
The kids got a dark side

Izuku’s mind snapped when All Might tells him he can’t be a hero. But once he meets some UA students, will he snap back to reality, or could he create the most feared group in all of Japan?

TheFlipside · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Detective work

Later that night, Shoto went back to his board.

'If I remember correctly, Denki was also there in the beginning, so he's a member too. And sero took Midnights blood, so he's most likely there too.' Shoto stood back and looked at his work.

'Almost half of my class is a member. But, could Izu be targetting others? It is possible. About ten months ago when he first tried to get me to join, he said that everyone joining had a difficult past. He hates Allmight- Allmight. That's right! Allmight is faking his form! He told Izuku..he couldn't..be a hero..' Shoto's fists clinched. He decided that, that was enough for one night, and head to bed. But in the morning he had a plan.

During hero class, the number one hero came in and everyone was impressed, everyone but shoto.

" I am here!" The hero boomed. "Today we will be- um, yes young Shoto?" Todoroki had raised his hand, making everyone confused. Once he was called on, the teen stood up and looked at Allmight with a hateful look.

"Is it true, that you told a young man he COULDN'T be a hero?" The room fell silent, everyone stared in shock at the claim.

"W-what do you-" Allmignt was cut off.

"Is it true that you said "it would be to dangerous" when you yourself are in no physical condition to fight?" This really got the class stirred up.

"Listen young Shoto I think-" Allmight started to sweat, he never would have thought someone would find out.

"YOU sir are a fake! You destroyed the dreams of an innocent young man! You left him on a rooftop! Knowing damn well what his mental state must have been like!" Shoto's fist clenched and came down on the desk. " You have no right, calling yourself a hero." Shoto sat down as the class stared. Allmight stood for a second before leaving classroom.

"Free t-time." Was all he left with.

"What was that?!" Bakugou immediately looked at Shoto.

"yea, what did you mean?" Mina looked confused, so did everyone else.

"Blood runs thicker then water. Power, is only useful if you have it over others." Shoto said, making the room even more confused. But looking around again, he saw that the members got what he meant, and anger was seen in their eyes.

That night, shoto snuck out of the dorms again, and went directly to Izuku's. Before he could even knock on the door, Inko opened it.

"Welcome Shoto, and you don't have to knock, just walk right in." Shoto felt more at ease when she said that.

"Thank you" Shoto walked in and saw Izuku writing on a lot of papers. For once he was the only one he saw. Without making a sound, he walked up behind Izuku, and gently wrapped his arms around him, making the broccoli flintch slightly.

"T-Todoroki-cun?" Izuku gently held his hand as Shoto moved to his side.

"Mhm, hi." The two boys looked at each other for a moment before Izuku cleared his throat.

"I heard you made a scene today in class." Both boys smirked as Todoroki sat down.

"That blonde bastard just pissed me off so I lashed out."

"Kacchan or Allmight?"

"Why not both?" Izuku laughed, earing a smile from Shoto.

"I'm sorry I told the class what happened that day, only your friends seemed to understand though."

"It's alright, I should have told them awhile ago. But on the bright side, their all trusting you now. You seem to be popular, in jealous."

"Jealous I'll be taken away Izuku~?" Deku blushed slightly, making Shoto blush too.

"Maybe" Both boys stared at each other once again. The silence of the house making their own little world for them.

"Boss!" The silence was quickly broken when Kirishima, Iida, Asui, Uraraka, Toga, Tokoyami, momo, Denki and sero rushed in and hugged Izuku.

"Oh boss!" Toga cried as she nuzzled the poor boy.

"I swear I'll kill that poor excuse of a hero!" Kirishima said as Asui keroed in agreement.

"G-guys I'm fine! I'm fine I swear!" Izuku tried to get out of the attacks of hugs, but nothing seemed to work. Izuku glared at Shoto as he smirked.

When everyone finally got off of him, Shigaraki came into the room yawning.

"Where did you come from?" Izuku asked confused.

"Mo- u-um Inko let me sleep in her bed." Shigarki blushed nervously, his face going to confusion as he looked around. "Wow, there are a lot of people here."

