
The Last 128

Kazuto Kurosawa, an ordinary high school student, lives a typical life until a mysterious and deadly virus sweeps across the globe. After collapsing at school and being diagnosed with the virus, Kazuto is placed in an Cold Sleep chamber to save his life, facing a prolonged slumber. Upon awakening, he finds himself in a transformed world dominated by monstrous creatures. Navigating this dangerous new reality, Kazuto battles fearsome mutants discovering his own resilience and survival instincts. Determined to find safety and answers, Kazuto braves the hostile environment, fighting against the creatures and uncovering the dark secrets of the virus’s origins. His quest for survival becomes a relentless pursuit of truth, as he strives to protect those he cares about in a world where danger lurks at every corner.

AnimeType · Fantasy
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8 Chs

02. Echoes Of Despair

Eight years later, the persistent beep of an alarm clock echoed in Kazuto's ears as he lay inside the CS chamber. Slowly opening his eyes, he wondered about the annoying noise. The glass of the CS chamber opened gradually, and Kazuto's eyes followed suit.

Surveying the room, he found it empty. The walls were dirty, surrounded by vines and cobwebs, yet the lights remained functional. A large black screen was in front of the chamber, and the room appeared completely unfamiliar.

As Kazuto exited the chamber, the annoying sound stopped, leaving him slightly scared. The room emitted a foul odor. Trying to stand, Kazuto remarked,

"Has no one entered this room for maintenance in a year?" He chuckled nervously.

"Feels like no time has passed for me; it's like I just slept yesterday."Despite his fear and anxiety, Kazuto tried to remain calm.

Suddenly, the large screen on the wall activated, causing Kazuto to startle and focus on the screen.

An elderly man in a lab coat appeared, speaking in a frail voice,

"If this video has begun, it means you have awakened. I am Dr. Sai Kashizawa. Though you may feel scared and anxious, I urge you to listen calmly, for the truly terrifying events have yet to unfold."

Kazuto pondered, "I guess it's some kind of recording or something" and then he focuses on the screen.

The doctor took a deep breath, wearing a serious expression, and began,

"Now, I'm going to explain everything from the start. In the year 2024, when the virus first emerged, it began infecting people in a manner we didn't fully understand. However, after 3-4 months, the American Association discovered a method to condense the virus and keep it from spreading throughout the body by isolating patients in the CS chambers. You should be familiar with this much. Now, let's delve into the real story."

"By the end of the year, there were 128 infected patients worldwide kept within these chambers, all aged between 15 and 25. Encouragingly, they exhibited signs of successfully condensing the virus within their bodies."

"The last patient, No. 128, was infected in October and safely kept inside the chamber, showing promising signs of recovery. For four whole months, not a single new infection emerged, leading everyone to believe the virus was receding. However, on February 16, 2025, a sudden influx of 223 new patients occurred, including children and the elderly. All patients were immediately placed inside the CS chambers and given necessary treatments, but the numbers continued to rise rapidly. Within the next two weeks, the patient count reached 3.2 million. However, the real concern arose from the fact that the new patients from February 16 began dying one by one inside the tubes, resulting in the death of all by month's end. The news spread rapidly, inducing panic worldwide, and this is known as the second stage of the virus."

"However, the individuals confined within the CS chambers during the first stage began exhibiting distinct signs. Their bodies started synchronizing with the virus, which no longer posed harm but instead began enhancing their physical and mental well-being. Among the 128 initial stage patients, there are three cancer patients and two with eye diseases experienced remarkable recoveries; the cancers disappeared, and the eye conditions were completely healed by the virus."

"Subsequently, a new batch of 128 esteemed scientists and doctors united to research a cure for the virus by studying the first stage patients. However, assembling everyone in a single facility would be time-consuming. Instead, they divided the batch into smaller groups and sent them to the patients' specialized centers."

"During their investigations, doctors discovered that the virus was gradually synchronizing with every aspect of the patients' bodies, surpassing their physical limits and even slowing overall bodily growth. Despite spending a year in the chamber, the patients' bodies had only aged approximately a week. This phenomenon surprised everyone involved. Consequently, it was collectively decided to keep the first stage patients in CS chambers until the virus had fully synchronized with their bodies, while continuing research efforts to develop a cure."

"Six months have elapsed, yet there is no solution for the virus, and the death toll continues to rise rapidly, reaching 300 million worldwide. Despite widespread panic, no viable solution has been found. The year 2025 draws to a close with a death toll of 700 million."

