
The Last 128

Kazuto Kurosawa, an ordinary high school student, lives a typical life until a mysterious and deadly virus sweeps across the globe. After collapsing at school and being diagnosed with the virus, Kazuto is placed in an Cold Sleep chamber to save his life, facing a prolonged slumber. Upon awakening, he finds himself in a transformed world dominated by monstrous creatures. Navigating this dangerous new reality, Kazuto battles fearsome mutants discovering his own resilience and survival instincts. Determined to find safety and answers, Kazuto braves the hostile environment, fighting against the creatures and uncovering the dark secrets of the virus’s origins. His quest for survival becomes a relentless pursuit of truth, as he strives to protect those he cares about in a world where danger lurks at every corner.

AnimeType · ファンタジー
7 Chs

01 The Awakening Nightmare

Kazuto Kurosawa's morning was like any other. His small room, cluttered with otaku paraphernalia, and the soft hum of his PC, was his sanctuary. The early light filtered through his curtains, casting a warm glow over his pale, sleeping face. His black hair was a tousled mess, and he wore a serene, albeit slightly mischievous, smile. Downstairs, his mother's voice echoed up the staircase.

"Kazuto, wake up! Breakfast is ready!"

Unperturbed, Kazuto remained lost in his dream world. His mother, exasperated, turned to his younger sister, who was just descending the stairs.

"Suzuha, go wake up your brother!"

"Okay, Mom," Suzuha replied cheerfully.

Suzuha marched upstairs and knocked loudly on Kazuto's door.

"Big bro, wake up!"

No answer. Determined, she opened the door and walked in.

"I'm coming in," she announced.

Kazuto was sprawled on his bed, sleep-talking with a grin. "Ah, Sheena, I already have four girlfriends. I can't have five," he muttered, clearly in the midst of a particularly delusional dream.

Suzuha stifled a laugh and pulled out her phone to record the embarrassing moment. After a few seconds, she leaned in and punched him lightly in the stomach.

"Wake up, you pervert!"

Kazuto jolted awake, eyes wide with annoyance and confusion. "Suzuha, how many times have I told you to wake me up normally?"

Suzuha smirked, holding up her phone. "Freshen up and come downstairs for breakfast. Oh, and I've got this recorded. Better behave, or who knows where this might end up."

Kazuto groaned, rubbing his eyes. "I have to delete that before she shows it to anyone," he muttered.

Dragging himself out of bed, Kazuto headed to the bathroom. The mirror reflected a disheveled seventeen-year-old with a sleepy face. He sighed as he brushed his teeth.

"My name is Kazuto Kurosawa. Seventeen years old. Just another high school student living a perfectly average life," he thought, with a touch of self-deprecation. "And an introvert with not many friends."

After freshening up and donning his school uniform, Kazuto trudged downstairs. At the dining table, his father was engrossed in the newspaper while his mother prepared lunch boxes.

"Good morning, Mom and Dad."

"Good morning," they replied in unison.

Kazuto switched on the TV, and a news report immediately caught their attention.

"A new virus has been detected and is spreading rapidly worldwide. This virus is lethal, killing those infected within two weeks. Currently, there are 84 reported cases, with 20 deaths. Scientists are working to contain the virus by placing patients in cold sleep chambers for one to one and a half years. This treatment slows the virus, preventing it from spreading within the body."

Kazuto's mother looked worried. "This virus sounds serious."

Kazuto, trying to remain calm, said, "It's not a viral infection, and there are only 84 cases globally. It's not that big of a deal."

Breakfast finished, Kazuto and Suzuha left for their respective schools. At his high school, Kazuto met up with his two friends.

"Hey, did you guys watch that new anime with the waifus?" one friend asked.

"Yeah, the waifus are amazing," Kazuto replied enthusiastically.

"I guess we're going to die single," the other friend lamented, watching a couple nearby.

They all sighed, feeling a mix of amusement and resignation.

As they chatted, Kazuto started to feel a bit off. His breaths were a bit shallower, but he shrugged it off, attributing it to nerves or maybe a lack of sleep. He tried to ignore it and focus on the conversation.

"Hey, did you do the homework for math class?" his friend asked.

Kazuto nodded. "Yeah, but it was tough. I barely managed to finish it."

"Same here. I stayed up so late last night," his friend replied.

Throughout the morning, Kazuto's breathing became more labored, and he found it increasingly difficult to concentrate. During class, he felt a tightness in his chest, but he pushed through, not wanting to worry anyone.

When the lunchtime bell rang, Kazuto grabbed his lunch and headed to the rooftop with his friends. As he climbed the stairs, the tightness in his chest intensified. His breaths came in labored gasps, and he started to feel dizzy.

Why is it so hard to breathe? Why does my heart feel like it's on fire? Panic set in as his vision blurred. No, I can't collapse here… But it was too late; darkness enveloped him.

Kazuto's friends screamed as he collapsed, blood streaming from his nose and ears. Teachers and students rushed to his aid, and an ambulance was called. Hours later, Kazuto woke up in a hospital bed, his mother and Suzuha weeping by his side, and his father standing silently nearby.

"Hey, Mom, Dad, Suzuha," Kazuto said weakly.

His mother and Suzuha rushed to hug him, tears streaming down their faces. "Do you know how worried we were?" his mother sobbed.

A doctor entered the room, a grave expression on his face. "Kazuto, listen carefully and try to stay calm," he began. "You have been infected by the virus."

Shock washed over the room. Kazuto's family looked stricken. Kazuto's eyes widened in disbelief, his mind racing. "What do you mean I'm infected?" he asked, his voice trembling.

The doctor continued, "If we don't place you in a cold sleep chamber immediately, you will die within three days. However, you will need to stay in the chamber for at least one to one and a half years."

Kazuto tried to process the information, fear gripping his heart. "But... what about school? My friends? My life?" he stammered, looking at his family for reassurance.

His mother, tears streaming down her face, said, "Kazuto, we can't lose you. We'll get through this together."

His father, usually stoic, placed a comforting hand on Kazuto's shoulder. "We'll be here for you, son. We'll do whatever it takes."

Suzuha, sobbing, added, "Big bro, you have to do this. You have to come back to us."

Kazuto tried to reassure his family with a brave smile. "Mom, Dad, it's just one and a half years. I'll be fine."

His family struggled to hold back their tears. Kazuto looked at the doctor and said, "I'll take the treatment."

The doctor led them to the cold sleep chamber room, explaining the procedure and the virus's effects. "India already has 10 patients in cold sleep chambers. You will be the first in this center, and globally, there are now 117 patients in isolation tubes."

Kazuto listened intently as they reached the room. He hugged his family tightly before stepping towards the cold sleep chamber. The cylindrical tube, seven feet long with a glass top, opened slowly. Kazuto lay down, the glass closing over him. As he drifted into sleep, he saw Suzuha crying outside the glass.

This will be over soon, he thought. "I'll see you all again before you know it."

But little did Kazuto know, this would be the last time he saw his family, and an unimaginable, brutal future awaited him when he woke up.

"Welcome to the beginning of Kazuto's journey—a tale of survival, courage, and the unexpected. As he faces the harsh reality of a mysterious virus and the daunting prospect of isolation, join him as he navigates through a world forever changed. This is just the beginning of a story filled with twists, challenges, and hope."

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