

A day has passed; he starts his training early in the morning, but his sister accompanies him. Jupiter starts climbing in the mountain while his sister plays outside, gathering some flowers, catching butterflies.

While climbing, Jupiter encounters trouble; his hand has got scratches, wounds, and it's bleeding. He has so much pain; he wants to quit, then he looks at his sister and says, "I can't quit; my sister needs me."

He clenches his teeth and says, "I can do this; it's just a small pain compared to the safety of my sister. I will do it no matter what." And Moon sees that, saying, "He has determination and persistence—what good seeding."

His future is boundless, what Moon said while looking at Jupiter. Then it's already nighttime; he gets his sister and goes back to the cottage. He talks to his sister, saying, "Is the food delicious?" Star replies by nodding his head while smiling.

"Ahh... What a lovely girl," Moon said. Jupiter agrees with what Moon said, while saying, "No one's gonna beat my sister for being the cutest in the world." Moon nods his head with a smile on his face.

After they eat, they go to bed early because Star is exhausted from playing outside the whole day. He asks a question to Moon, saying, "Moon, where are our parents?" Moon answers, "I can't tell you, but I can say that they love you and your sister."

Jupiter insists, "Why can't you tell me?" Moon said to him, "It's not the right time, Jupiter." Then Jupiter remains silent for a short amount of time and then asks another question, "Can you tell me where I can find some clues?" Moon answers, saying, "Hmm... Okay, I can tell you some, but you need to find it yourself."

Jupiter, "Okay, tell me." Moon replies, "There are clues near here." "What? There are clues around here!! Why did you not tell me?" While shouting, he startles his sister and she starts crying.

And Jupiter says to his sister, Star, "Sorry, Star, I'm not shouting at you... Shhh... I'm sorry, Star." He picks his sister up, carrying her in his arms, and Star starts to fall asleep.

And the morning comes; Jupiter starts to get used to the training. He is already near the middle of the mountain, but that's it; he's already at his limit, so he comes down and begins to rest.

While he's resting, he thinks about the possible positions for the clue. He thinks it is possible at the heart of the mountain because it's so dangerous there; that's the only possible place where the clue could be.

Then he starts to climb the mountain again to become strong quickly. Moon sees the determination of Jupiter, and two weeks have passed; he's already climbed to the top of the mountain. Jupiter says, "Moon, I already did it. What is the next training?" Moon answers, "You have a strong foundation and body, so you are ready for the next stage."


The first one, THE HUNDREDS STEP OF VOID, when you master it, you can run into the void. The second one, it can destroy a mountain, and when you perfect it, you can destroy practically everything in this world. The third one is a body art; you can gain a strong body like the golden dragon, and its strength when perfected. The fourth one, the most powerful sword technique I know; it can cut the heaven and earth. And the last one, there's saying when you master it, you can revive a dead person.

"Do you want these techniques?" Moon asks. And Jupiter replies, "Yes, I want them." Then Moon starts to transmit them to Jupiter, and Jupiter begins to feel so much pain than last time. Jupiter said to Moon, "Why is it so much pain than last time?" while agonizing in pain.

Moon replies, "That's for sure because last time it was only one, and this time, it's four all at once." And while Jupiter is screaming, agonizing, Moon casts a technique so that no one can hear Jupiter scream and disturb Star, who is sleeping.

And it comes the morning... Jupiter is still in pain. Moon says, "It's about time to completely transmit to him." Some time has passed; he stops screaming, sits down, and analyzes it. Then Jupiter goes to the river near the cottage, drinks some water, and showers because he smells so bad.

When Jupiter finishes bathing, he prepares food for his sister, Star. While feeding his sister, he talks to Moon. "Moon, what is my next training?"

Your next training is to practice martial arts, and you need to learn it through your body. You need to train first is the hundreds of void because when you can't defeat your opponent, you can run away.

Second is your fist; when you don't have a weapon, you can use your fist. Third is the golden dragon body art so that you can last in your battle, then the ancient medical arts; when you are injured, you can treat it right away, and lastly, the heaven and earth sword art; this is what you're going to use when you want to end your fight faster.

"Do you understand?" with a serious tone, saying to Jupiter. And Jupiter answers, "What you need first is to learn how to run; I don't want to be a coward," while spouting around. And Moon said to Jupiter, "What do you know? Just do what I told you," lecturing Jupiter.

"Okay, okay... Spare me for those lectures," while running away. And Moon sighs and said, "Kid these days don't know how to listen."And Moon shouts, "Start training already." And Jupiter replies, "I know... So I need to learn how to run first, then I'm going to learn it faster so that I can learn the techniques."