
Chapter 3

They drive for several more hours and Warren finds himself in a very wooded area. Alex, the one who was driving, stops in a clearing and parks the van.

'We're here' Alex spoke.

'Where is "here?" asked Warren.

Warren and his new friends got out of the van and Damien pressed something on a watch that he was wearing. All of a sudden a huge fortress appeared from nowhere in the middle of the clearing.

'Woah! What the heck?!' exclaimed Warren.

'This is where you will be staying from now on' said Alex.

'What is this place?' asked Warren.

'It's called the Institute of Control and Exercise. I.C.E. for short' said Damien.

"So it's a gym?'

'Yes and no.'

'How so?'

'Well, yes, you do exercise and work out here but instead doing it for your muscles, you do it for your powers' answered Damien.

'They also teach here' said Alex.

Warren thought about this.

'So, it's basically a school for superheroes. Am I right?' asked Warren.

'Basically' said Damien.

Warren noticed something. For some reason Alex seemed a lot more mature than Damien. Damien was always smiling and Alex was always so serious. And then he remembered something else.

'Wait. What are your powers?'

Of course, Alex took charge.

'My power is Chlorokinesis' Alex said like Warren would know what that meant.


'I can control plants, basically' she explained further.

'Oh! That's cool! And you?' now asking Damien.

'I have the power of Aerokinesis, aka, I can control the air and wind' answered Damien.

'By the way-' Alex jumped in, '-what kind of power do you have?'

'What? I thought you knew what kind of power I had. That's why both of you came looking, right?'

'No. All we knew was that your ability had great potential. We have no idea what power you have manifested' explained Alex.

Warren thought that made sense.

'Well, okay, so far I figured out that I can freeze stuff with a touch and I also was able to shoot a blast of ice out of my hand.'

'Cryokinesis?! That's awesome, dude!' exclaimed Damien. 'Isn't that suppose to be rare or something?'

'Rare?' Warren said confused.

'Yeah, so basically, all of our abilities are based off of the four elements. But each element has a rarity. Most people get powers from the air element while the rarest is water.'

The rankings are: Common to Rare

1. Air

2. Earth

3. Fire

4. Water

'Since you have to power of Cryokinesis, that is in the water category. It is pretty rare. Only a few thousand people have it.'

'A few thousand?!' Warren questioned.

'Yeah there are about four million of us in the United States alone' said Damien.


Warren couldn't believe it. How could they not have been discovered? But then he remembered how they had cloaked the two-hundred-foot-high building.

'Alright, enough chitchat. Let's go to orientation.

Next chapter