speechless.

The students started freaking out and Cross shouted "QUIET!" The students froze and looked at him, Cross laughed and said "En. Much better, you're little freak out session is annoying. Listen carefully to what I'm about to say. Harry, Ron, Hermione, are they here?"

Harry stepped out and the Great Hall doors opened to reveal the Order with the Weasley's there as well, all of them.

Cross chuckled and said "Draco, come here!" Draco popped into existence next to him and Cross smiled "Stay with me, so I don't accidentally kill your parents." Draco nodded and Harry said "But he's-" Cross interrupted "I know what he is, but he's still a student is he not? Plus from my own house no less. 10,000 points from Slytherin."

Harry slapped his forehead and Ron said "Mate! They'll never come back from that!" Hermione slapped him and said "Idiot! That's not the point!" Cross coughed and raised his hand as he said "Where are the little monsters, I trained?"

The students stepped forward and Cross laughed as he said "Seamus, Neville, go blow up the back entrance. The rest of you, prepare yourselves, you'll be fighting on the front lines with the Order and the Professors..."

A voice sounded at this moment "Give me Harry Potter and you'll all live..." Cross laughed and said out loud "Tommy boy~ I'm coming for yoooooou~ Hehehehehe" the students were aghast and the voice turned venomous as he said "You! I'll grind you bones to dust!"

Cross burst out laughing and said "Just wait for me. You won't live after today, I promise." he chuckled and looked at Harry as he said "Do you trust me?" Harry nodded and Cross grinned as he said "Tommy boy, I'll give you Potter. Meet me in the courtyard at the front of the school."

The students were shocked and Cross said "The rest of you will prepare to get blood on your hands. Barrier? What barrier? He should be afraid of you, not the other way around!" before teleporting in front of Harry and grabbing him with a grin as he teleported away.

The students and the order immediately ran to the courtyard.

Cross was standing there with Harry, who said "You have a plan?" Cross nodded and said "You have to die." Harry said "What?!" Cross smiled and said "Remember what I told you at Gringotts? You are the Final Horcrux, Harry."

Harry's eyes widened and Cross touched his scar as he said "An accident, but nonetheless, still a Horcrux. Why do you think you know Parseltongue? Or you have such a connection to Riddle? Fortunately he doesn't even know himself."

Harry sighed and said "Then let's die." Cross grinned and slapped his back as he said "That's the spirit!" just as he finished Voldemort appeared and said "You brought him?!" Cross smiled and said "Do I look like a liar?"

Voldemort said "I suppose not..." the rest of the students showed up as Voldemort flicked his wand and said "Avada Kadavra!" Hermione shouted "No!" as Cross pushed Harry into the green beam. The green beam smashed into him and Harry fell to the ground.

Voldemort was shocked that he had actually succeeded, then he started laughing loudly and mockingly. The students started crying and Ron shouted "Bloody good friend you are mate!" Hermione shouted "Why did you let him kill Harry!?"

Cross laughed and said "Why do I have to explain myself to you? I think you're forgetting who I am!" as his pressure slammed against Ron and Hermione as he added "I can do what I want, I don't need to explain anything to you. Maybe you should focus on the upcoming fight, unless you want to die."

Voldemort laughed and said "Of course, you'll all die as well~" Cross smiled and said "Did you think, I brought him here for you to leave?" Voldemort was confused and Cross said "Alright, get up. Is the floor very nice? Do you like having people think you're dead?"

Harry got up and rubbed his nose saying "You could have told me." Cross chuckled "Isn't it more fun this way?" Harry chuckled and the rest of the people there were stunned and confused. Voldemort shouted "WHAT!?"

Cross laughed and said "You're as stupid as ever, Tom. You just killed the potion of your own soul inside Harry. What kind of Wizard doesn't know when he makes a Horcrux? Moron! Though, I shouldn't be surprised, you came to your death with a big smile on your face."

Harry backed off and Cross smirked as he said "I guess I'll take the lead~" he touched the ground and laughed "String world!" the whole courtyard, the pillars and buildings around it, turned into string and Cross giggled like a mad man and said "Come on then, Tom. I'll play with you for a while~" as the strings turned to spikes and shot towards him as an incredibly fast rate.

