

A one night stand with a White waitress in a club was all it took to make him. He had no father but an owner he had. He owned him..turned him into the demon he is now. At the age of eight, he killed the humanity and love he had. "To make you strange and a worthy successor. I don't need any weakling." Akim always roared at him. The day he died the Devil got a free ticket to leave South Africa for good. Revenge from their rival Mafia gang was not in his plans. He wouldn't shed the blood of his people. He needed the for something better. To build a legitimate global empire. He worked his ass of to be a better version than Akim had in mind. He would own it all, by any means necessary. The world wasn't fair so don't blame him if he stumbled on you in the course of fulfilling his plans. You needed to keep up to be able to work for or with him. He had a family, though not perfect, the gang always had his back and so did he. At the age of twenty -six, Lucifer as he was popularly known by his close men was the most eligible bachelor, and the youngest richest business man in the country and beyond. He said it and he did it yet, there was always something else to do. Something better. He might be crazy for wanting to conquer the world, but that was his plan. Lucifer was never the type to run, he never backed down....and though a tiny part of him wanted to, he couldn't. His demons were part of him. He was his own devil. The part of him which thrilled at the site of violence and smiled at the pains and fear in the eyes of others strived and dominated his soul. He wanted out but who was he kidding, his demons were his source of power. Power, which sucks humanity out of him. Lucifer had made his name in the Europeans countries, but he felt that there would be much profit and a fulfilling tap into the culture of Africa which would in no doubt be a jackpot for him. He was a business man and so knew his fact. Africa....he dreaded and loved. He was sure of his target..where else but Ghana..a foreign environment. He was yet to find out that Ghana would give him the encounter of his life.... Kara, popularly called Nana is the "unwanted" bastard of the Agyemang family. Her mother Esther got pregnant with her white boyfriend during her college years overseas. Her mother came home with a baggage instead of the promised degrees. Being the daughter of a strict African home, ones thought would be to disappear for good and bear the shame alone. The family frowned upon her actions, turned their backs on her and was disowned by her father. Single handedly, with help from her uncle, her mother raised her to become a typical Ghanaian child. Even with her fair skin and brunette hair...she was in no doubt a Ghanaian by actions. Many often got confused yet her calm nature and respect for every custom of the society irrespective of it's flaws made her Ghanaian. Kara lived her life like a story being told. She drew her plans from the moment Uncle Kwesi sat her down and told her of the story behind her birth and why she didn't have a father or a large family. She knew who her father was. At least she had a picture of him, a picture shut away. She was satisfied with having her mom and uncle in her life. They enough for her, she convinced herself. Nana's greatest fear is repeating her mother's mistake...Don't get her wrong, she respected her mom immensely, she was by far the strongest woman she had ever know. That didn't change the fact that she would like to write some of her wrongs. Nor did it change the feeling which ate her up all the time...She was an accident and that was something that even she couldn't make right. Being the child of a single mother in a Ghanaian society, there was a lot to do and not do. No matter the amount of wealth, the society would always see you as the daughter of the unmarried woman and hence, you are required to put in much effort to everything you do. Kara wanted her mom to know n feel that her birth was her biggest achievement

Cysca_Cudjoe · 都市
17 Chs

Chapter 14: Black and White Souls

Kara sat in the cold wind, head bent. Her mom's hurt tone after she had told her of her plans was one she still couldn't get pass. Her usual "Hw3 wo ho so yie" ( Take care of yourself) was a hit, a big blow. It sounded as if her mom had concluded that Kara was choosing life in the US over her mother. Kara sensed the presence of another besides her. " What's with the sad atmosphere Miss Narnar....". Kara turned to find the voice of the stranger belonging to Raynault D' Oriel, showing off his perfect white teeth. Kara giggled. "Bad...." Her phone rang just when she was reply Raynault.

The phone got did a good job to mince her words. She was surprised to get a call from a private line at such an hour. "Sorry". She apologized and answered the call. " Hello..." "Miss Kara Nana Agyemang, I am not interested in knowing your reason for being outside flirting with that guy. However, I hope that you are smart enough to realize that he is my rival. And your Boss does not take delight in such unprofessional work ethics. Are we clear? Lucifer clearly cautioned. His voice so deep, fierce and rich. Kara quickly jolted to her feet,, making Raynault follow suit.

