
The Imperium of Aurelian

In the vast expanse of the Milky Way galaxy, a rich tapestry of history unfolds. It is now the year 3748 AD, and humanity has come a long way since they first ventured into the stars in 2211 AD. The early days were marked by hope and discovery as human colonies flourished on distant worlds, yet they found no evidence of alien life beyond the captivating flora and fauna of these new frontiers. The united planets once stood as the first unified human government, a beacon of cooperation and shared vision. However, rebellion and unrest shattered this unity in the year 2390, casting humanity into a state of fragmentation. In the aftermath, the Terran Alliance emerged, claiming dominion from 2390 to 2600, attempting to restore order and stability to a divided populace. With the decline of the Terran Alliance, humanity splintered further, each star system forging its own path and establishing its own form of governance. Kingdoms, federations, republics, caliphates, holy sees, and dictatorships sprouted across the galaxy, shaping distinct societies and ideologies. The once-unified knowledge and shared history began to erode, as cultures developed in isolation, leading to the forgetting of ancient histories, religions, and even whole ways of life. Curiously, amidst this vast diversity, remnants of long-lost cultures started to resurface. Languages like Latin, Classical Greek, and Classical Persian experienced a revival, as if echoes from a forgotten past. Scholars and enthusiasts dedicated themselves to reviving these ancient tongues and exploring the wisdom of bygone eras. These rediscoveries added layers of complexity to the myriad of new ways of life that had emerged, creating a captivating blend of forgotten and newly forged traditions. In this ever-evolving galaxy, independent realms soar, each with its own unique character and vision for the future. History continues to be written, forgotten knowledge yearns to be reclaimed, and humanity's journey among the stars unfolds with both echoes of the past and the boundless possibilities of the future. The story take place in the 3748 AD Follow James as he get transmigated in his sleep on the body of a rebel leader called Aurelian. watch as he embrace the role of Aurelian and building his own empire in this space opera story. ------ So this is a fanfiction story, with empire building he will build his own star empire int his story and crossover to another world and conquer them.

Riki_Abdurahim · 映画
12 Chs


The room where they were meeting was unusually quiet. Almost all the high ranking members of The Aurelius were seated around a round table. Among them, only five individuals were present: Titus, Stella, Quintus, Alexios, and Andreas Kazinsky, the Director of the Research and Engineering Division.

A tall and pale man, a reflection of the cold climate of his homeworld of Russka, giving him an ethereal appearance.

A couple of days after their initial meeting with the Imperator, boys and gals of the Research and Engineering Division had been immersed in their work, diligently carrying out a secret project assigned by the Imperator. The nature of the project had kept them discreet and tight-lipped.

However, they were summoned by the Imperator to a secret meeting to discuss about the project.

This room was designed with utmost security in mind. It served as a confidential meeting space, distinct from the more public space like the Command Center on the bunker.

Accessible through a heavy reinforced door, it offered an extra layer of protection. The walls were constructed with more reinforced materials, providing enhanced security and privacy.

Anti-spy devices were discreetly embedded within the walls, ensuring that sensitive conversations remained confidential and protected from unauthorized surveillance.

"So, Andre, what is this about?"

asked Stella, leaning closer from her chair in his direction.

"What do you mean?"

Andre replied, clicking his finger on the table, visibly confused.

"The secret project, what can you say about it?"

chimed in Alexios, sitting on the right side of Stella.

"It's still a secret project until the Imperator says otherwise. But what I can say if one of you asks is that it is related to our weapon development." Andre clarified.


Stella raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the mention of weapon development.

"Yes, for now that's all I can say."

Andre replied, his tone calm.

"The Imperator will provide a comprehensive explanation when he joins us. So, please relax."

He offered a reassuring smile to everyone in the room, leaning back in his large cushioned chair.

The anticipation and curiosity lingered in the air, but they understood.


A couple minutes later, the Imperator entered the room, and all of them rose to their feet in a show of respect.

They could see that he carried something that looked like a datapad in his hand, but its size a little too big for a datapad

"Everyone, please be seated."

the Imperator commanded, his voice carrying authority and warmth as he greeted them. He took his place in the grand chair, its size and grandeur befitting his elevated status within the organization.

One by one, they resumed their seats, their eyes fixed on the Imperator, awaiting his words with anticipation.

"First of all, i wanna say thank you, for your hard work this couple of days. If we keep this good work, we shall soon resume our offensive operations."

Aurelian gave them a heartfelt gratitude that instilling a sense of pride in their hearts.

"So. About the project."

He stopped to give a sense of mystery. He then extended his hand across the table and whispered, "Summon." In an instant, a blinding white light flashed, and a sleek blaster materialized on the table before them.

The room fell into a stunned silence, each member of the meeting awestruck by the sudden appearance of the weapon. Aside form Andreas, having witnessed this extraordinary power before when Aurelian had first revealed it to him and his team of elite scientist and engineer.

Aurelian smiled at their expressions. 'I can't get enough of it' he thought.

