
The Introverted Witch

A school holiday trip turns bloody when a pack of werewolves attacks and it becomes a problem for Auroras when she's tasked to take care of the students. There is another student that's a vampire but he cannot do it alone. It's more of a problem because she's outed as a witch when no one knew her as one of the supernatural, and because she's an introvert and a wallflower, she is now everyone's favorite person when they didn't bother about her before. On the trip, she encounters Kane, an unwanted and dangerous being who was not supposed to be there. Through the connection, she becomes a chosen one and throughout her trials, she gives in. Away from home and everything she knows, Aurora has to survive on her own. With everything taken from her and the only help she has is from trading with daemons, she has to earn her freedom. Learning new skills on her way, things she's never dreamed were possible a year ago. From a witch who had to hide her power to a powerful sorceress, Aurora is at a loss though. Does she even understand what freedom means to a daemon? Can she fight against those who oppose her and does she even want to? *** Aurora is an introvert. Partly born and party grew more into an introvert as time went on. She is also a witch, which complicates things since witches are social beings. Hence the reason of covens. She wants both but cannot get either. On one hand, she has extra workload and on the other, it seems like the spirits have rejected her and so no coven wants her and that included the coven she was born in.

Rianta_Singh · ファンタジー
19 Chs

Chapter 14

She was packed and she said her goodbyes. To the rest of her kind, she is going to the Underworld but making a stop at home just to get some of her belongings. She almost forgot about the note and since there is no way to know for sure who sent it, no one can know that she made a deal with Kane and that she's looking into her parent's and aunt's murder or that she even suspected such. They are probably happy that she would be gone and it would be easier to look into it if they thought the threat, her, was gone for good. If she was lucky, they would stop covering up the evidence because she would be gone but Aurora sighed at the thought that the bad guys wouldn't make it easy, no, because others could always stumble upon the evidence, and her parents were loved in the coven and her aunt was one on the council and she was prepared to take a seat on the council again. Plus they did mention her staying away from the deamons... Could they suspect the same as Kane?

He lounged opposite her, looking through her belongings like he had every right! She couldn't do anything because when she tried before, he called up fire and burnt it in front of her "It is yours only if I allow it, don't be greedy" he would say or something along those lines.

She wanted to scratch her eyes out when he held the photo album "I guess you might need this for your investigation" and threw it at her. A photo nearly fell out, she opened the album to fit it back and her heart softened. She closed her eyes, remembering the time the picture was taken. She was about six and her father had gotten her a witch-looking kite. She smiled and giggled when she remembered how hard she tried to fly it but that day it was hot with no wind, so her father brought out two fans and a hairdryer to save the day when the kids on the street laughed at her-

"We should finish up here before anyone gets suspicious" She jumped in fright and looked at Kane. She didn't hear him move but he was behind her and whispered in her ear. She blinked and gulped then she nodded and got up. She knows that she shouldn't show that she fears him but it's hard, she's not very good with on-the-spot decisions or actions. Aurora was intimidated by him but at the same time, she couldn't help but have a connection to him that scared her more than well...him! She was attracted to him from her first sighting of him, even if it took a while for her to recognize it. She doesn't know much more about him than she knew when she met him at the school camp and that's dangerous if she's going to work with him and get married to him! She looked back at him and didn't know how to get to know him but wanted to and although it would help her fear, that is not why she wants to know him.

He looked at her like he felt her gaze "Hurry up, we don't have time to waste" Then he turned back to -

"Oh my goodness! I've been looking for that everywhere! Give it to me!" she went to snatch it from his hands but one look stopped her in her tracks then he gave her a nasty smile and she knew what he was going to do and before she could stop herself she flung her hands out and hit him with a glowing ball that though him against the wall, she ran and snatched the pendant but he caught her and pulled her down on top of him

"You should not have attacked me Aurora" Her heart squeezed itself to hide in fear and she couldn't breathe. At first, she thought it was her fear then he squeezed tighter and she noticed his hand around her neck then black dots decorated her surroundings that swallowed up her living room.

The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was trees, all around her too. She was in a forest again, with him. Well now she was alone, but she was sure he is somewhere around. Her throat was sore and her mouth was dry but she couldn't see any of their things or water nearby so she got up, wincing with each movement from the ground. Aurora didn't know where they were or where she'll get water so her best bet would be to find their stuff which will hopefully contain water. Her sandals were not made comfortable for the forest but it would probably be worse if she took them out, plus it was cold but luckily her mom taught her how to call fire, she made her promise to only use them in emergencies and do her best not to show anyone, which included other witches. Now she'll say she can use it since there is no one around to see her use it and she's cold! She made a point of walking in a circle around the spot she was left but so far didn't find anything, nor did Kane answer when she called. She didn't want to tire herself too much and make herself dehydrated so she went back and sat down to wait for Kane. She wondered if he did this on purpose for attacking him but somehow it doesn't seem his style to get revenge, he seems too cool-headed. She wonders what happened to the chain. Most probably destroyed.

Aurora was almost asleep when he came for her "We need to hurry before nightfall" she rolled her eyes. He never greets anybody. She joined him and they made their way out of the forest and into a cottage. She almost swore herself for giving up, a few more miles out and she would have found this dwelling. Stupid! She swore herself. She gave out a sigh when cool water touched her lips and drenched her dry throat. She didn't remember drinking but the tumbler of water was finished in no time and the second glass was filled but she drank in sips while exploring the place. She could see clearly that it belonged to a family of witches but no one other than them was there and the fact that Kane spelled the door open, means they are not supposed to be there. She's not fazed about the braking and entering because she did that and worse in her delinquent days. She missed that part of her years but that was when she was broken, she's not broken now. It was more fun but she didn't enjoy it, couldn't. She shook those thoughts away, this was not the time to get caught up in the past. She saw her things in the living room but with her body itching with laying on the hard ground, she chose to sleep on the bed and sort some of the documents. Kane left again but she was not his keeper so she didn't bother with him, just with getting to the bottom of this.