
The King of Heroes (MHA)

a boy born in the world of Heroes and Villains with the Powers and Treasury of the King of Heroes. What happens when the protagonist and his circumstances draws his attention to Japan. read to find out. (MC is neither reincarnated nor Gilgamesh from fate, he is an OC born in mha verse. he will still end up arrogant since that much power and wealth can do wonders on your personality)

Overlordfanboy · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs


"breakfast is ready young master" an elderly voice called out the voice echoing in the sea side villa. As a boy no older than 15 climbed out of his bed wearing golden night wear.

He looked outside through large glass sliding door to see a magnificent sea view and the costal line, the boy sat on the edge of the bed towards the view as his eyes narrowed towards the people who were nothing more than tiny moving dots in the distance yet the boy could see them and everything about them as his crimson red eyes shone in golden hue. 

"young master?" the elderly voice called out this time in concern due the lack of response to his previous callouts.

"coming old man" the boy with shining golden hair stood out as the golden hue in his eyes vanished. As the boy walked towards door in his room the nightwear he wore, disintegrated into golden hue and disappeared and was replaced by a white robe with golden marking.

Opening the door the boy was greeted with a full course meal hot and steaming on the dining table and an old man steadily making his way through his comparatively humble breakfast of toast and soup.

"morning Old man" the boy said with a haughty tone as he sat down beside him and started eating.

"a pleasant morning today, isn't it young master. I take it you were sightseeing." the old man smiled as he looked the boy he had looked after and cared for ever since the boy was at a tender age of 4 year old, 

After his parents died in a plane crash, many of the boys relatives wanted to adopt the boy, though not of kindness but for the boy's inheritance, shortly after the boy awaken his quirk the boy clung to him like his life depended on it.


"not the sight but some mongrels that were rather interesting, however pathetic they may be they did serve for a decent morning entertainment" the boy snorted as the old man sighed, the boy's disregard for others is the same as it has been since he was a child but then again, there was no one in this world with the ability to discern a person's true nature like him through his eyes specifically. 

The boy called them "Sha Naqba Imuru" the name coming from the eyes itself, it gives the boy the ability to see anything and anyone in this world, it also function as nigh omniscience as when used on a person can tell everything about them their past, their future, their deepest most hidden secrets and desires all laid out for his to see. And the scary bit was that it was just one of many abilities of his quirk

The boy told him that only he, in the gathering, barring a few other old grandparents like him, were the only ones who didn't actively sought his inheritance, everyone was tempted by the inheritance of hundreds of millions of dollars but only a few had the decency to prioritize the boy's both physical and mental well-being above it, and the boy chose him, a servant that served his parents since before he was born. 

"then young master have you decided which high school you will be attending or will it be the same dummy school prepared solely for you" the old man asked as the boys finished his meal and smirked,

"I found something entertaining, so I will be going there. Prepare a flight to Japan, old man" the boy stood up and walked to the bathroom.

Japan? Why there. Though he too would like to visit the land of the rising sun, he had heard it is quite the tourist spot and has one the most open (free from government meddling) and perhaps the most competitive hero culture there and of course, Allmight. Many of the biggest names in hero industry came from there. 

"young master, could I bring my grandchildren, they would like to see the home of Allmight." the old man asked as he whisked the plates to washing in the kitchen.

"Take whatever you need from the account Old man no need to ask, take it as a vacation and call Sasaki to arrange for our arrival" the boy walked out of the bathroom after washing himself.

The old man smiled, he didn't like to think this way but by all intend and purposes, he hit the lottery. Another one of the boy's ability as he called it "golden rule", wealth will flow towards him no matter what he does, the boy was as rich as they come perhaps one the most wealthiest in the world not even considering his age. 

Since he wasn't of age yet that's why he chose several people that his eyes deemed trustworthy and used his ability to place them in wealthy and powerful positions, and they in turn converged the wealth towards him and the company his parents owned, 

Urk enterprises. 

"take a vacation while I play with those mongrels, old man" the boy entered the living room and sat down on couch lazily with his eyes closed as he undoubtedly roamed the entire world with his nigh-omnipresent eyes. 

The old man sighed as he shook his head and started cleaning the table, all he could do was send a silent prayer to the poor souls who garnered the boy's interest.

Gilgamesh Urk, named after the hero in the oldest legend of the world by his parents as they believed he will achieve great things in life, like the ones in the tales of Gilgamesh which the boy's mother liked quite a bit. 

