
eltrane academy

2 days later Glyne have arrive at the eltrane academy and when he saw it he was quite amaze by the luxurious design of the academy buildings

"Wow, it exceeded my expectation huh" Glyne said

Glyne then went into the academy. He then went towards the office of the principal of the eltrane academy

"Excuse me. Hello there mrs. Charlotte im here to attend the academy." Glyne said to the principal

Glyne then handed the letter that he write when he was still at the castle and when the principal finished reading it, she looked straight into Glyne's eyes

"The academy will start a week from now on, here's a key to your room, room 0007" the principal said and handed the key to Glyne

Glyne then thanked the principal before leaving the office and went straight into a building called royal building where high ranking nobles reside

"Hmm? The numbers in here are at thousandth? Could this room at the upper floor?" Glyne said in confusion in his mind

Glyne then went into a magic formation and said the last floor "15th floor". the next moment he starts getting teleported at the upper floor and in an instant he arrive at the 15th floor and there he saw the rooms are low numbers

"Now surely this is where's my room is" Glyne said

He then starts searching for his room and after a few moments he found it. He then walked towards the room 0007

He then used the key to unlock it and after opening it he puts all of his clothes and other items into the couch so he finally rest after traveling for 4 days straight

Glyne then went into his bedroom so he can sleep. 3 hours later Glyne woke up and when he was able to gain consciousness he felt someone outside the door of his room using one of his magic detection

"A girl perhaps? What could a girl doing outside my room" Glyne thought

Glyne then opened the door so he can see who she is and greeted her politely

"Hello there, may i know your purpose?" Glyne said but he suddenly realized who was in front of him

"Hi there, so you'll be my roommate" she said

"What is the eldest daughter of the royal family jaldava. Charlotte jaldava doing here? And roommate? no wonder there are only at least one thousand rooms here" Glyne said in his mind while panicking because of Charlotte

Charlotte then went inside the room and luckily Glyne was able to clean his mess using magic before he even opened the door so Lylia didn't know the mess

"It's clean huh, looks like you know how to not be messy but what took you so long to open the door?" Charlotte asked

"Well it's because i was sleeping" Glyne said with a polite attitude

"Sleeping? In the middle of the day your sleeping?"

"I have only arrive here earlier so i was very tired that i slept when i arrived here" Glyne explained

"Alright then"

Charlotte then started walking towards the exist but right when he was about to leave she stop

"Since we're roommate you don't need to be that polite" she said before leaving

"Is she testing me? There's no way a princess from the jaldava empire would allow me to talk to her like a normally" Glyne said in his thoughts

"But how really high is the difference between the jaldava empire and the aslaharth kingdom?. Although the aslaharth kingdom have connections to other powerhouses the jaldava empire have a bit more connections then the aslaharth kingdom and they're also a powerhouse. Army strength, wealth, technologies and more the jaldava empire is better, mostly in technologies after all the jaldava empire is also called the empire of technologies" Glyne thought in his mind

"Well then im just gonna do a bit of mana expansion while i have time"

Glyne then started his mana expansion. A few hours later Glyne stop his mana expansion and went into the central of the eltrane academy and in the central there was a building called performance building

Glyne then went inside the building and went straight into the receptionist

"Hello there can i get a task suitable for my rank" Glyne said

The receptionist then scanned his face using a device and the device made a hologram where Glyne's name was displayed and also his age and other important things but his rank was newbie

"The task you can take are F- up to D- and currently F level tasks are low only the D- have a decent amount of quantity" The receptionist said

"Then I'll take a D- task"

When the receptionist heard it she tapped a another device and this time it displayed a hologram of tasks that are D-

"Hmm.. I'll take the Task number 7 a chimera hunt" Glyne said

The receptionist then tapped the Task number 7 and a paper materialize that have the information about the task, she then gave it to Glyne

"It will glow once you complete the task so come back here again so i can give you performance points" the receptionist explained

Glyne then nodded before leaving. When he got outside Glyne look at the task again so he can know where to find the chimera

"So it's in the south forest called aviel" Glyne then went towards the south gate of the eltrane academy

When he arrived at the south gate the two guards guarding the gate stopped Glyne and asked him some questions

"Who are you?" the guards asked

"Im Glyne aslaharth a student here" Glyne said

"Then what is your purpose?" The guards asked again

"Im about to do a D- task" Glyne said with a normal attitude but inwardly he was annoyed about the questions the guards asked knowing that the guards knows that his uniform is a eltrane uniform allowing them to know that he might do a task but still stopped him

"Alright then you can pass"

Glyne then walked outside to go into the south forest aviel. It took him quite sometime to arrive at the south forest aviel but when he arrived he immediately started running towards the deeper part of the forest to see the chimera

"According to the task the chimera is suppose to be at the second part of the forest but im sure im at the second part yet i still hasn't seen a single monsters that are close to the level of a chimera" Glyne was confuse

As Glyne was jumping through the trees branches he suddenly saw a glowing red eyes in the dark. Glyne readied himself incase of a attack

While on his guard the red glowing eyes disappear but soon it came back but this time it was behind Glyne

It then jumped towards Glyne but he was able to dodge it and when Glyne saw what attacked him he smiled

"Thanks i guess for coming to me on your own" Glyne said confronting the chimera