
Chapter 4

'Orientation?' said Warren confused.

'Yeah! What? You think that you were the only one who was brought in?' said Alex.

'There are dozens of people everyday who develop special abilities. But we only bring in like fifty a week' said Damien. 'Anyway, we're going to be late.'

We walked through a maze of halls and finally we reached what looked like a high school gym but without the basketball goal and bleachers. Just as Damien said, there were fifty-or-so people in the middle of the room. Their ages seemed to range from 8 to around 25 based on their looks. They were all sitting on the ground like they were kindergarteners waiting for their teacher.

'Do you people have, like, an age requirement when you bring people in?' Warren asked.

'No not really. People usually don't develop some kind of ability until around puberty or later' explained Alex. 'People still don't fully understand everything about us yet.'

'Wait, who knows about us, about this?' Warren referenced to the building.

'Not many' explained Alex. 'Only people high up and the government and military.'

'And they don't do anything?'

'No, not really. They just make sure the public doesn't find out about us or that we don't try to become evil and start killing people.'

I was going to ask more questions but the light suddenly turned off and a spotlight was shone at the opposite end of the room from where the doors were.

'Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! Now, I know a lot of you are confused and some of you might know a little, but I am here to clarify. All of you are here because you all have shown some capability of extraordinary power. Now, I know you all must be scared or nervous so I have assigned each of you a counselor. So, I want all of you to get in group of ten and find your counselor. They should be holding up a sign with the number that was given to you when you arrived.

People started to stand up and walk to their designated counselor while Warren just stood their awkwardly. He wasn't assigned a number when he got here.

'Warren!' Alex yelled.

She waved Warren over and it was time for step two of orientation. Warren started following Alex and he knew that his life was never going to be the same.