
Time for school

The next day when Glyne finished eating breakfast the guy who tested if he trained yesterday was ordered by his father to train him more before he attend the eltrane academy

"I'll train you now try your best as im gonna tell to you what your doing wrong" the guy said

Glyne just nodded

Glyne then rushed towards the guy and tried thrusting the guy but the guy easily dodge it and tried counter attacking

"Your thrusting too reckless you need to do it at a better timing" the guy said

The guy's sword was about to hit Glyne but he was able to block it in time

"This is gonna be quite annoying" Glyne thought knowing that he will be thought things that he already knew

The guy then trained Glyne until it was time for dinner but they quickly continued when Glyne finished eating and This goes on for another two days

On the fourth day his father introduced him a girl who was wielding a staff

"She will train you how to use magic before you attend the academy" his father said which Glyne just nodded as usual

They then went into the training grounds and when they arrived the girl introduce herself

"My name is Jane and starting today until you attend the eltrane academy i will teach you how to use magic" she said

"First i will teach you how to release mana out of you hand, you first need to feel the mana inside your body and try controlling it to push it out of your body" she explained

"once you can do that tell me so i can teach you how to change it to attacks, defense, support spells" she said before leaving

Glyne just sighed after seeing her leave

"Why do instructors is like this towards me?" Glyne said

Glyne then started training but not what the girl said because he already know that better then her so Glyne just started practicing magic in the most efficient way he know

This goes on until five hours later when Glyne had enough of it and showed the girl that he can do it after all he can easily do that but he made it look like he's having a bit of trouble

"Alright then im now gonna train you how to change it. First you need to control it again but this time try controlling a bit of mana inside your body to transfer an image in your mind but keep in mind thag it has to be elemental or it wouldn't work due to the nature of mana" she explained and demonstrated to Glyne so he can understand it more but Glyne knows it better then her just faking that he only understand it a bit

"Alright im gonna try to do it" Glyne said

Glyne then faked that he can't do it so the girl would leave him alone and making her think that it will take him some time to do it

"Practice it until midnight but if you still can't do it tomorrow i will help you out" she said before going into the prepared room for her

Glyne then went into his room to increase his mana again until it's time for dinner and after dinner he started increasing his mana again until it hits midnight

Glyne then goes to sleep so he can rest and the next day when he was about to go out Jane was waiting in the way outside

"Can you now use it?" Jane asked

"Yes" Glyne replied before casting the fireball while making it look like his having trouble

"Now this time i will teach you how to eject the mana inside your body so it can reach a target and after you learn that i will also teach you how to use defensive magic and support magic that is if we still have time" she said

Jane then started explaining how to control the mana when ejecting it and she also made Glyne feel how it works thinking that it would help Glyne understand it much better but Glyne was just faking his confusion so he won't stand out from the fast comprehension of magic

Jane then noticed Glyne confused face so he just left and sighed thinking that this time it's gonna be a problem for Glyne

"Call me if you manage to do it" she said

She then went into the library of the castle to read some books about magic

"Glyne huh, the eldest son of aslaharth is indeed emitting a cursed like aura" Jane said in his thoughts

The next day Glyne didn't call Jane so that he can increase his mana more and enhance it. This went on until the last day before he leave he showed Jane that he can do it

"I will only teach you about the factors of the defensive and support magic because tomorrow you will leave giving you a lot to do today" Jane said before explaining the factors of the defensive and support magic

After that Glyne started packing some of his clothes so he can change in different fancy clothes and academy uniform

He also did a bit of work in his letter enrollment so he can easily study in the academy without having any problem about the entrance exam

The next day Glyne put his belongings into a luxurious carriage and after that he sat at the carriage and the coachman started making the horse move the carriage

"I wonder what would it feel to attend this eltrane academy. Will it be fun or annoying? Well i guess soon I'll figure it out" Glyne said in his mind excitedly

2 days later the carriage still hasn't arrive at the eltrane academy making Glyne bored. During that time Glyne increased his mana and it's quality but after doing that nonstop Glyne became bored from the same activity he's been doing over and over

"2 more days until we reached the academy. Just how slow is this carriage?!" Glyne said in his mind furiously

"Hmm?" Glyne suddenly sensed something with one of his magic that detects things

"Orcs? And ten of them, i would not let anyone make the travel longer. Fake Reality!" Glyne casted with just his thoughts

The coachman then got affected too but it's what Glyne planned because the Fake Reality makes an illusion to someone that will make anyone see and hear things normally even if the target is getting killed the target would not escape the illusion making him feel nothing because he's only conscious in the illusion. and with this Glyne was able to get out at the carriage without the coachman knowing

Glyne then went towards the forest where the orcs are ready to ambush the carriage and using his magic he was able to detect the exact location of the orcs

One by one he ambushed every orcs and killed them in an instant not allowing the other orcs to notice that there other comrades are getting killed

Soon he was able to kill every orcs so he used a magic that disposed the orcs bodies without a single trace

He then went back at the carriage and dispell the Fake Reality without letting the man know what happened