After receiving the answer to his question about the possibility of reverse engineering the technology summoned from the system, Aurelian made the decision to bring the F-11d blaster to Andreas and a couple member of the Science and Engineering Division for further analysis.

The answer from the system is that ---Only his followers possess the ability to reverse engineer any item summoned from the system.

They will not be given the necessary knowledge to do it from the system, of course. They will have to use their own skill and expertise to try and WILL eventualy succed.

His enemies however, and/or people that doesnt believe in him or in other word, non-follower, even if they were to successfully steal a summoned item and gather a larger group of individuals to analyze it, they would never, ever, gain the ability to understand the intricate details necessary for replication.

Hell, they cant even use it, the item would not even work for them.

If in the event of a follower who grow distant and eventually doesnt want to be his follower anymore, knowledge related to the summoned items is erased from their memory.

This is an extra precaution coming from the system to ensure that only Aurelian and his people are the only one who can effectively utilize a summoned item.

It guarantees that former followers, who may have once possessed knowledge of the summoned items, are unable to share, exploit, or be exploited for that knowledge outside of Aurelian's influence.

So, satisfied with the answer, he decides to reveal the blaster to Andreas.

After a couple of days, Andreas's team informs him that they can reverse engineerer it. However, they emphasize that it will still take some time, which is understandable.

It is yesterday that Aurelian also decides to reveal the existence of the laptop and the system to people that he trusted implicitly. That is why only five high-ranking members were summoned to this meeting.

Not because he doesnt trust the rest; rather, Aurelian wanted to revealed it gradually and slowly for caution and minimize unnecessary risks.

When he feel it is safe to revealed it to the rest of the high ranking member, he will do so.

Only time will tell whether he will choose to disclose this information to the rest of his followers or not.

"What is it called, Imperator ?"

Alexios's question woke him from his stupor.

"This is called the F-11d blaster rifle."

Aurelian announced proudly.

"It is a remarkable piece of weapon that I have acquired."

All eyes turned back to the Imperator after admiring the blaster. Their initial surprise giving way to curiosity and anticipation.

Quintus, unable to contain his astonishment, spoke up with a mix of shock and admiration in his voice.

"How did you come to obtain such a weapon, Imperator?"

Aurelian's gaze shifted towards his laptop, a small nod to Quintus accompanying his response.

"Through the power of this device. I called it Laptop."

Pointing towards the laptop resting on the table, he began to explained the capabilities of the device. Its follower system, its summoning system, the rule, all of it. Questions arose from the team members, prompting Aurelian to provide clear and concise answers, ensuring everyone understood the intricacies of the system.

He even testing it by summon another blaster for proof, and let them test the laptop, check if they are able to use it or not.

which of course they NOT.

As his explanation unfolded, a wide range of emotions blossomed within the room. Excitement filled the air, mingling with curiosity, wonder, and even a hint of little skepticism.

"How do you get this laptop exacly, Imperator?"

A genuine question coming from Titus. genuine curiosity and a hint of wariness are clear on his face.

Aurelian took a moment to consider Titus' question. Titus is a close friend. Him and his father are brothers in all but name, so he regard Titus as his uncle.

He trusted Titus with all his heart, but he also a little bit wary.

what would he think if he know that Aurelian is not 'Aurelian' anymore ?

So he decide not to tell anyone about R.O.B or his true identity. Maybe in the future. But not now.

"I really dont know Titus, this device is laying atop my desk when i woke up from my coma."

Aurelian replied, keeping his response vague yet truthful. Which is true. From certaint point of view.

Stella interjected, unknowingly providing some support to Aurelian's explanation.

"The timing of this remarkable device and your recovery, Imperator, can't be a mere coincidence."

"It could be a gift from your father, Imperator—a sign of his deification. That he is One with the Gods."

Added Quintus, his voice brimming with renewed zeal and reverence for Aurelian's father, as was characteristic of him.

Which is good. The more people perceived the laptop as a divine blessing, the better. It also gives Aurelian more legitimacy.

Being regarded as a ruler with divine blessing is a very good starting point. This perception of a divine blessing bestowed upon Aurelian through his father not only strengthens his legitimacy, but also lays a solid foundation for his future rule and the subsequent succession of his empire.

As a semi-divine ruler, Aurelian embodies the essence of his father's 'divine' authority, ensuring the continuity of their ancestral lineage and bestowing a sense of divine ordination upon his reign.

Also, as a sacred figure, it grants Aurelian a significant level of influence and makes it easier for him to attract and retain followers.

'Thanks Quintus, you gave me a good idea for my propaganda plans'

While Quintus' explanation seemed to satisfy everyone, and eliviatte Titus worry, he know it still would not satisfy Titus but he couldn't provide any more than that. With a nod, he signaled the beginning of a new round of questions and answers.

The moment all their question has been satisfy by Aurelian, some members couldn't contain their enthusiasm, their faces brightening with anticipation, at the edge of their seat. while others maintained a more reserved demeanor, contemplating the implications of this new power.

Stella's eyes widened with excitement. Broke her character for a moment.

