
The Isekai Convenient Store!

Yozora Asa is an ordinary teenager who inherited a small convenience store from his grandparents and stumbled upon a beggar on the street where he bartered some items in exchange for some of his money, Yozora, despite knowing that the beggar's bartered items were hoaxes, nevertheless gave the beggar some of his money out of compassion, unknowingly, Yozora just made a deal with a person from a far-away galaxy where he was given a bracelet with an ability to cross between places or worlds where the device saved its coordinates, a custom shop system, and other features, as well as a bottle of evolution serum which he mistook for an energy drink, what will Yozora do with his new found ability? Will he use his new powers to be a hero? Go on an adventure and fight the demon king!? Or perhaps revive his family's dying inheritance in another world? This is a convenience store story in another world!

Cixious_Nazarick · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 2: Shady Guy and Shady Deal

In the vast space in an unknown galaxy, thousands of ships that could only be seen in the movies on earth and a sight that spelled doom for the earthlings, these ships are made out of special metals and alloys that cannot be found anywhere in the milky way galaxy, armed to the teeth from laser cannons, anti-fighter/bomber plasma guns, ion cannons, and even railguns though they were already obsolete.

The huge fleet was escorting a sole VIP Ship, the ship was color purple due to the special metal and alloys used to build the ship, a special metal known as magenta mineral, an incredibly hard metal that requires the most special of techniques, technology, and machinery for it to be smelted and made into a ship.

Inside the ship, a man wearing a dark military uniform could be seen standing on a platform where a subordinate of his was reporting, Using modern technology and AI, the man was being briefed as holograms floated in front of him, there A planet was specifically being studied.

"According to the data gathered by Master Agent Anders, the race that settled this planet which they called Earth, was extremely similar to our looks, they were exactly looked like our ancient ancestors in the void calendar, however unlike us, these "humans" are unpredictable individuals, they are easy to antagonize and easily fall to greed, lust, anger and other state of mind and emotions, they are pretty much disorganize as the same race because of their stupid and ancient beliefs, pride and skin color, most importantly, the planet is divided by countries, these countries are currently going neck to neck, each one stabbing one in the back while stabbing another, they also made a pretty much advance weaponry and source of power known as Nuclear which is also the same energy our ancestors had back then albeit ours are much safer, cleaner and no waste is made, now they use it as warheads that can kill billions of people, devastate cities and kill their entire environment and make their race enxtinct." The man who reported finished his briefing while waiting for his superior's reply.

The man, Azeroth von Houseberg, and his fleet were part of the much larger force known as the Research and Studies Exploration Force from a Galactic Empire, They were tasked to explore countless Galaxies to be recorded, researched, studied and hopefully make contact with them and invite them to explore the vast universe together, "Yet again we encountered full of unintelligent race that could not understand basic unity, driven by greed and hunger for power, they are an unworthy pile of monkeys that only knows how to destroy, build, destroy, build and repeat, with their planet incredibly close to dying and their sun not faring any better, these creatures sure ignore them... Look at their planet, if it can only cough it would cough all the pollution they made, Evaluation Chief Vinsmann, it is apparent that Milky Way is full of creatures such as these, they are dangerous to our society thus we will label them as UGR-RED."

Vinsmann nodded and with the help of an AI, he easily marked the Milky Way galaxy and its natives as UGR-RED, this means that the galaxy is not worthy and suitable to be recognized as a "civilized" galaxy after he marked the galaxy, Vinsmann then hesitated but reported concern from one of their agents, "I apologize Lord Azeroth, but one of our agents just got his system card stolen and now the thieves will not return it unless our agent pays a certain amount of "cash"..."

Azeroth eyed the man for a moment and pondered, "He can sell whatever item he had as long as it's something not of significance and preferably give it to a good-willed person which might prove to be hard but it's carelessness that got him in that situation so it's not my problem."

"Copy that Lord Azeroth." Vinsmann saluted before the hologram disappeared, Azaroth then slumped on his chair sighing, "That bastard son of mine and his recklessness, should I ground him on his silly adventures across the universe again?"



Anders had a sudden goosebumps, "Shit, that old geezer must be talking about me again."

"What?" His attention was once again turned on the native who would help him get the material he needed to get back his system card.

"It's nothing," he replied, "So how about this, I have this cool bracelet, This thing can protect you from harm, it can detect threats and will generate a shield if it detects some kind of projectile or mysterious force that coming straight for you! Not only that, this thing can only teleport in places as long as the coordinates are saved!"

Anders took a small case and presented its content, "I will also give you this!" he brought out a small vial made out of unknown material, "Believe me or not, this thing contains a special liquid that can uhh... energize you! That's right, it will energize your body as if you have the strength of hundreds of Void Walkers! It will also make your skin look ageless!"

Yozora meanwhile, blankly stared at the insane beggar he stumbled upon, forced to listen to this creepy man as he spat nonsense stuff and showed him suspicious items, "And I'll also give you this! Ta~dah! This is a special plasma shotgun! Whoever gets shot with this will probably be reduced to nothing! And finally a plasma pistol! So what are you waiting for!? This is your once-in-a-lifetime chance, just give me exactly $236.50!"

Despite branding the man as insane, Yozora was still amazed at how this guy introduced his offers as if he was watching a TV commercial where on the television, the products looked effective and durable wherein in reality, the product was a piece of shit scam. The guns especially looked like props from a sci-fi movie.

"Sorry dude, you see I'm struggling in terms of money as well, I can't possibly spend so much money for some toys." Though it looked cool, Yozora doesn't have the leisure to spend more money, and some toys are very impractical for his current situation, it won't make him any penny richer.

Anders slumped down sighing, but suddenly sprung up as he released his final card, "You leave me no choice... Then how about this, I'll add a special custom shop system chip to this bracelet, You will have access to the system shop where you can buy basic stuff! And the product you chose to buy will appear in front of you using a special technology! THAT ALL OF $236.50!"

The man was extremely persistent and even went to his knees while begging Yozora, this made the young man feel bad and embarrassed as the people in the streets were staring at the two, Yozora panicked since people might assume he was bullying a random handsome guy and might record him.

Yozora hastily replied, "Fine! Fine! Just please get up it's embarrassing!"

Ander went from a depressed state to a happy one, Yozora then took out the money and hesitantly gave it to Anders which the man immediately took, he then pushed the box containing the items he offered to Yozora, "Then we have a deal! Don't worry Yozora, this favor you gave will not be forgotten, Adios~!"

Anders after receiving the money went into a sprint as if the whole neighborhood was after him. Yozora however could only sigh, he glanced at the box he held, it was pretty lightweight for something that had a toy shotgun and pistol in it, he then placed it along with the supplies he bought.

He pressed the pedals of his bike as he headed towards his shop, glancing at the dented handlebar of his bike, Yozora let out a chuckle, "What a weird day, wait... How did he know my name?"

His question was left unanswered, and Yozora eventually returned home.

Very satiffied with the chapter tonight, I think I did fine, what do guys think? Please don't hesitate to drop your feedback as it help me in my improvement as an Author!

Thank you for supporting and reading my book, have a good night!

Cixious_Nazarickcreators' thoughts