

--- **Synopsis:** In a universe where gods wage war and mortals suffer the fallout, a young boy named Aetheris Lucernas Abaddon is born into a world that neither welcomes nor understands him. His origins are shrouded in mystery, with whispers of an impossible union that defies all known laws of existence. From the moment of his birth, it was clear that Aetheris was different—something beyond comprehension. As a child, Aetheris felt the pull of ancient forces, whispers from beings older than time itself, urging him toward a destiny steeped in darkness and grandeur. With each passing year, his power grew, shaping him into a figure that could transcend the boundaries of reality. No longer merely a boy, Aetheris became a living legend, an entity that embodied both sin and salvation, hope and despair. But with this power came a relentless burden. Gods, monsters, and mortals alike demanded that Aetheris use his unimaginable strength for their purposes. They pleaded, they threatened, and they schemed, each seeking to control the force that he had become. Aetheris, however, was not one to be controlled. "I am the beginning and the end!" Aetheris declares, his voice resonating through the very fabric of the universe. "I am beyond your understanding, beyond your gods and your nightmares. The power I hold is mine alone!" As he defies those who seek to bend him to their will, the consequences of Aetheris's choices ripple across the cosmos. His actions stir entities long forgotten, and the mortal realms tremble as the line between creation and destruction blurs. Chaos spreads like wildfire, and the very universe teeters on the brink of collapse. Yet, in the midst of this cosmic upheaval, Aetheris faces a harrowing truth: in his relentless pursuit of power, he may have become the very force of chaos he once sought to escape. *The Inception of Mayhem* is the story of Aetheris Lucernas Abaddon, a tale of ambition, power, and the thin line between humanity and monstrosity. As his choices threaten to reshape the destiny of all, Aetheris must confront the darkness within and decide whether he will be the savior of his world—or its greatest downfall. ... This is my first time writing a novel so.. enjoy The novel has no locked chapters so just try it out if you want too. [ Currently on hiatus from 10 August 2024 until late November 2024]

47 Chs

A soundless massacre

"F*CK F*CK F*CK, Kaleos said this was an easy job to rise in the ranks, " a man complained as he ran; the events that just occurred were still vivid in his mind.

They were currently in the Ripper forest which is located outside the outer section of the Luminous state, they were sent by the Thanatos clan to see if there was anything odd in the Luminous state as part of their training but they decided to take matters into their own hands

"Nobody said anything about..."


A sudden tree trunk slammed his entire body and the force made him hit other trees until he slammed into a rock and broke his back.

"AARGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!" the man screamed as he felt the pain of his broken back.

He looked up and saw a small figure carrying a tree as large as a house as if it were nothing. He began to try and run, but the pain of his broken bones was unbearable.

"Now why would you run after poking a hornet's nest, you guys tried to kill me first and yet you try to make me a villain" Aetheris sighed as he threw the large tree aside, with a few steps he covered the 300 meters distance and appeared near the man's face...he is that fast.

"Get... away from me, you monster; our Thanatos clan will find you and ki.."

"Yeah... that's not gonna happen, the fact that you guys brought me into the Ripper forest where there's no surveillance says otherwise....and you disobeyed orders so..there isn't any surveillance from that Thanatos clan of yours or am I wrong " Aetheris inquired as he began to stretch his body, he began to infuse some of his Mana into the man using [Ergokinesis].

"So stranger what's your name"

"You're a monster, an abomination... ARGHHHHHHHHH" the man screamed as he felt a sudden squeeze of his heart, Aetheris cannot directly use [Telekinesis]

on internal organs, since he can't see them, but infusing his Mana into the body still gives him control over it thanks to [Ergokinesis], and since it was circulating around the heart...you know the rest.

"STOP!!! IT'S MALCOLM. MY NAME IS MALCOLM." Malcolm gritted his teeth as he felt the clench of his heart; he felt pain beyond his imagination.

Aetheris made his body rise from the ground and made him forcefully kneel on his fours, he then began to sit on his broken back... despite hearing Malcolm screaming in pain.

"Malcolm you called me a monster...I don't really like that name..let me tell you a story

I was a visionary, a realist in a world of dreamers. My planet was dying, suffocating under the weight of its own excess.

I offered a solution: rebirth through destruction... Genocide but random, dispassionate, fair to the rich and poor alike.....But they feared change, feared the unknown. They called me a monster.... But am I really a monster Malcolm, I didn't even want to rule the world

Humans discriminate against each other based on looks, color, and status and yet they're all the same in the end

It's either gender, color, or wealth.. people who walk will discriminate against those who can't, those who can't walk will discriminate against those who can't hear

And those who can't hear will discriminate against those who can't see... it's an endless cycle of pointless hatred...so I discovered a solution " Aetheris paused as he felt Malcolm shivering, it was as if he was scared of his words but he decided to continue

"I created a virus using reverse matter, you see all living beings from where I come from have a gene called LUCA, my virus would have enhanced the Manifestation of this gene...

sure 85% of the population would have perished but those who remained would have been better.. unified" Aetheris sighed as he looked at Malcolm who was having a cardiac arrest

On Earth, Aetheris was planning a mass genocide that would permanently alter the physiology of the entire planet...the reason is that he was tired.

The endless cycle of inequality and torment that people inflict on themselves despite being the same made him sick.

He was no savior, but he decided to play God and create a world where only the strong rule, not by those who are incompetent... but he was assassinated..by a truck.

"Enough about me, tell me who you work for Malcolm"

Malcolm didn't respond as he heard his question; the way Aetheris nonchalantly described how he wanted to wipe out 85% of the population..made him stationary; he thought that it was a made-up story, but the way he described it; it made him fear Aetheris Even more.

"Do you have children Malcolm" Inquired Aetheris as he noticed his silence

"Y-y-yes"Malcolm stuttered as he was surprised by the question

"Hmmm, I see, do me a favor and answer my question, or they won't see the end of tomorrow. "Aetheris sighed as he heard Malcolm's stutter; he was the victim, but he was being portrayed as a villain.

"We... we're just foot soldiers of the Thanatos clan. We were sent here to investigate rumors, anything about a weapon or a clue... anything related to that sudden event in the Luminous State.

K-Kaleos... Kaleos said he had an inside man, so everything... everything was supposed to be all right.

But we're only 9th order practitioners, and yet we're visiting the Luminous State— *cough*—"Malcolm began to vomit blood as he spoke; the internal organ damage he had was too severe, but he couldn't take any healing potion due, to fear of being killed quickly.

"Hmmm, I see... perhaps that Oji-san didn't tell you everything, or else why would he suddenly go rogue on a mission...I think that a third party might be involved

You stated that you guys are nothing but foot soldiers..so what if this third party is offering him more benefits than the Thanatos clan" Aetheris pondered as he began to analyze the puzzle, the idea of a third party made him take this matter more seriously

"That Oji-san might be planning to run away... I should eliminate the other mob characters quickly and deal with him"

Aetheris began to clench his hand as he stood up, Malcolm looked at him with disbelief

"Ugh... please, I've given you everything! Everything I had... please, spare me," Malcolm begged, his voice trembling as he felt his heart being crushed again, a pitiful whimper escaping his lips. "I-I'll do anything, just don't—"


"Showing mercy to the guilty is nothing but cruelty to the innocent.""

Aetheris continued his path, slaughtering all the mob characters, leaving only Kaleos.. he created a soundless massacre hidden to many.


Thank you for reading 😊🙏