"The screen flickered with images of chaos and suffering, illustrating the rapid escalation of the virus into different stages. Kazuto's mind raced with questions as the doctor detailed the failed efforts to find a cure and the devastating toll on humanity."

"At the onset of 2026, the 128 scientists, who had been researching the first stage patients, began experimenting on the first stage patients by introducing the second stage virus into their bodies. Remarkably, the virus within their bodies destroyed the second stage virus, accelerating their regenerative processes. Whereas a small cut typically took two days to heal completely, for them, it took only five minutes. Witnessing this, they were filled with hope that they could discover a cure for the virus. However, introducing the first stage virus into the bodies of second stage virus patients proved futile; it continued to result in fatalities."

"The year 2026 ended with a devastating 40% mortality rate among humanity, claiming the lives of all 32 scientists researching the first stage patients. Many began to believe they were trapped in hell, abandoned by any divine intervention. However, true hell commenced in 2027."

"On March 6, 2027, one of the infected individuals began displaying alarming changes: their minds stopped working, their bodies became sluggish, and their eyesight deteriorated and slowly their exoskeleton starts changing. Their appearance became increasingly inhuman, with their physical abilities surpassing normal parameters. As more infected patients exhibited these symptoms, it became impossible to understand this virus anymore, and the greatest fear materialized on March 13: they completely lost their minds and became monsters. They started attacking normal people and converting them into similarly afflicted beings in an instant. We label this as the third stage of the virus. These creatures possess vastly superior abilities compared to normal humans.

Guns, bombs, and even missiles prove ineffective against them.

Consequently, widespread panic ensues among humanity. People desperately flee in search of safety, resulting in trafficked roads and escalating panic. Governments find themselves powerless in the face of this unprecedented threat, recognizing the imminent demise of humanity."

"With the situation going out of control, the responsibility for finding a cure falls beyond the reach of scientists and doctors. Instead, efforts focus on protecting the remaining uninfected individuals from the initial stage. A portion of the surviving population unites to help and safeguard these unaffected individuals."

"The screen displayed horrifying footage of monstrous creatures rampaging through cities, impervious to conventional weapons. Kazuto felt a chill run down his spine as the doctor described the escalating panic and the desperate measures taken by the remaining survivors."

"A new government has been established, consisting of 92 scientists researching the 128 unaffected patients and some uninfected individuals. Their mission is to protect and safeguard these 128 individuals, ensuring their survival when they awaken in the future."

"The 128 unaffected individuals—9 in America, 10 in Egypt, 19 in Australia, 6 in Spain, 12 in India, 16 in Japan, 21 in England, 16 in scotland, 6 in Dubai, and 8 in South Korea—are unable to be relocated due to the impracticality of moving their CS chambers. Therefore, we have opted to construct bunkers around their existing facilities. In India, our team of 12 scientists has developed a chemical capable of killing these monsters, which we have synthesized into specialized bullets. However, these require rare materials and extensive time to produce. By the end of 2026, only 7-10% of humanity remains alive."

"The government's main office was in India, one of the few places where people still survived. They decided to build an underground bunker. The local community supported the project, and with their help, the extensive bunker was nearly completed in two years, equipped with all essential facilities. Sadly, none of them could use it. Because during those two years, the world had become overrun by monsters, surrounded by thick green virus-filled fog. Even breathing the air was deadly, leading those infected to either take their own lives or pose a threat to others."

"Most people died, and the few remaining showed signs of infection. Then the Government of India and the remaining survivors decided to complete the sake of the remaining 128 unaffecteds. When they wake up in the future, they could at least have somewhere safe to live. In a few months, the bunker was completed, but only 6 people were left alive—the vice commander of the government, myself, my granddaughter, and three other government members. Within a few days, the four other members died, and my granddaughter and I started showing signs of infection. I am going to kill myself before turning into one of those monsters."

With a shivering voice, the old man says,

"And my granddaughter too."

The old man, clearing his throat, says,

"Before that, I recorded this video hoping it could be of some help to you."

"If you look at the right side of your CS chambers tube, there will be a little watch on it. Wear it and start it. It may look like a normal watch, but it's not. If you open the watch, you will see there are a lot of apps like maps, YouTube, and Google. There will be two different apps that you don't recognize: one is the Synchronization app, and the second is the app named The Last 128 app. Oh, and if you open any of those apps, a big hologram of that app will show in front of you."

