
The Immortal Being

A being that was not born always existed, was always at its peak, did not know emotions or feelings. To pass the time he lived between worlds always traveling staying for a while and leaving, but everything changed when he rescued a girl, which will change for this immortal who did not know feelings or emotions .... English is not my native language, so please forgive me for the mistakes. PS: I have no right over the images. All cover rights belong to the original artist.

ImmortalShadow · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Slaughter (1)

They went back to the "Big Dipper" tavern to be able to have lunch, arriving at the front of the tavern the two girls entered first to be able to select the table they would stay in, since they knew that at lunchtime there were almost no tables left.

Logan, who was right behind, was thinking about how to explain the cultivation to the girls, as he didn't care much where they would sit.

As soon as the three of them sat down at a relatively good table, he soon came to Grandma Marie to talk to them, and see what they wanted.

"And how was the ride?"

Luana "Grandma was amazing, we went to buy clothes."

Isabella "Yes and we bought a lot of clothes, Logan praised us a lot, and always said that we look beautiful in all the clothes we wore"

Marie was a little skeptical because she knew that no man liked to buy clothes with women, they were very impatient, to change the subject, she asked what they would like to eat.

Logan "Anything for me is fine, you guys make delicious food"

Luana "Hmm, you already know how to talk sweet to my grandma so you can please her and make me yours."

Isabella, when she heard Luana's words, couldn't help but laugh softly.

"I think it was bringing Logan a steak, and you girls are still your favorite food, Macaroni?"

Isabella and Luana said at the same time "Of course, there is nothing better than pasta" they seemed very attuned, as if they had been agreed before.

Logan and Marie, listening to the two, were unable to contain the smiles and laughter, as they both found it very funny.

Soon after choosing the foods and drinks they were going to eat, Marie soon went to prepare herself, as they were special customers.

Logan let the girls talk to each other and used his Divine sense to check what was going on in the Fox family, what he saw there made him frown, as he saw several mutilated bodies, bodies of not just more employed Fox Family guards, as well as even some members of the Family.

He understood very quickly what had happened, Steban realized that Alexander was lying to him and Isabella was not at home, so he was very angry, and tried to move forward in one of the maids to calm down, what happened afterwards was that the husband the maid who was attacked was a guard of the Fox Family, and was in the room where the maid was attacked by Steban.

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He couldn't help but see his wife almost being raped by a guy right in front of him, he managed to attack Steban, but Steban's bodyguards stopped him, and so they cut off his head.

The maid who was attacked, seeing her husband with no head on the floor, looked like she had lost her soul, she couldn't stand up.

Steban, seeing what had happened, became disgusted with the blood, and tried to drag the maid more, realizing that she would not get up, he furiously took a sword from his guards, stuck it in the woman's stomach, killing her.

Steban liked to kill her, and I think it would be better to start killing the maids in order to calm down.

"You my father told you to protect me at any cost, now I feel like killing some people, so protect me if someone tries to attack me."

The guards who were with him nodded.

Soon slaughter began in the Fox family. Steban Green began to advance and kill the maids, while his guards, killed whoever advanced to stop him.

Alexander, seeing what had happened, could not calm down, because he realized that Steban was very angry this time, which made him think of his daughter, he thought of sending her out of the city, so as not to let her fall into the hands of this man. pig, because I knew he would mistreat her.

He wanted to intervene more, he knew that doing so would only die, with that he could only watch, until he saw a sea of ​​blood in his house with several mutilated bodies.

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Logan, who had seen the bodies on the ground as well as the sea of ​​blood with his divine sense, showed no expression, as he had seen worse scenes in other worlds.

He knew how the world worked better than these mortals on this planet, he before knowing Isabella may not have known what feelings and emotions were, innocent in that part, but he knew the human heart very well, and how the worlds worked, only the strong they could dictate the laws, while the weak could only follow.

If you were not strong in this world you would only die, if you were strong you could dictate your own destiny as well as the destiny of many.

Logan knows that he will have to intervene in this, as he does not want Isabella to come home and see what happened to his family because of her, she will blame herself forever.

"I go to the bathroom while the food is being prepared."

The two nodded, he got up and went towards the bathroom, he didn't want to talk about the slaughter that took place, in Isabella's family, so as not to make them worried without reason, because he knew he could solve everything.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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