"do try to make friends while you are there young master, heavens know you need a few of them" the old man said as he sat down across the with a cup of tea, 

"tea after soup? I will never understand that even with my ability old man" the boy snorted at the old man as the servant simply sipped his tea. 

"to each their own young master, and don't change the topic" the old man sipped the tea in silence again as the boy scoffed and the perpetual frown soften a little. 

"I will try, but no promises old man" the boy growled as the man smiled in response 

"that will be a good start" 


After a few months. 

The busy trains in the morning reached the station of mustafa. For those who arrived here for the first time marveled at the sight of the best hero school in the country, and ever since the advent of Allmight,one of if not the best in the world. 

And one such admirer, admired the sight while standing on the gate of the said institute. 

'I am here, Allmight, mom, I will prove myself here...' 

"MOVE ASIDE, DEKU" the green haired boy's thoughts were violently shut down as the Ash blonde boy approached the same gate from behind him. The green haired boy leaped out the way and hastily moved his arm around in greeting as well as to defend himself from the upcoming wrath of the blonde teen. 

"h-h-hello k-kacchan, good l-l-luck, n-n-n-n-not like you need b-but.." the green haired boy's rambling stopped as the blond boy moved past him without any response. As he sighed. 

Kacchan has been acting differently since the sludge villain and he didn't know why but he was concerned for his childhood friend even though the said notion was rather one sided. The boy shook his head as he slapped himself startling the other participants around him. This wasn't the time to have those thoughts he had an exam to pass. 

Just as he was about take a step another voice, so haughty and arrogant that it would make Kacchan seem tame in comparison, came from behind him. 

"Move aside, mongrel" the green haired boy realizing that he was standing in the middle of the gate for quite some time jumped out of the way, 

"I-I-I am S-sorry, I w-wasn't p-p-paying aten..." his apology was ignored again as a tall golden haired boy with eyes that Midoriya could swear shone in a golden hue as he move past him with a seemingly perpetual frown on his face. He looked like Kacchan but more arrogant. 

Maybe it was the nervousness getting to him. Yep that was it. He once again shook his thoughts out of his head, took a step forward, his first step towards his path to becoming a hero, 

He stubbed his feet on the slightly raised pavement and fall forward as he watched the pavement close in towards his face. 

Why did the world hate him so much? Midoriya thought when suddenly he started floating. The sudden removal of gravity made him panic a bit but he calmed down as a voice, exact opposite to the previous two that he had the misfortune of being on the receiving end of, asked him in a concerned tone, 

"are you alright?" 

Looking at the speaker, Midoriya's day was already improved from one of the worst to one of better ones, and then came the fact that a girl, an actual girl around his age who generally ignore him due to his quirkless status, was talking to him. At this realization any coherent words out of him was impossible, better yet the girl in all her cheery and bubbly personality doesn't seem to notice that. 

"let's do our best" she gave him a smile and jogged towards the entrance of the UA building when Midoriya realized that she had already set him straight, feet on the ground and he would be late for exam in a few moments, as he picked himself up ran for the entrance.


Gilgamesh sat in his seat in the auditorium as the hero, Present Mic explained about the test. With his eyes closed Gilgamesh listened as the tall teen with rectangular glasses raised his hand to ask a question while shouting out his concerns about the test then proceeded to berate the green haired boy for disturbing others by talking.

All while sitting next to him. He was two steps away from ending it all here, but he knew better to be patient.

"Some people take this as joke, they should have some respect for this prestigious occupation and a school of this renown surely they would do this blunder with some objective in mind, don't you agree"

One step.

Gilgamesh then decided to completely ignore the boy as he took started listening to the screaming mongrel speak, as he looked across the auditorium towards the boy sat there embarrassed by the sudden insult and attention and the following mockery, Gilgamesh thought of the things he saw though his eyes about the boy, and his immediate thoughts lingered around one word,

A fake. The boy had the quirk of another, a legacy that even he respected but all the mongrel does is imitate the legend, even his thoughts are but of imitation of the man, a pathetic mongrel through and through, but albeit an interesting one, one of the reasons why he came to this country after all.

Faker, Gilgamesh hummed, a fitting name for the mongrel. The rest were in simple terms utter waste of his precious time. Some held the future of success and some of misery, few fated to perish in a few days and nothing sort of divine or himself intervening can revert that outcome.

The briefing ended as Gilgamesh looked at the card one of the mongrels gave him during the briefing, which read site A.