With a little confident face, the doctor says, "See, it's useful, right? Okay, now back to business. First, I will tell you about the Synchronization app"

"When you open the app, it will provide information about your health. It will alert you if something is wrong with your body, and if you scroll down, you will see a percentage bar. This bar shows how much the virus has synchronized with your body. Most of you should have synchronization over 70%. This percentage will not increase because the virus within your body has certain limits. Those who had good physical and mental conditions from the start will have a higher synchronization, while those who didn't will have a lower synchronization.

This percentage is your strength measure. You have probably noticed that your physical power has increased to a level that surpasses a normal human's.

Your strength, agility, and senses have all surpassed normal human levels, and those with higher percentages are even stronger than those with lower percentages.

Next, I will tell you about the app 'The Last 128.' If you open the app, it will provide information about the remaining 128 individuals, showing their current locations and contact details. Lastly, there is a 'Meeting' button. If you press this button, every member will automatically join a video call meeting within 10 seconds.

And you don't have to worry about the watch's battery because it's made of platinum. This ensures it will last for the next 8 to 9 years without dying.

Now, I will tell you how to survive against the monsters outside and travel safely to the bunker. If you look around, you'll see a big silver locker. Inside, you will find weapons like guns. In the bottom drawer of the locker, you will find a change of clothes and special ammo for the guns. These special bullets are the only things that can kill these monsters. There is plenty of ammo, so don't worry about running out. Protect yourselves.

The next part is about how you will all travel to the bunker. If you open the map application, you will see two green dots just outside of your bunker. These green dots represent newly formed survival vehicles made of platinum, so they don't need any type of fuel to run and on the jeep you will find a sleeping bag, a tent, and some other survival things. Survivors in India can use these vehicles to reach the bunker. However, those from other countries will have to come by airplane. Don't even think about coming by water, as the oceans are full of monsters.

If I am correct, there are two survivors who know how to handle planes: 25-year-old Hibino kirigaya, a soldier in the Japan Air Force, and Creamy Kattler, a 23-year-old sub-pilot from England. You two will need to gather everyone in India near the bunker.

And last, but most importantly, information about the monsters. There are four forms of these monsters.

The first one is the normal monster, which has a long tail. It doesn't have eyes or ears; it only senses when someone is around. It's not very strong but is a very fast runner.

The second also falls into the normal category, but this one has wings and can fly. However, it's weak and can't fly fast.

The third one falls into the intermediate category: the giant monster. This monster is big in size, with strength and agility comparable to an 85% synchronized person.

The fourth one is the most powerful monster until now we named it 'THE GIGANTOMACHIA.' It is a single monster formed from the combination of 1,000 to 10,000 other monsters. Its body is as hard as a diamond, and it looks like a dinosaur and has 12 eyes on its head. Its hearing senses are also good, but its size is immense, reaching the clouds, making it a very powerful monster but it's not very agile. If you see this creature, run away as fast as you can. It was first seen in America, but after that, it was spotted in the Sahara Desert in India. At that time, we were able to set a GPS on it, so the red dot on your watch's map indicates the giant monster's location.

Now, how to kill them. This is the most important part. Every single monster has a core inside its body, normally located in their heads but sometimes in their stomachs. If you can hit the core, it will die instantly. Normal bullets or swords cannot pierce through their bodies, but the special bullets we created can pierce through their flesh.

So, your mission is to survive and reach India's underground bunker somehow. You can spend your entire life there if necessary."

At the end, tears welled up in the doctor's eyes as he said, "Please survive for the sake of humanity. We fought until our last breath." The doctor, crying, continued, "I don't want to die yet. I have a 7-year-old granddaughter who is also infected and will die tomorrow. There is no such thing as a God, and I'm sorry you have to see such a future, but I urge you to survive for the sake of humanity."

The recording ended, and the screen turned black once more.

Kazuto stood in stunned silence, the weight of the doctor's words sinking in. Eight years... so much has changed. What kind of world am I waking up to? His thoughts raced, trying to process the gravity of the situation. The doctor's final words echoed in his mind, a grim reminder of the terrifying reality awaiting him outside the isolation room.

"Chapter 2 brings Kazuto face to face with a world utterly transformed by the virus. The contrast between his memories and the reality he wakes up to is stark and unsettling. As he navigates this new landscape, filled with monsters and dwindling survivors, Kazuto's journey becomes a testament to human resilience in the face of overwhelming adversity. The doctor's poignant message and personal struggles underscore the high stakes and moral dilemmas that lie ahead. Join Kazuto as he confronts the challenges of survival and searches for hope in a shattered world."

well this chapter gives the detailed information about what happens in those 8 years while kazuto was in Cold sleep chamber

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