Voldemort jumped back before apparating away, Cross said "Find the last Horcrux and kill it..." he licked his lips and said "I'll distract Tommy boy." before jumping into the air, landing on a string and 'flying' after Voldemort.

The courtyard went back to normal and Harry said "Fuck that was cool!" the students watched Cross leave and the first year, Claire shouted excitedly "Professor Cross is so cool!" the students cheered after that, before Luna hummed and Blue, Grey, White, Carl, Selena, Buckbeak, and Red came out of the bag.

They all grew and latched onto the buildings of Hogwarts roaring menacingly at the incoming Death Eaters. The students that were trained by Cross were led by Ginny, who shouted "Well?! Do you want to let Professor Cross down?!" the rest got angry and shouted "NO!" Ginny shouted "Then let's slaughter these Death Fools!"

The students cheered and some transformed into their animal forms while the rest charged towards the Death Eaters, throwing Avada Kadavra spells and catching the Death Eaters by surprise.

McGonagall was completely shocked and Sirius said "Oh! That kid trained them well. They're even getting my blood pumping!" as he transformed and joined the fight, the rest of the Order followed along.

The Professors and the rest of the younger students were left, along with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Harry said "Professors keep the rest safe, we will look for the final Horcrux." before leaving with the other two.

McGonagall said "Quite the responsible students we have here!" she was quite joyful!

The Animagus group all performed sneak attacks before continuing to fight in their human forms. They took down a group of Death Eaters, while Draco was with Astoria in his Ferret form, he was on her shoulder looking anxious. Astoria said softly "We'll find them, Draco." Draco nodded and rubbed his head on her neck looking sad, Astoria smiled softly and said "I don't blame you. You fixed me, I will love you for the rest of my life."

Draco wrapped around her neck and licked her cheek, Astoria giggled and continued dodging spells, looking for Draco's parents.

Luna was hanging back and saving any student who was in trouble with her whale tears. She was flying around the sky on Buckbeak's back, protected with a lightning barrier.

Selena, shredded through Death Eaters like they were nothing, petrifying groups of the at a time. Grey was not too far away, protecting her and killing Death Eaters.

White was swooping around, blasting Death Eaters with black fire breaths and swiping his sharp bone wings at them, cutting Death Eaters in two.

Carl was going crazy on the ground, blowing through Death Eaters like a train, trampling and stabbing them with his legs and horn.

Blue and Red were blowing ice and fire at the Death Eaters while also dropping tears on some of the students that were seriously injured.

The babies weren't able to participate and were left in the nest by Selena. She put them to sleep and sealed the exit just in case.

Cross was chasing after Voldemort and throwing goofy hexes at him, knowing that he can't kill him. But maybe he could make him so angry that he vomits blood and kills himself? Who knows, but Voldemort was turned into a duck, a moose, a rat, a mouse, a jellyfish, you name it.

Cross cycled through animals and laughed at all the forms he found funny, Voldemort's anger was reaching a peak and he suddenly lurched as he shouted "Nagini!" Cross ignored his cry and assumed the last Horcrux was killed, but that meant nothing before he still couldn't kill him.

Cross turned him into a few more animals before Voldemort shouted "Are you going to do nothing?!" Cross was confused but soon heard a powerful and grating voice "You finally realized he was stronger than you?" Voldemort was silent and a figure appeared in the air.

Cross looked at the figure, it had completely black skin with three arms. It resembled a human but at the same time not, along with the three arms it was wearing rags had two long teeth coming out of its mouth. One going up and the other going down.

The figure became more clear and Cross saw it had 5 eyes, each of them was a different color. Blue, red, green, black, and white. They were solid throughout his entire eye, the creature also had 3 purple horns on it's head.

Cross was so disgusted he also threw up as he said "What the fuck are you supposed to be!?" the creature chuckled and said "The killer of Elves, coincidentally also the last of my kind... At least on this plane." as a powerful force came out of him and he said "You can call me Gogros."

Cross turned solemn as he said "Fuck... A Demi-God."

What we've got here is a failure to communicate.

*A Power Stone tries to answer in sign language*

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts