
The Immortal Being

A being that was not born always existed, was always at its peak, did not know emotions or feelings. To pass the time he lived between worlds always traveling staying for a while and leaving, but everything changed when he rescued a girl, which will change for this immortal who did not know feelings or emotions .... English is not my native language, so please forgive me for the mistakes. PS: I have no right over the images. All cover rights belong to the original artist.

ImmortalShadow · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Slaughter (2)

As soon as Logan entered the bathroom and closed the door, he teleported to the Fox Family mansion.

As soon as he appeared, he took a look around him to find some mutilated bodies, as if it were nothing he left the room he was in, heading towards Steban's location.

Several cries of pain were heard, but it made no difference to him, as he had seen and heard things much worse, during the time he traveled between worlds.

The thoughts that went through his head, was to end this soon and return, to the company of his wives, if it were not the Family of Isabella he would not even care.

Continuing to walk the bodies, without heads, legs and arms increased, he saw a body which he thought would still be alive, was Isabella's father, Alexander Fox.

Logan came close to him and saw that he had a sword stuck in his chest, he took it out and blood flowed, he had no feelings on Logan's face, it seemed that seeing his father-in-law like that was nothing to him.

Logan Just waved his right hand, and Alexander's body floated, and began to regenerate with the naked eye, it was like a miracle, it looked like that horrible wound he had before on his chest had never existed, it was a miracle, but still his body had no signs of life.

He waved with his left hand and made a gesture of taking something, which appeared in his hand would shock anyone, as he looked like a person like Alexander, only transparent, that was his soul, who was still in this world, because Logan it had sealed this world, and no soul could yet leave.

He put up a barrier when he heard that Steban had been going to the Fox Family, as an Immortal Logan had very keen senses he knew something bad was going to happen in his wife's family, and made that barrier as a precaution.

He could do this because there was no cultivator in this world, and mortal souls were very fragile that any cultivator in a certain kingdom could manipulate and do what Logan did.

Of course Logan with an Immortal, he could manipulate any soul, even the strongest cultivator. What he could not do was revive a soul that lost all its strength and vitality, for the soul's only salvation would be the wheel of samsara.

He soon put the soul back into Alexander's body making him breathe again, realizing that his father-in-law was alive again, he placed him on the floor and continued walking until he found the place where Steban would be.

After about two minutes, he found him, and the scene in front of him made him feel sick, because Steban was using a dead woman's body as his toy, not even letting the dead rest, Logan has seen it many times, more often sometimes he was outraged and disgusted.

The guards seeing an unknown person immediately said "Wait who are you, and why are you in the Fox Family?"

Upon hearing this Logan looked at the guard who had spoken, and replied.

"You do a slaughter in my wife's family, and you think I will not intervene?"

The guards seemed to have got it wrong, as they would never think he could be talking about Isabella.

"If your wife is one of those bodies that the young master killed, consider this a gift."

Another guard said, "Get her body back and take it though you consider yourself lucky enough not to kill it."

Logan thought these guards were laughable, but he was even a little angry at those words.

He released less than less than a percent of his aura, making the guards kneel and terror consuming them.

Steban, who had not noticed anything around him, and was entangled in the headless body, noticed something wrong around him, and soon saw his guards kneeling and afraid in front of an extremely handsome young man, which made him angry.

"You shit, why are you kneeling in front of this child? My father who pays you not this beggar."

Steban dared to speak those words because the aura was not directed at him at all.

The guards were unable to speak or look at Steban, as they could not and were very afraid of this young man in front of them, they thought that this person in front of him was a demon who came to kill them after what they did here.

Steban, realizing he was being ignored, picked up a sword that was next to him and attacked Logan.

Logan simply waved his right hand to send Steban flying, over several walls, as soon as he fell to the ground you could see several injuries on his body, and did not know if he was still alive or had already died.

The guards seeing their young master flying as if it were nothing, strongly believed that this person was the very demon that came from hell to search for what they did here today.

Looking at the Logan guards, he was thinking what he could do to them, he soon decided to do what was simple to burn their souls.

Hearing the sound coming out of the guards' mouths as their souls were burned, it would make anyone shiver, but Logan showed no emotion or feeling, as if that was the most normal thing in the world for him.

As soon as the souls were completely destroyed Logan burned his face in an instant with a pure white flame.

He looked in the direction where Steban was, he knew that the pig was still alive, as he had not used much force and had still put some Qi in his body.

He already had a plan in mind, he would not deal with the pig, because he wanted to leave it to his wives to deal with, that would be beneficial for their cultivation path.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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