

--- **Synopsis:** In a universe where gods wage war and mortals suffer the fallout, a young boy named Aetheris Lucernas Abaddon is born into a world that neither welcomes nor understands him. His origins are shrouded in mystery, with whispers of an impossible union that defies all known laws of existence. From the moment of his birth, it was clear that Aetheris was different—something beyond comprehension. As a child, Aetheris felt the pull of ancient forces, whispers from beings older than time itself, urging him toward a destiny steeped in darkness and grandeur. With each passing year, his power grew, shaping him into a figure that could transcend the boundaries of reality. No longer merely a boy, Aetheris became a living legend, an entity that embodied both sin and salvation, hope and despair. But with this power came a relentless burden. Gods, monsters, and mortals alike demanded that Aetheris use his unimaginable strength for their purposes. They pleaded, they threatened, and they schemed, each seeking to control the force that he had become. Aetheris, however, was not one to be controlled. "I am the beginning and the end!" Aetheris declares, his voice resonating through the very fabric of the universe. "I am beyond your understanding, beyond your gods and your nightmares. The power I hold is mine alone!" As he defies those who seek to bend him to their will, the consequences of Aetheris's choices ripple across the cosmos. His actions stir entities long forgotten, and the mortal realms tremble as the line between creation and destruction blurs. Chaos spreads like wildfire, and the very universe teeters on the brink of collapse. Yet, in the midst of this cosmic upheaval, Aetheris faces a harrowing truth: in his relentless pursuit of power, he may have become the very force of chaos he once sought to escape. *The Inception of Mayhem* is the story of Aetheris Lucernas Abaddon, a tale of ambition, power, and the thin line between humanity and monstrosity. As his choices threaten to reshape the destiny of all, Aetheris must confront the darkness within and decide whether he will be the savior of his world—or its greatest downfall. ... This is my first time writing a novel so.. enjoy The novel has no locked chapters so just try it out if you want too. [ Currently on hiatus from 10 August 2024 until late November 2024]

47 Chs

Proper rewards allocation, reaching the 9th order

<<Notice: it is detected that you have formed a pathway…. Analyzing the pathway …< em>

You have formed the Dragonic sorcerer pathway>>

Aetheris was slowly gaining consciousness as he heard the notifications from Remiel

<<Notice: Sorcerers have innate potential for magical arts and as a Dragonic sorcerer you can easily dabble between battle Arts magic < em>

Analyzing abilities acquired from the pathway… accessing records of the pathway…

1st ability: multiple casting⇒ you're capable of casting multiple spells of the same or different attributes as long as you understand their fundamentals

2nd ability: You're capable of using external Arts and internal Arts simultaneously without any limitations>>

Remiel was slowly analyzing his pathway and abilities that he received from the pathway

<<Notice: 14 You have awakened as one of the Cardinals… It is detected that you absolute sin intemperance. < em>

1st authority of intemperance: As the absolute sin of intemperance, what is truly yours cannot be taken without ramifications

2nd authority of intemperance: You can initiate an unbreakable but equal deal of greed

To access more authorities, ascend to the 7th order>>

Aetheris slowly opened his eyes, the small particles of Mana were dancing around his


"It seems like I am back, what kind of a simple pathway is that Remiel"muttered Aetheris with a hint of annoyance in his tone

<<… >>

The two abilities granted by his pathway were indeed small in terms of quantity but better in terms of quality

Typically, a pathway grants 1-5 abilities related to the type of pathway a person has and how could they improve it, but Aetheris only had two abilities due to the mark of intemperance

What he doesn't know is that multiple casting does not only allow him to cast multiple spells of different attributes, but his pathway allows him to merge those spells and create a new one without any backlash but of course, the limitation is that he must first understand the fundamentals of the original spells.

<<Notice: The Formless Absolute Eternal Void is granting you proper rewards for retaining a strong will through the trial of penance and safely transversing Abyss < em>

The abyssal Hive: Those who poke the hornet's nest are devoured by it

Upon further analysis, 1.2% of your bloodline has integrated with your body>>

Aetheris simply ignored the matter regarding his bloodline and approached the door

*Crack Crack Crack Crack Crack Crack*

Each footstep he took left a crack on the floor and this surprised him greatly

" What the hell is happening" questioned Aetheris as he saw the floor

<<Answer: Not only did you successfully form a pathway, but also evolved from an infant into toddler in terms of dragon years < em>

Your Mana capacity was not the only thing that changed but also yourself as an individual, meaning your body was further strengthened, and your power multiplied exponentially>>

The bodies of people who form pathways are not automatically strengthened when they ascend to a higher order, but that depends on which pathway

Someone with a Magic Warrior pathway has their body automatically strengthened and using battle Arts further boosts their strength, but they lack in terms of Mana capacity

This means that someone with a wizard or a strongly magic inclined pathway will have a weaker body but more Mana reserves and quantity compared to the one with a Magic Warrior pathway

Aetheris as a Dragonic sorcerer has both beneficial qualities but no weakness and drawbacks

"Hmm, this cat looks familiar" muttered Aetheris as he exited the door and saw Sebastian

The eyes of the cat were full of worship and reverence as they saw Aetheris, Sebastian wanted to immediately praise him but his crimes of defying Aetheris made him hesitate

Aetheris gave him a soft head pat which made him delightful and prideful, this was a once in a lifetime blessing in his mind.

"Now that I think about it, I am no longer human, so eating a human is not cannibalism" pondered Aetheris as he continued to pat Sebastian

The cat simply nodded with deep respect as it heard his claims, if Sebastian replied he would say the laws of the prey do not apply to the predator.

"But this means eating a cat…is technically normal, right" inquired Aetheris as he licked his lips and exposed his fangs.

Sebastian felt a cold shiver on his paws however , it was not that he was afraid, but It's because he was proud, if Aetheris sees him as a meal that means he is desirable to his young master… a mind of a fanatic cannot be understood.

"What am I thinking, just because you are allowed to do something it doesn't mean you should "sighed Aetheris as he looked aside

Aetheris is a prideful predator by default and since he evolved these traits were magnified greatly and intensely

Aetheris lightly stomped his foot on the ground and created a small hole surrounded by small pebbles of rocks

"This is going to be a problem, but it needs to be done"

Aetheris slowly picked up four pebbles from the ground using Telekinesis, the pebbles reached his palms and Aetheris lightly threw them into the sky


The swing of his arm created wind pressure, the pebbles turned into refined sand the moment they were thrown

"It seems like I was right I can't control my strength, my knowledge of martial arts is severely limited. Therefore, I have no idea of how to control my strength… the rules of the human physiology are not the same as dragon physiology".

While Aetheris was assessing himself, Sebastian was busy cheering on the sidelines

The growth of his young master made his pride and devotion solidify deeper, if Aetheris was truly aware of who he is, then Sebastian would've chanted unending praises


"You smell familiar…do I know you from somewhere" inquired Aetheris as he sniffed the air and looked at Sebastian

Sebastian felt slight fear as he saw the intense glowing golden neon eyes of Aetheris, the gaze of the predator was not what he feared, but the idea of disappointing his young master shook him to the core.

"My senses are heightened even more this time, maybe it's paranoia" sighed Aetheris as he picked up the cat and looked for his godmother

The absolute sin of intemperance was born


Thank you for reading