"Amazing. Imagine what you could do with this, Imperator. you could summon a mighty fleet to crush the Pharahans."

Though she immediately switch to her composed demeanor, her mind still racing with the possibilities that this magical device could offer.

Leaning forward and resting his chin on his palm, Quintus also eager to delve into the depths of this sacred device.

"Not only that, we could also replicate it. Imperator could summon one powerfull ship and summoned the knowledge of said ship allowing us to replicate its capabilities."

'Another suprisingly good idea coming from Quintus'

Aurelian musing with a little chuckle on his seat.

Alexios, equally intrigued, couldn't contain his enthusiasm.

"Oh, the possibilities of our troops carrying such powerful weapons!"

Andreas remained calm. The prospect of testing and analyzing the summoned tech fill his heart.

On the other hand, Titus wore a more cautious expression, his brows furrowing with concern as he contemplated the potential cost and risks associated with such powerful technology. Divine or not.

"Are you certain, Aurelian, that this System is telling the truth? What if there is a hidden curse or penalty it fails to disclose?"

The room fell into a sudden silence. Titus had raised a valid concern, one that had slipped their minds in the excitement of the moment. They hadn't considered the possibility of hidden costs or consequences.

Aurelian took a moment to ponder Titus's question. There was a slight chance that the system hadn't provided him with the full explanation.

The question mark he had seen in the summoning menu is a proof of that. He asked the system of course but there is no answer.

However, he chose to place his trust in R.O.B's assurance that the system existed for his convenience.

"Your caution is commendable, Titus. But you can rest assured, I have a strong sense that this device is a blessing bestowed upon me. For now, trust in my instincts."

Titus nodded in understanding. As a close friend and brother-in-arms of Aurelian's late father, their bond ran deep, forged through battles and shared hardships. The last words uttered by Aurelian's father to Titus were a heartfelt plea to look after his son.

With these memories still fresh in his mind, even thought it happen five years ago, Titus couldn't help but question the true nature of this device.

While intrigued by its capabilities, he remained vigilant, wary of any hidden costs or ulterior motives.

Maybe the near-death experience Aurelian had recently endured still weighed heavily on his thoughts, fueling a sense of paranoia.

He believed that only time would reveal the true nature of this device—whether it was a genuine gift or harbored a more insidious purpose.

So despite his concerns, Titus understood the importance of supporting Aurelian and ensuring the safety of their cause. He resolved to tread cautiously, observing the effects of the device and keeping a watchful eye on any potential consequences it might bring.

As the second-in-command, the Magister Generalis, Titus understood his duty to be vigilant and protect Aurelian from any potential threats, no matter how small they may seem.

He genuinely hoped that Quintus was right, that this device truly came from the divine Aurelian Primus.

The idea of a sacred gift brought a sense of comfort and reassurance, but Titus couldn't shake off his sense of caution.

"Anymore questions?"

Aurelian asked, scanning the room. As he sensed that there is no further question, he continued.

"Alright then. Here's what we'll do. Each one of you, compile a list of the tech you deem essential, so that I can summon them for you."

The room fell into a focused silence as everyone absorbed the task at hand. Aurelian turned his attention to Andreas.

"Andreas, I want you to establish a specialized research group to conduct further analysis of the newly summoned technologies. Expand the team if necessary."

"Yes, sir."

Andreas nodded, fully understanding his assignment.

"Stella, I will provide you with brand new starfighters model. Ensure that your people are given an alibi and do not reveal the true source. Create a plausible story about where it is coming from. Similarly, Alexios, make the necessary preparations to receive a substantial quantity of F-11 blasters."


Stella and Alexios replied in unison, affirming their readiness to fulfill their respective responsibilities.

Aurelian then turned to Quintus.

"For you, Quintus, prioritize the needs of our field and covert operatives. Create a list of tech that would enhance the intelligence division to help them."

"I will provide the list as soon as possible, Imperator." Quintus assured him.

Finally, Aurelian locked eyes with his Magister, Titus, conveying his trust and reliance on him.

"Titus, I entrust you with overseeing the security and integrity of these operations. Maintain a vigilant eye. If other high-ranking members start asking questions, please provide satisfactory answers without revealing our secret. But dont worry, it will not be remained secret for long. At least from the high-ranking inner circle."

Titus nodded solemnly, fully aware of the weight and importance of his role. He understood the delicate nature of the situation and the potential difficulties that might arise if other high-ranking members were to inquire about the origin of the new tech.

But that is his order, and he will fulfill it.

"And one last thing."

Aurelian asserted with determination.

"This meeting and the existence of my laptop remain a secret. Only the six of us are aware of its presence. We must maintain utmost discretion and keep it that way until I instruct otherwise. Is that understood?"

"Understood, Imperator!"

They all replied in unison, reaffirming their commitment.

Aurelian nodded in gratitude, knowing that their loyalty and dedication were crucial in achieving his ultimate goal.

With this, he is one step further from achieving his goal.

But first, he must win this so called 'Aurelius Rebellion' againts the Pharahan Kingdom that have been on-going for more than 40 years.

Yeah, there is that.

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