"Hi! I'm Toga!" Toga immediately waved.

"Everyone, this is my brother. Call him Shigaraki." Everyone waved happily, making Shigaraki feel weird, but it was a nice weird.

"Izuku, can I ask something?" Shoto sat down again.

"Sure." He smiled.

"Well, I remember you said that everyone you invited to the group had..a ruff past. I wanted to ask if I could know those events." The room fell silent.

"For me, I was told I was born quirkless. I was bullied, and hated for just that. My old friend even told me, to take a swan dive off of the schools roof top. Then of course you know the thing with Allmight." Izuku looked at the group. Soon People started to speak up.

"My family was tricked, and lost all their money..A hero said he'd help them, but he just took the business out from under their noses." Uraraka wiped away a tear.

"I've been bullied..about my quirk. I was called *kero* a freak."

"As was I, people would hit me, and pull my feathers. Called me a freak and said I didnt belong." Dark shadow appeared, Hugging both animal like people.

"My family tormented me all my life. Sure, being rick is nice, but being tortured isn't worth money." Momo held herself close.

"I was told I could never be a hero by my classmates. They said I was weak, a coward..and my quirk would never be strong enough.." Denki hugged Kirishima.

"I-I have ADHD, and anxiety...my quick also has given me a split personality disorder..I've been bullied because I was "dumb" and couldn't do anything right..my own parents wouldn't help me, or the teachers.." Kirishima held Denki close.

"My brother was killed during a fight..but not by a villian, but by a hero who wanted all the glory.." Iida clenched his fists.

"My family and I are originally from Havan Cuba. But there are home was invaded, and my father was killed. When we moved to Japan, non of the hero's would belive my poor Mother..and we were sent to the streets.. When I started middle school, people made fun of my quirk, saying I couldnt I anything with such a weak quirk.." Sero started to mumbled under his breath.

"My parents called me a freak..because of my blood lust..i-i never wanted to hurt anyone..b-but the blood was to irresistible~! I wanted so much of it! my parents wanted me to have a normal life..but I suffered so much" Toga's smile grew, but so did her tears as she fell to her knees.

"My father..hated hero's when I was little. Said I couldn't be one..my sister always got me in trouble, which caused him to beat me..One day when I was petting my dog, she disintegrated in front of me..that's when my quirk awakened. My sister came out yo say sorry, but she screamed and ran when she saw my dog dead..I went to grab her to stop her, b-but she died immediately" Shigaraki started to shake as tears fell. "I touched the ground and it started to break. My aunt and mother came outside, I tried to stop them. But my mouth ran to me and when she was about to hug me, she also died...When my father looked outside, I was so full of rage. So I ran and jumped him, killing him too..I went to the streets in look for help, but no one. Not even a hero tried to help me." Shigaraki looked up at everyone who was either about to cry, or was already crying.

Suddenly everyone jumped shigarki and hugged him tightly. Shoto watched it all, and his heart hurt.

'How could so many people hurt so much, and yet still have a smile on their face?'

"What about y-you shoto?" Momo asked, catching Shoto off guard.

'I might as well share..they all did..' Shoto stood up.

" My father bought my mother from her family, in order to have a kid with a powerful quirk. he had two sons and a daughter before me. When he saw I had both fire and an ice quirk, he immediately started my training. I wasnt allowed to play, or hang out with my siblings..I would train till I threw up..one night I heard my mom on the phone..saying she wanted to run away..When I asked her about i, she turned to me, and in a rage, poured boiling water on my face.." Shoto covered his scared eye. "The next day my father put her in a mental hospital...a-and i haven't seen her since.. My brother..also died, and I never got to say goodbye.." Tears threatened Shoto's eyes, but he only started crying when everyone hugged him.

"I'm so sorry you went through that alone.." Kirishima said.

"No, I'm sorry you've all been alone till now.." Shoto commented.

"That's right, now we have eachother." Toga smiled.

Inko backed into the kitchen, whipping away her own tears. 'I'm proud of all of you, you're all so strong'