
The Introverted Witch

A school holiday trip turns bloody when a pack of werewolves attacks and it becomes a problem for Auroras when she's tasked to take care of the students. There is another student that's a vampire but he cannot do it alone. It's more of a problem because she's outed as a witch when no one knew her as one of the supernatural, and because she's an introvert and a wallflower, she is now everyone's favorite person when they didn't bother about her before. On the trip, she encounters Kane, an unwanted and dangerous being who was not supposed to be there. Through the connection, she becomes a chosen one and throughout her trials, she gives in. Away from home and everything she knows, Aurora has to survive on her own. With everything taken from her and the only help she has is from trading with daemons, she has to earn her freedom. Learning new skills on her way, things she's never dreamed were possible a year ago. From a witch who had to hide her power to a powerful sorceress, Aurora is at a loss though. Does she even understand what freedom means to a daemon? Can she fight against those who oppose her and does she even want to? *** Aurora is an introvert. Partly born and party grew more into an introvert as time went on. She is also a witch, which complicates things since witches are social beings. Hence the reason of covens. She wants both but cannot get either. On one hand, she has extra workload and on the other, it seems like the spirits have rejected her and so no coven wants her and that included the coven she was born in.

Rianta_Singh · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 15

Aurora opened her eyes and saw white. She immediately closed her eyes and moved her head. She looked to see the white paper and she scrunched her face when she saw she drooled on it and could feel it on her face. She didn't want to get up since she slept too late. Her work is all over the bed and floor but most is in a neat file. She should be happy because she hit a breakthrough in the case but she's too damn tired and it's hard to be happy about it when the reason she didn't know before was because her aunt kept it from her. It's solid evidence that someone was out to get my family.

Aurora sipped on her coffee while browsing the internet. She wanted to do research but got sidetracked a bit. Well, to be honest, the workload has been overwhelming lately so she decided she needed a break. Her aunt was the only one she knew that knew she was investigating this case but according to the letters, there was someone else or more than one who knew. She also knew that as long as Kane kept an eye on her, she had to stay busy so with him gone, now was the time to relax but her mind was spinning and not staying on one topic. It was her guess that he went looking for another place to stay. It was crazy to think that she didn't really know him that well because she only met him a handful of times but she felt a constant struggle of connection with him that goes beyond physical control. She wants to both run from it and explore it but he is too determined to be detached. She thinks he feels it too, he is just better at hiding it. She doesn't know how to confront him before they bond and that scares her more because what if the bond makes it impossible to fight things... She has no choice but to confront him and when he comes back, it would be the first thing she'd do. Hopefully.

She was soaking up the heat in the tub when she heard the door click and her first thought was whether the couple came back home and what she was going to do before the thought that it was Kane flew into her head. She's not ready and she just got into the tub so she'll give it a few. At least that's what she thought on the surface but really, what was going on, was that she was stalling.

For all her brave thoughts and motivation she went through before knocking on his temporary room, Aurora could not do it, her mind went blank with everything she had planned

"This better be important" he opened the door and blocked her way in and her mind blamed his naked profile for erasing her thought process

"Ooh..." she didn't bother anymore and just checked him out. He was truly gorgeous and she didn't care if it was glamor or that he was a daemon, all she could think about was kissing him... So she did. Well tried to. She traced her fingers over him and then stepped on tip toes to reach his mouth but he was too tall so she cradled his head to pull him down but that was when she looked into his eyes. When she first saw him open the door naked, or half naked as it were. Aurora checked his body and lips. She looked into his eyes last when that should have been the first thing. There was an unknown spark in the depths of his eyes but on the front, he glared his anger before he pushed her and closed the door in her face. As she fell to the floor, she didn't try to stop her fall but let the pain cause her tears. She would not admit that he hurt her feelings. She would not admit that she wanted a daemon in that way. It was forbidden! She was way out of her depth here and she was losing control fast. Aurora didn't know what came over her but she knew she had to get back to her room before she fell asleep in front of his room. Her creeping to her room was done in a blur and for some reason, she felt like she was rejected by her crush and not a daemon. She was embarrassed of course but... That was not the reason she cried and it was not the reason it felt like a fist was squeezing her heart and lungs out but she was not ready for this revelation and so it was a terrible embarrassing situation that caused her unwanted tears and the pain of her fall.

Today is the day she has been dreading. Today is the day she has to say goodbye for the last time. It's the last time she is able to see her besides in her dreams or the afterlife. Today is her aunt's funeral. She had put it out of her mind but she just received the notice that was published in the paper about the funeral and that I was still missing from a Coven leader... The same one she was in and was kicked out. Sigh, Aurora knew she shouldn't be feeling this way when it was such a bad day already but she couldn't help but feel angry and jealous. Her aunt was the connection to the coven but with her gone, it shouldn't matter because she wouldn't be here after all, but the pain she felt mocked her. She wonders what the coven will think of her when they find out she's been chosen. It was supposed to be announced in the annual meeting ceremony but that's still weeks away. She couldn't help but feel pleased that they would miss out on feeling special because one of theirs was chosen, because they kicked her out, they would not be acknowledged.