It hit Kara, her boss, meaning the Boss of her Boss Hakeem. THE BOSS. She received a call from her actual boss for the first time and it was a caution. She was so doomed. She thought. " I am sorry Sir. I am heading back to my room now." Kara spoke apologetically. "Yes, good choice. Say your goodbye to D' Oriel and head off". Lucifer spoke with authority and professionalism, clearly stating who he is. " Sorry, Mr D' Oriel. I have to get going." Kara did as she was told. Raynault looked surprised and curious to know what the call was all about. "Alight. But, is everything okay?". Ray asked and pointed to the phone which was still in it's position; hold to her ears. " Miss Agyemang, hurry to your suit. We have work to discuss. ". Lucifer spoke again." Sure sir, I will there in a jiffy." She replied.

She gave an apologetic smile to Raynault. "Business. Have a nice night Sir." She said and headed to the building. She listened to Lucifer's instructions and other information regarding her purpose there. Kara got to her room so fast that she was oblivious of she running to the place. She reached for thee files and her diary to jot down anything that her bigger Boss would point out. "Emmm...Sir, please I'm with the files now." Kara calmly spoke, waiting for Lucifer's orders. Her boss's order took her by surprised. She was torn, as to believe that she had a clear good hearing or her ears were deceiving her. " Get some sleep. Do your best tomorrow. Don't make me regret Miss Agyemang ". The line went dead in her hand. She stood up, speechless. " Sleep? Was she going to be able to sleep?". She asked herself.

Lucifer sat on the couch in his suite. He stared emotionlessly at Mr Alnald. What the fuck was the man saying. He didn't plan on making him go mad, but being in debt had a way of creating insanity. " Mr Oralnos, please. It's a request. Take me in mg oldest daughter, Marian. Please...claim her..." Lucifer glared at the man who once owned the enviable hotel. "Claim? I claim women, neither do I force them to do anything. It's a shame, you think so less of me, well as a man. Because as a businessman, you are a sucker. Clearly, your daughter's happiness is not part of your list at the moment. She would wish for death the moment she comes close to me". Lucifer hissed dangerously.

Mr Alnad got on his knee, something which did not surprise Lucifer the least. " Head bent, Mr Anald pleaded with Lucifer. " Marry her. That's all that I'm asking. Please, I need to at least....protect my family.... " Lucifer looked disgusted at his flimsy excuse and lazy solution to the situation. He stood up and ordered him to do same."Get up....now". He almost roared, however, he was quick enough to control his uprising anger. Mr Anald quickly got up on his feet. " Get out!! " Lucifer hissed. "What....?" Mr Anald stuttered. "Do I need to repeat myself? Get out here. Remove yourself permanently from this building before it's morning. My lawyers will sort out the papers for the building by morning, so you should carry yourself out by then. There no need of your presence at the party tomorrow, the launching is just a formality one, which your presence is not required."

Lucifer spoke, unperturbed with the deadly glare and hatred which emanated from the eyes of the man had worked hard to defeat, leave him penniless just to spread the word. Word would spread, the strategy will remain known to him. Havoc will be created in the world of business. The press will rush to get more information. REFICUL will remain ever respected and the best. Lucifer smirked at the man who stood balding with anger. He whispered Intl his ears. " Keep that little fire burning and you will get no where". Lucifer sat down and closed his long legs as usual. "Please sew yourself out. I won't repeat myself twice".

He spoke in a bored tone. Mr Alnad nodded in defeat and a tink of an oppression of anger. After a final glare, which spoke a lot yet meant nothing to Lucifer, he ushered himself out of the room. Lucifer stared at the closed door quietly for a brief moment. He grabbed his mini Samsung galaxy and made a brief call.

" Keep an eye on Alnad. Don't create trouble and keep this in mind. I don't want any bloodiness. He hanged up and moved to the balcony of the suite. pocketed and sighed, enjoying the view. " A clear attack ". He mumbled.