
The HP games

The suicide rate has been increasing since some suspected supernatural events have occurred throughout the world which started with the reappearance of a person who was confirmed to have killed himself. Rumours telling that sacrificing yourself would make you a god similar to the man seen in one of the first incidents. Many Cults and new communities have been made to give rise to this rumour and to oppose it. Is it the truth?

4 Chs

[Monologue 1] Focus on the work you're doing or else an accident could occur.

In midst of driving, thinking about life is obvious, the body and the vehicle seem like they have taken a self-driving state and you reach your destination only to return when you need to use the brakes. This always happened on the roads with me.

Life is as usual as it gets in this world of systems. Every action and consequence entails a system that we follow. People always get confused by others who doesn't follow them. I don't understand why people never ask about why is there a system? Why do we follow it? Sometimes I feel that I'm wrong due to the systems that have given me this perspective.

Are we being manipulated by systems? I think that we are. Are systems there to control us from giving in to our instincts? Yes. Then, Systems are good right? Yes, they are in a way. Why ask the question and contradict yourself then? Because people always talk about freedom and rights, I feel entitled to correct them on their values. Why do you feel that? Because I want to get attention and praise.

These questions can get longer and more difficult to answer as I go but I always find a way to disappoint myself by giving selfish answers to myself in the end. The conclusions are always that these drifts into my mind have consumed my time but they still have value as they help me in maintaining my mental state. I don't follow the things that I think because those would take energy away from me and I'm as lazy as a person could be. Even exercising is not in my schedule as my weight decreases easily due to stress.

Story? I don't have anything to tell about myself. There would be no story about me even if there was a fantasy land in this plane of existence. I would be a worthless person who would be like a narrator, a bad one, or a character who only scorns at others in his scenes because he thinks that they are idiots. Values? Ideals? Morals? Those are only things that were made to constrain you, people humiliate you and the society scorn at you if you don't follow them. You get depressed because of them. How are those important then? Because they give you a reason to live? Fear is the most reason you would ever need to live. If you don't have that then you actually don't have any reason to live in this world.

Love? It's only a thing because you want to mate with your partner. The other things like I want to live with her/him and I want to see him/her are there only because these things are needed to nurture a child.

Patriotism? Do you know why countries were made? I think that they were made to have an easier way to control the people and make different government. Or to make it easier for people to work with each other. But making groups leads to conflict and patriotism is just a value that is there because the people who made it want you to die in this conflict or morally support who died.

Religion? Belief? I've read somewhere that People only want 'peace of mind' and nothing more than that. After reading that line I was captured by the character who said this line again but that didn't last that long. But religion doesn't assure 'peace of mind' nor does belief, they give you the wrong idea or just makes you stuck at one. Most importantly, it makes groups. Conflict is rather assured in that regard.

People often think that reason is not needed to live life. But it is one of the best things that we can do, so why don't we use it? Because you're afraid you'll know how worthless this whole world is? Living in delusions wouldn't give us anything and that is why people who play too much video games or watch or read too many fantasies are scorned at but aren't we doing the same thing?

Feelings? Aren't they just chemical reactions happening in our brains? We can recreate those reactions if we want but that would be considered Inhumane by people. Why? Because people are stuck at the idea that the word "Human" is a vessel that is only called that when it is filled with 'Morals' and all the things that the system have made us follow. Feeling and emotions are just like drugs but more effective and less damaging. Why do we scorn at people that take drugs then? We want to feel things, right? They want to do the same.

People don't question the system because they are afraid of getting lonely and being humiliated. They all just want 'Peace of Mind', but what will you do by achieving that? You've been wasting resources and energy that could have been used for something much useful. What is the point of living then? Nothing, we just live because of fear.

'Fear' is a value that can control and destroy others. It is used everywhere even to provoke other values and emotions. It is found to be the most efficient in order to manipulate others but it still doesn't guarantee success. People have complex minds and fear isn't the only value it has, some people don't think that ahead but they can if they are told of the truths. Stubbornness is seen in many who have a firm belief in other things, but those people are just idiots who think that living simply will make their life fulfilling.

So, why follow the system? Because it is the easiest way to live an easier life according to the perspective that I have developed but this can also mean that I am willfully becoming a slave of this system as I am getting manipulated by it. Why live then? Fear is the only thing I can think of.