
The HP games

The suicide rate has been increasing since some suspected supernatural events have occurred throughout the world which started with the reappearance of a person who was confirmed to have killed himself. Rumours telling that sacrificing yourself would make you a god similar to the man seen in one of the first incidents. Many Cults and new communities have been made to give rise to this rumour and to oppose it. Is it the truth?

SSS · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Even when you find something repulsive, someone in this world find it beautiful.

Life is there for nothing and thus nothing can ruin it. We're similar to all other organisms but with a sort of defect known as our complex brain. And thus what we crave is the satisfaction of it. People may say that is not the right way to live our lives and to appreciate what was given to us. But we know somewhere that the things were not given to us, they were just there before we took them. We are not obligated to be born in this world, it is the obligation of our parents to give birth. Even if we say that we were obligated to be born, that would be a false statement because we had nothing more than instinct at the time of our birth. Our instincts and personality are one, people can also argue this, but that is not true if we see the bindings called morals and such given to us throughout our lives.

Darkness covered the skies, it seemed like the clouds didn't allow even the tiniest particle of light to go through them. Only the eyes of the animals roaming in the darkness were seen while the sounds of cricket and rustling of plants were heard all around the forest. The forest was filled with trees and animals, some sleeping and others waiting for their prey. Somewhere along the path made by humans, there was a large area devoid of any tree. A hole filled with sharpened wood and a man on top of it were all the things that stayed still in this place. When the light finally reached this place, the man moved a little. The hole was now filled with movement of crows. The man who most probably wanted the warmth of a loved one was now truly loved by nature as it accepted all of him.

The man woke up again, checked his body and stood up. He rustled his clothing that was full of dirt like always. A cold sensation was felt on his cheek that has not felt moisture for a long time due to the dryness of the dirt. He started crying and making inapprehensible noises while doing so. After some time, he swallowed the spit that was accumulated in his mouth and started walking. While checking the surroundings, his eyes found the bar on top of his head. He grabbed it, tried to take a bite out of it, tried to sit on it, only to find that it tastes like dirt and it can only levitate when someone doesn't weigh it down.

He also came across some people but didn't call them out because he was not confident whether they would answer his questions or not. These people also had bars above their head. No one was interacting with each other, he found it strange. More people slowly started appearing and due to the increase in their number, the man went to the opposite direction the people were taking.

After walking for 3-4 hours, he found a town that seemed silent except for some chattering sounds. When he entered the town, it was filled with static noises of television, splashing water, radio and computers. 2 men were sitting in an internet café, a woman was staring besides a tap while rotating the faucet and another man was checking a television while staring at him. He started waving at him.

"HEYY!! Do you speak English?"


The man couldn't answer him because he heard a language that he was familiar with but not experienced in. The man who was beside the television left it while it was still making static noises and started running to him. It was a tall man with a bulky build wearing jeans and a tank top. He offered a handshake but the other man stayed still.

"Eh, not fond of a handshake? Well, I'll just introduce you to myself. I'm Volock, a soldier from the Syrian army. I think you couldn't speak English. But your face tells me that you can somewhat understand it."

Volock looked at the man from head to toe and then nodded. The man being looked upon also nodded to his words. He became familiar with this language due to most of the people he met in his life spoke in this language.

"Me dead. Why here?"

"Oh, you can speak too then. See that bar over there, it represents your remaining life. We came to that conclusion after killing some people. Even after cutting off their appendages, they didn't die due to the shock but withered away when the bar became red and empty."

A friendly demeanour and smile on Volock's face deceived all the cruel words coming out of his mouth. The man in front of him was scared but he knew he had died once. He still had questions to ask and even if Volock had killed some people, there could be a reason behind it.

"Kill Reason?"


"Why innocents?"

"They were not innocents, all of them had done some grotesque things. One killed 3 people and hanged their guts on trees, another raped a girl and kept torturing her till we got to her when some green part of her bar was still there, the third person who I killed was opening himself up with some tools from a hardware shop and enjoying which was evident even after I beheaded him."

After hearing his explanations, the man was terrified even more but was still curious about the place. Volock was still energetic, he was enjoying telling a story about himself. The woman who was beside the tap stood abruptly and went inside a house.

" Looks like Irina concluded her inspection. Wouldn't want her to get mad if I didn't complete my task. If you need anything, we're trying to help all the people we can, don't be shy and say your problem."


While the man was trying to say something, Volock started running towards the television and radio again and fastened his work's pace.

The other man didn't want to bother him and sat at a chair while thinking about what to do next.


Static noises filled the room. Shink Shink Shink Shink Whistling of air due to a knife being rotated skillfully on a wounded hand could be heard in a dark room with light only coming out of a television.

"Bzz...Bzzz... We've received a case of Bzzz... 11 murders in the same vicinity in just a space of 5 days. Police and other higher authorities are searching for the culprit. All the corpses represent a different type of incident but have one similarity, their organs and bones are taken out of their bodies. The scenes...Bzz.. are too Bzzzz... grotesque Bzz.."

"Hah! They didn't learn how to count yet. When will they learn such a simple thing."

Mushi... Mushi...

"Why can't you show that on TV? That is true art. You don't know how to appreciate it?"

Crunch.... Crunch.... Mushi... Mush..

"Ahh! Dammit, it lost its texture again! Why does this always happen to me?"

Squish...Squish... A blob-like substance was thrown in the pool of blood. A man who had cuts all over his face, abdomen and hands was not wearing any clothes and munching on a chewy substance that he had harvested fresh from a human corpse. His teeth were sharp and his complexion was becoming pale; probably due to consuming human flesh.

10 bodies were laid in the darkroom with their skin ripped and each having a different organ cultivated. The man whose knife was whistling through the air stood up and went towards another body that had its eyes open. He skillfully rotated the knife and crouched towards the body, the knife fell from his hand, ripping his gut open.

"Now, isn't that pretty."

While smiling and playfully giggling while his stomach spewed all of its contents out. He went towards the body and chewed on it, putting strength in his jaw he ripped the skin and then abruptly spit it out.

"That is not good at all! Why do I kill these old people anyway? Ah... I'll die if this continues. Let's just try it before I sew it."

Bored from chewing and appreciating the corpses of others, he bent his neck to the cut on his stomach and chewed the part which was ripped open. A taste of excreta filled his mouth but he was still in ecstasy due to the beautiful image in front of him. Chewing noises continued until a laugh and a "thunk" sound was heard in the distance.

Even after noticing the bar on his head, he continued to laugh hysterically as he was able to open his eyes again.

"Heh, god really is present. He gave me the chance to experience myself again. Ha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA."

He chewed on his arms and tried to tear off the skin but it took some time to do so.

"This is ineffective. Let's see.. hmm..."

And thus he started walking towards the seemingly less forested area.