
The Lady of Roses

A cliche love story between a commoner and a prince. or is it? I think I dunno anymore p.s. I'm a very new author plz dun flame me QAQ I accept creative and constructive criticism so plz guide me seniors

ASaltyFish · ファンタジー
4 Chs

chapter 2

The sound of gentle sweet chirping of birds outside awoke the lady of gold, as sunlight peeps through the shutters vaguely illuminating her pale skin.

She yawned and slowly got up, then sluggishly got up and walked towards the oak cabinet, in it are her personal belongings, Taking out a long dress and tunic she washed her face and changed her clothes for the day.

having fully woken up and dressed she opened the shutters and let the sun bathe her in all it's glory.

warm light filled the tidy small room,and then without bothering to clean up her room, she goes out of her room and through the short dark hallway she entered the kitchen,

the kitchen is a simple place though the faint scent of firewood still lingers, it a decent sized place at the center are her cooking utensils neatly arranged and strangely a hot meal was placed in her table.

She sat down without question then she took out a needle and placed it on her food, seeing there's no reaction she ate the simple rabbit stew, It's was warm and the meat wasn't that though to eat, unfortunately it's bland with only salt for flavouring.

she left the empty plate and brushed her teeth, then proceeded to go to the side door through the kitchen, and into the backyard.

The warm sun embraced her as the fresh scent of flowers greeted her.

In front of her was a sea of green and red, a field filled with all kinds of flowers in all shades of red and a sea green filled vitality grasses and leaves.

this was her garden, and the plants were flowers given to her by her admirers over the years, she tended to them ever since the first flower was given to her.

at the very center was a blooming flower lovely red like blood, its vibrant and filled with life, even in the sea of red it alone was the most eye catching.

A red Chrysanthemum, The Lady walked towards the flower and then gently traced the petals afraid of accidentally ruining the perfection, she had a thoughtful look on her face as she gently strokes the petals.

then like a clear lake disturbed by a rock, her eyes revealed a secret and her lips pulled to a frown, her fingers gently creasing the flower stopped and forcefully crushed it.

seemingly sensing something she looked around, and sighed looking back at the crushed flower pity in her eyes.

and she walked away, into the shop once more, This time passing the kitchen she opened another door and there a row of shelves appeared in her sight, It was filled with bottles all of different sizes and shapes, inside we're liquids of fascinating colors, and the decor was minimal at best, but it gives a very warm feeling.

the wall was made in glass and was clearly a store for nobility.

she walked towards the door and officially opened her store, then she went to the counter and waited.

There really wasn't anything to do, and so the lady opened a book to read, since the town was on the poor side, it's very unlikely to have any or at all costumers but nonetheless she opened the shop in such a place anyway.

But not soon after a chime was heard, the lady raised her head to look at the newcomer, it was a man his hair balding and his eyes were offensive, the man was one of her admirers, the look of recognition flashed in the lady's eyes as she then stood up and politely smiled at the man.

"Mr. X! good day!"

her soft voice made the man flinch as his eyes grew more, repulsive.

"Anise! You're opening a store here? I never knew!"

he said as his eyes scanned around the room then landed back at her

"Is this a potion shop? what are you selling?"

" no! it's a perfume shop! I made all of them myself each scent are different and unique! I'm sure your wife would like some Mr! would you like me to recommend?'

the mention of his wife made the man's face turn sour.

Ignoring the man's reaction to her words

she proceeded to go over to the shelves and picked a simple bottle, in it is a strange purple liquid, she gave it to the man with a seemingly sincere smile in her face.

" This is Sweet Dream! It's made with a flower from the neighboring kingdom called a—"

but the man cut her off, as he asked hurriedly for the price his face is slowly twisting to anxiety

" just one crystal!"

she answered cheerfully still ignoring the man's frantic face, he looks like he is in hell and a beast is out there trying to mutilate him, without even bargaining for a cheaper price he slammed a crystal to her counter and grabbed the bottle in her hands and ran away.

Anise the lady, looked at the running figure

confusion is shown in her face, but her eyes says otherwise.

she returned to the counter and placed the crystal in a small box and returned to burrowing herself in the book she was reading.

the rest of the day was like how it was expected, no other costumers came to visit.

other than a few people looking through the window there wasn't anyone who is willing to go and visit, since it looks high end and expensive.

it was a relaxing day for her.

Why do you think that strange man ran away hehe?

ASaltyFishcreators' thoughts