
Chapter 1: The Start

Light again filled the void, but these time the light was not so weak and tiny, it was a big majestic golden light that spread all around the void. The void started to shake, cracks began to appear viable to the eyes. The light continue to grow more and more inside the void trying to break out of it.


The void shattered like a mirror being broken, the void fell apart revealing the endless white light outside of the void. The golden light that filled the void, rushed out of the void into the endless white light, after the void shattered. The endless sea of white light now became a endless sea of majestic of golden light that started to shape into different forms. Some became big giant spheres that floated all across the sea, other shapes became humanoids forms that were radiating celestial golden light from their body. Everything began to take shape, stars were born, galaxies, universes, time and space, planets and most importantly life was being born.

The male humanoid creature that was born inside the void, stood where the center of the void was, on a pitch black platform, before it was destroyed. His eyes filled with confusion, he didn't know what was happened and why it happened. Why did this happen? Did I had anything to do with it? These were the questions that plague him while standing there.

When it learned to fly, it flew to the center of the void where he though the sound was coming from since every time he got close to the center, the sound became louder and louder. So when he finally got to the center, he saw a white egg floating on top of a golden pillar, the pillar was just plain golden without anything else. The white egg floated on top of it, the egg was radiating waves of golden celestial light in every direction. The creature when he saw the beautiful white egg tried to get close to it but when he was about to reach it and grab it, the white egg start exploded and golden celestial light came out of it filling up the void.

Now the creature who was standing on top of the pitch black platform where the golden pillar was on, just watch how everything started to change. He felt every little bit of change; how now there was this golden yellow river flowing through everything, and making the creature think that something suddenly started to move forward, little by little, but also felt that the river could make something move backward if it wanted to. Later on he would know that the golden yellow river would be the river of time, and know that he watched time being created, but that is in the future.

The void creature then saw that majority of the celestial light started to turn black and space was form; shapes of stars started to appear filling in the black space. Now the creature stood on the platform, one of the only surviving thing from the void, the golden pillar also survived. He continue to watch as universes took shapes, he could see that some universes looked the same but had some diferences; stars kept popping up everywhere left and right, soon there was sea of stars expanded beyond the reaches of what the creature could see.

He looked back at the golden pillar and saw that it began to shrink until it could fit on the palm of his hand. He reached for the pillar and he grabbed it, there was a bright flash and when the flash was over, there on the palm of his hand was a necklace, the chain was silver with a beautiful design pattern, the symbol that hang from it was the shape of a key...

Humanoids shape of light were started to disappear one by one, each flying to different corners of every universes, traveling faster than the speed of light. One of those streak of light flew by where the creature was still standing and as the creature watch the light flying by. He saw a face on it it, he could make out a beautiful face, it was the face of a women, black silk hair, pale skin, small mouth, and nose, and bright red eyes. The women didn't turn to look at the creature as if he was invisible, the creature continue to watch her as she flew away beyond where the creature could see.