

And in the blink of an eye, two years have passed; Jupiter learned the techniques. Now he's ready to go to the heart of the mountain to get the clue. He headed to the mountain forest at the entrance, and he saw a lot of wolf eyes.

Then he gulps his saliva, clenches his fist, and walks toward the mountain entrance. And this is Jupiter's first battle, so he runs toward the pack of wolves. The wolves attack Jupiter with their claws, and Jupiter doesn't dodge them all; he injures his left hand.

While his left hand is bleeding, he doesn't back out. He clenches his fist, and Jupiter uses his fist technique, "FIRST TECHNIQUE OF THE FIST OF DESTRUCTION, METEOR FIST!!!" with a loud noise, "BOOM."

When the technique hits the wolf, they pop off like a balloon, and Jupiter's fist technique destroys almost all the wolves. The surroundings are almost destroyed, and the wolf alpha came when he saw his underlings getting bitten to death. The wolf howls, and his strongest wolf comes.

Then there are a total of five wolves; they are the strongest in their pack. The wolf leader howls, and his underlings attack Jupiter, and Jupiter knows that he's already injured, so he needs to finish it quickly so that he can treat his wound.

He's going to use his second form of fist techniques, and Jupiter inhales and holds his breath, shouting, "Don't die on me!" Jupiter uses his second form of the fist technique, shouting, "THE SECOND FORM OF FIST OF DESTRUCTION, THE RAIN OF METEOR FIST." And then it's like nothing happened, and suddenly fists like meteors form in front of Jupiter.

When the wolf notices that, three out of the wolves didn't dodge the fist technique and died. because feel fear in front of jupiter, Then the two remaining wolves are the alpha and the strongest wolf; they're injured but didn't back out, and the wolves began their attack. The alpha wolf attacks on the left, and the strongest wolf is on the right.

The wolves attack Jupiter at the same time, and Jupiter gets hit in his legs, and he can't run away now. The only option is to fight to the death. Jupiter punches the alpha wolf and at the same time punches the strongest wolf.

And the alpha wolf howls, and it's so loud that he can hear it at the end of the mountain echoing. It feels like that this attack will be their final struggle. Jupiter knows that, respecting the alpha wolf. And Jupiter said, "This is my greatest respect for you."

Jupiter gets a sword and says, "THE FIRST FORM OF THE HEAVEN AND EARTH SWORD ART, EARTH BREAKER." The alpha wolf attacks with the strongest wolf; in their both attacks clash, Jupiter kills both the alpha wolf and strongest wolf with that sword technique, saying, "I won," while leaving the corpses behind.

Then Jupiter immediately treats his injury. After he treats his injury and rests enough, Jupiter continues to go to the heart of the mountain. While walking, he sees a rabbit in the middle of his path. When Jupiter gets closer, he sees the corpse of the mother rabbit and baby rabbit; but when he see the copse closely jupiter is surprised, the baby rabbit is still alive.

Jupiter quickly treats the injuries of the baby rabbit. Jupiter finishes his treatment for the rabbit, and the rabbit begins to regain consciousness. And Jupiter pities the rabbit while he sees himself when looking at the rabbit.

Then he kept the baby rabbit, continuing on his journey, and he arrived at the heart of the mountain. Jupiter saw that there is a huge snake guarding the clue. When Jupiter is getting closer, the huge snake resembles the snake he encountered when he first came to the heavenly mountain scroll.

Jupiter said, "Now you are here; I will take my revenge for that time." And Jupiter plans how he can defeat that huge monster. And some time has passed; he already has a plan on how to defeat that huge snake.

Then Jupiter begins to execute his plan. He attacks the huge snake first with a stone to gain the attention of the huge snake. When the huge snake looks at Jupiter, Jupiter knows that the attention of the snake is on him already. And his second plan is to anger the huge snake so that when he runs to execute his third plan, the huge snake will follow him. Jupiter tease the snake until the huge snake become angry.

Then the huge snake became angry, and the plan of Jupiter runs smoothly. The third plan is almost complete, then Jupiter leads the huge snake to the border so that the huge snake can't escape.

And Jupiter is already in his final plan, that is to use his "heaven and earth sword, second form cutting the heaven." Then the time is right; he's going to use it now, to one shot one kill the huge snake. And when Jupiter executes his technique, to the huge snake. He didn't expect that the huge snake still alive because that snake scale is so hard, much, much harder than armor.

The huge snake angrily attacks Jupiter with his tail, and Jupiter dodges, but he didn't dodge it completely and got a wound in his belly. Then Jupiter can't move anymore because he didn't get all his wounds healed before the battle with the huge snake.

So Jupiter plans to use his all energy to execute a technique that can kill that huge snake completely in one strike. "It's a gamble with their life on the line." Then Jupiter gathers all his remaining power to execute again "the heaven and earth sword technique."

The huge snake senses it instinctively that when he gets hit by that technique, he will die. So he attacks Jupiter in haste to interrupt his technique, and when the huge snake is about to bite Jupiter, Jupiter finishes his technique already and unleashes it with all his might.

And the huge snake gets killed, sliced in half, blood is everywhere. Some blood flew over his face, clothes, and everywhere; Jupiter's sword cuts the ground, everything that touches his sword. and jupiter fainted because exhausted in battle with huge snake.