
Chapter : 8 CAZZATE

Alright. So... what exactly happened?" Asked Rias, getting back to the main reason they had this private meeting.

Anthony told her everything; that Asia was a girl he knew growing up (he poked fun at the redhead by joking: don't get gelosa, which she denied but did feel... something in her chest), they were raised in a church, she also had a Sacred Gear, she was a nun...

"Excuse me?" Rias interrupted him. He did NOT, just say THAT, did he?

"She has a Sacred Gear, I couldn't believe it either after all those y-..." Anthony backtracked, thinking that's what Rias was interested it.

"No, no. After that" said Rias, surprising Anthony. While she was interested that another human welded a Sacred Gear, that wasn't what concerned her.

"Um... she's a nun, and..." Anthony said, but Rias stood up at her desk, cutting Anthony off.

"Anthony. Your not to go anywhere near that girl again. Ever. Understand?" Rias ordered. Anthony was about to roast her for being geloso, but her expression told him she was being serious.

"Uh, no. What's your problem?" Anthony asked, holding in his ire. He normally didn't loose his temper, being bullied taught him to keep his emotions in check... but when someone he cared about was threatened or talked about in a negative way... oh-HOOOOOO! Hell on Earth, Italian-Style!

"Nuns' have been known to help exorcists, and are just as dangerous. You need to..." Rias began, but she would now realize that was a big mistake. His right fist clenching tight, Anthony spoke out.

"Dangerous? Heh... chi cazzo credi di essere? Asia would never hurt a dannazione volare, let alone purge a Devil" he said, calmly. He didn't loose it yet, but Rias would be wise to not push his buttons any further.

"How do you know that? She's not the same girl you knew when you were kids, she's a..." Rias tried to explain, but felt a surge of power coming from Anthony, his Sacred Gear was now out.

"CAZZATE! She's the purest, most warm-hearted person you will EVER lay eyes on! The thought of harming anyone wouldn't cross her mind! You know what she told me after the church sent me away?... They ostracized her! Cast her out! And for what?! HEALING AN INJURED DIAVOLO, ONE OF YOU! SO DON'T YOU EVER, CLAIM TO KNOW HER, QUANDO SEI SICURO DI NON FARLO!" Anthony yelled.

Rias gaped at the piece of information regarding Asia.

She had no idea a nun of all people would have the heart to heal a Devil, plus it was ironic that a place that taught others about forgiveness... were quick to shun the poor girl out.

After saying his peace, Anthony began to calm down.

"Rias... I'm grateful you saved my life, and I promise to return the favor. But if you think for a second that I'll let you shit on my friends or tell me who I can and can't see... you've got another thing coming" he said.

"I might be your servant..." Anthony added in after a moment of silence, then pointed at her with his Sacred Geared index finger. "But I am not, your slave..."

With that, he walked out, leaving Rias stunned. No one in her peerage had the balls to talk back to her in that way before. The only one who would was Akeno, but it was mostly minor and trivial stuff, sometimes playfully.

She also felt a warmth in heart upon hearing the passion in Anthony's voice while defending this Asia girls honor... he truly cared about people.

But how could one human have that big of a heart, especially one that was brought up under the church that had taught Devils were nothing but trouble?

Now that Rias thought about it, he didn't once shun her when he learned she was a Devil but rather... hugged her.

She felt goosebumps form on her skin at the memory, and that's not even counting when she lost her cool over chess and he took her home, AND made her the best breakfast of her life! What exactly happened in his life that gave him so much compassion?

Did it have something to do with the fire he's muttered a few times? How did Anthony even survive after being sent away from the church that was supposed to care for him?

There was still so little Rias knew about the newest member of her family... perhaps she overreacted a bit? So many questions flooded her mind; many a nice, hot shower would help...


After some time had passed, Anthony headed back into the office. He wanted to apologize to Rias for his outburst, and she could tell she was looking out for him; but she needed to understand that he wasn't some fantoccio, he was his own person.

When he got inside however, he heard the shower going, so Rias must be inside. Taking a seat on a sofa, he waited for Rias to come out.

""She's just worried about you" came a sweet voice, that slightly startled Anthony as he wasn't expecting it.

"Akeno? How long were you there for that?" Anthony asked.

"Long enough to see you take a stand. You should consider yourself lucky, she must like you to not throw a tantrum" Akeno said. They both heard Rias step out of the shower room, all dressed in fresh clothes.

"Your still here?" Rias asked, her question directed to Anthony.

"Yeah I... I wanted to apologize. I'm sorry I acted like that, I just..." Anthony tried to pardon but much to his surprise, Rias came over and hugged him, his face on her shoulder. He could smell the shampoo in her hair.

This didn't go unnoticed by Akeno, its the first time her master/best friend acted this way... especially around a guy. Not even Kiba got this treatment when he was reincarnated.

No... I'm sorry. I got a little carried away, and I had no right to judge. Can you forgive me?" Rias said, asking her newest servant for forgiveness.

"Sure... if I can have my face back" Anthony responded, his voice slightly muffled by Rias' hair.

Realizing what she was doing, Rias let him go. Before she could apologize for that, Anthony put a finger to her lips, which her eyes stared at. It was cute and funny.