
The Lady of Roses

A cliche love story between a commoner and a prince. or is it? I think I dunno anymore p.s. I'm a very new author plz dun flame me QAQ I accept creative and constructive criticism so plz guide me seniors

ASaltyFish · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter 3

Today was unusual, instead of the chirping birds and no sunlight Anise was awoken by the sound of knocking on her window.

She woke up and sat abruptly she then looked cautiously towards the window and took out the dagger under her pillow.

She stared through the cracks of the shutters,


She sighed and forgot about it, other than bringing the dagger with her, she continued on to the kitchen doing her usual routine.

To her surprise there was no scent of remnant firewood nor any food only a rose lays splendidly on the table.

This was abrupt and strange, she didn't know how to react.

There was never a day where there wasn't any fresh food on the table every morning.

She knew for a fact food will always be available to her everyday any time on the kitchen even in the middle of the night, yet there isn't even any trace of it today, at dawn.

"Strange it feels like something is missing.."

She muttered as she continued on to the shop dagger in hand

She opened the door and walked in, she noticed something strange on the glass outside,

and just then the sun rose illuminating the thing,

she fell on her knees her eyes widen trembling, her breath was shaky as she stared at the thing in the glass.

It was a frightening scene,

knife gleaming in the sun covered in dark red liquid,

that's almost drying up, it's like a morbid painting, facing her was dull eyes, misty and unfocused.

Leaning towards the glass, it's expression was maddening, it brows furrowed in confusion and had scratches on it's face.

It's skin was pale to say the least, ashen even there doesn't seem to be any blood running through it.

It's hands stained the window with dried blood and it's not moving.

Anise couldn't move either, she just stared at it. the sun now has rose high and the birds has sung but... That thing never moved an inch.

The lady from next door has opened her windows to be greeted with the sight.


She screamed and Anise got up from her shock and ran away.

the sound of breaking glass ensued behind her as the choking scent of burning meat filled the place

Heavily breathing she anxiously shut the door and ran to her room.

She was trembling mess and she makes incoherent mumblings, as tears trailed off her eyes.

She knew that people died because of her, but this was the first time she saw the corpse upfront it was horrific

And the fact that there were no longer eyes around her anymore made her even more unnerved.

not long after the sound of knocking was heard along with loud shouts outside, she slowly crawled out of bed and trembling she walked out.

the village chief was at her door the place was burning and glass was everywhere, the corpse was still burning.

Outside was the entire village looking at her,

schadenfreude and some with malice, all of them has mistrust in their eyes.

whispers were heard along with the pitiful sob of Mrs X

she is evil and heretical and such, with wands and swords in tow some pointed it at her threateningly.

The village chief looked at her dully as he took out a letter, it was another heretical letter of that damned person.

She knew what's coming,

"We here by arrest you under the suspicion of heresy and murder of Lemon X"

The village chief said as he pointed the wand in his hands towards her.

She knew that she was done for, she threw her dagger towards the crowd and exploded in corroding water. while the chief was expecting a retaliation he didn't expect her to suddenly use magic at the crowd behind him.

That split second was all she needed she casted a simple spell that created a wave of water, it pushed all of the people away giving her a chance to run.

She ran back to her room, and she opened her quickly then she jumped off the windows through her garden and into the forest.

By now the people has entered her home and some had saw her run off to the woods.

The chased her but the woods welcomed her in it's embrace

Even those with affinity to plants were blocked by nature.

She didn't care, she was tired she ran because she knew her life depends on it.

She, Anise Rein, became a heretic of Kirin kingdom.