Gilgamesh along with a group of participants made their way to the site A and waited outside the gate of it. A gigantic city built solely for the students to demonstrate their abilities to its fullest extent without worrying about damage to the surroundings,

Outside the gate, where the students gathered, people looked at Gilgamesh oddly as they had changed their attire for the test and to suit their quirk most opting for a simple track suit, yet he stood there with his eyes closed, arm crossed in an very expensive looking white and golden winter coat and black pants. 

They whispered amongst themselves but didn't say anything, there a few odd participants around, some even saw a guy wearing a shirt which looked like a skirt with bright sparkling colors and a shining wrestling champion belt. Yep he wasn't the most odd one though not far from it.

"and START!!" a scream from Present Mic echoed as the participants were brought out of their thoughts and looked the professional hero in confusion, meanwhile 

"boat of heaven maana" 

The participants attention was brought towards a large golden ripple right beside the expensive winter coat guy and an large bow like chariot appeared out of it, right beside him. The guy stepped onto the bow as it flied towards the mock city at ridiculous speed. 

The first person to recover from the shock, Bakugo blasted towards the city screaming bloody murder and the rest of the participants followed as Present Mic explained to the every test sites that there are no countdowns in real life. 

Gilgamesh, while outside had already located a large number of robots across the mock city and made a beeline to the opposite end of the city from the entrance. Doing so made sure that he didn't run into one the mongrels, since running around unleashing their quirks will undoubtedly have them high on adrenaline and doing something that he would make sure is their last action on this planet. 

Those dolls in Germany learned it the hard way after he wiped out most of them.

Since his whole purpose of coming here had been to have fun Hence he didn't want to end it prematurely if some mongrel decided he was tired of living in front of him and on the old man's request find friends, though he wasn't really on board with the second one he will honor the old man's genuine concern for him, Gilgamesh thought as he arrived at the end of the city.

A metallic screeched behind him announced the arrival of the pointer robots and flashes of gold along with metal scrapes flying by announced their end.

Gilgamesh looked at the remaining robots and scoffed. This was the necessary chore he has to do before he gets to the good part but that didn't make it any less boring. 


"we have quite batch this year" one of the teachers at UA exclaimed as they watched the whole debacle through numerous monitors. 

The rest nodded or hummed in response while some continued to evaluate the students wordlessly, 

"we do indeed have quite an exceptional batch this year." a mouse-bear-dog like creature exclaimed as he started pointing out specific students and their specific qualities that made them stand out compared to rest of their participants. 

"and who is this guy" one of the teacher with a large metal mask covering his head, the hero Powerloader, asked as he pointed towards one of the screens where a golden haired boy leisurely walked on the middle of the road, he didn't even stop when a robot came bursting through a building next to him, as the robot was torn to shreds by a barrage of weapons, swords, spears, axes, etc. rained down on it and then the said weapons embedded on the robot and the pavement dissolved in golden dust and disappeared and the boy continued to walk leaving a graveyard of robots behind him. 

"he looks like he is bored, how many points does he have?" a large man wearing blood red costume, the hero Vladking, asked. 

"52 and counting" one of the teachers, ectoplasm replied as he looked at the record as they watched every student separately to ensure all of them were evaluated fairly. 

"Gilgamesh Urk, our dear student from middle east as well as the future owner of the Urk enterprise" Nezu replied as he looked at the list of students he had. 

"so a rich boy" Powerloader said with concern those kind of students were one of the hardest to handle. 

"filthy rich, the kind that would put the Yaoyorozu to shame" Midnight added, while Yaoyorozus are one of the richest in Japan their wealth still wasn't enough to be considered one of the highest in the world, while the Urks name pops up when the top of the world in wealth are discussed and they even operated in multiple continents, though she was still trying to think of a reason why someone with such a brilliant and luxurious life would chose to be a hero, for all its glory and fame it still was a hazardous occupation, and someone as high up the ladder as him would invite a lot of attention from the other side, villains. 

"quite the mystery isn't it?" principal nezu said in a cheerful tone as he lifted the board in his hands. As always he loved solving puzzle weather they were in game or real life. 

"I was quite curious about this particular student, since his quirk is as much of a mystery as he is" and the animal with a quirk proceeded to point at the screen as it showed the beginning of the exam where a large bow like contraption appeared in the same way as the weapons

"his quirk is called Gates of Babylon, undoubtedly derived from the epic of gilgamesh, the same for his name. It simply states that, like in the epic, his treasury has every treasure in the world. At first I thought something similar to a armoury or gems but that... " nezu pointed at the screen which stilled the view of the boy riding the bow through the city at a ridiculous speed that it was only a blur in the camera. 

"... That changes things"


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