
Chapter : 9 Rias Gremory

Why not, we start over? Hi, name's Anthony" he said, holding out his right hand for a handshake, smiling. Rias didn't expect that, but smiled herself and returned to shake.

"Hey. Rias Gremory" she said, kindly. She also didn't know why, but the fact that he forgive her felt like a weight was lifted from her heart. Sure she's had a few fights with members of her peerage before, but this... it felt different, somehow.

"As cute as it is to see you two get along, we've got a problem" teased Akeno, but her face held a serious look. "There have been reports of a Stray Devil that's been spotted nearby" she continued. Rias' eyes narrowed, it was time for action!


"A Stray Devil? So it's lost or something?" Asked Anthony.

"Not exactly. Stray Devil's are servants that have fled their masters... most have been known to kill them" said Kiba, informing Anthony of the term.

"Damn dude, that's cold" said Anthony. Appearing to the location via magic circle, the ORC approached a house that was rundown and old, most likely abandoned.

"Reports say that the Stray's been tricking people into that house, and she's been having them for dinner. Mostly men" said Akeno.

"Oh? That's not too bad. She Italian? We love feeding people" Anthony said.

"Literally. Having. Them for dinner" Akeno rephrased.

"Uck. Guess she likes tender meatballs" Anthony cringed.

"And your next on the menu" said Koneko.

Anthony looked down towards the white-haired girl. "I'm sorry, did I ever ti fa incazzare or something?" He asked her. What was this girls deal?

"Don't worry about her, she's always like that" Akeno giggled.

"Listen up, we find the beast and kill it. Lets make this quick and clean" said Rias.

As everyone walked about 10 feet into the house, "She's here" said Koneko.

"Uuuuuugh... what is that foul stench?" Came a voice from seemingly everywhere. It freaked Anthony out a little, but he stood his ground.

"Wait... but there's something else... something... human" hissed the voice, obviously referring to Anthony. Out of the corner of the room, a lady emerged from the darkness... naked.

"GAH! Geez, ever hear of modesty?" Anthony yelped, looking away and covering his eyes out of respect of a woman's... assets.

"Viser. You have betrayed your master and fled to fulfill your lustful desires. Return to your master immediately or met your death!" Rias announced.

"Yeah, I don't think a woman who walks out in her compleanno suit really gives a shit" remarked Anthony, now recovered from his shock.

"Give it a rest, Rias Gremory. Your just jealous that your breasts aren't as luscious as mine!" The Stray said, proceeding to play with her breasts.

"IIIIIIIIIs... this a Stray Devil, or a Stray Pornstar?" Anthony sweatdropped, putting an index finger on the right side of his forehead and scratching his head with it.

Upon hearing his voice; the Stray, known as Viser, eyed Anthony. "Oh my, a foreigner..." she said, then took a long sniff. "Its yooooooooou, your the human I smell... I wonder if you'll taste sweet... or spicy?" She oozed out.

"Well... if your gonna try my sausage and meatballs, at least cook me first" the Italian joked. Akeno had to cover her mouth to stop a giggle that threatened to escape, though she did release a cute snort.

Viser kept playing with herself all the while, her nipples began to harden. "Heh! Seriously, is this what Stray Devils do all day?" Anthony asked, taking the entire situation as a joke.

That's when Anthony heard the sound of magic circles. Looking behind him, they appeared on her boobs... her nips to be accurate.

"Wait... are you... no. Per favore, no..." he said, not liking where this was going. With manic laughter, Viser shot acid out of her milk buttons! Anthony dodged instinctively, the wall behind him dissolved supernaturally quickly. "Ewww... this's why I was raised on formula!" He added, also pointing to the destruction.

At this point, Viser was shown to be much larger than she appeared. The top half of her was human... but the bottom was another story! Below her was another body that looked like a Centaur or Minotaur, and she had a snake tail!

The rest of the ORC sprung into action! Kiba vanished into thin air, but he was actually moving real fast; he was a Knight, and he skillfully sliced off Viser's beastly arms with the sword he brought.

She got really mad at that, her ears became elf-like and grew sharp teeth in her mouth... and her lower body opened up INTO a mouth! She lunged toward Anthony to try and devour him! In response, he summoned his Sacred Gear and punched her in the face... it looked (and sounded) like it hurt, but she turned her head back towards him as if nothing happened; snarling in Anthony's face.

"Uh... you shouldn't eat meat raw... Trichinellosis and all..." Anthony said nervously, but that did nothing as Viser's mouth opened wide! Koneko merely walked in the way and was eaten instead! "FUCK! KONEKO!" He shouted, getting up to try and save her.

"It's alright, she's fine" assured Rias. Anthony was about to argue, but Koneko appeared seconds later by forcefully opening Viser's mouth from the inside. "She's my Rook. While Kiba has the speed, Koneko has the strength" Rias explained.

"See ya on the flip side" Koneko stated, as she punched Viser across the room with a single hit... Anthony made a mental note to never piss her off.

"Ooh, is it my turn? How exciting!" Akeno said, cheerfully. Her hands started electrifying. "Your not the only one who likes it rough" she added, unleashing a large thunderbolt upon the Stray as it roared in agony.

"So; Knight, Rook... guessing she's a Bishop, or a Queen?" Asked Anthony, as he already knew about Rias' status as King from their conversation at his house during that breakfast before his Sacred Gear awakened.

"Right, Queen. Akeno has all the attributes of the other pieces" Rias said.

"Does that feel good? You like that?" Akeno asked the Stray, not that it was able to answer her.

"Does she... get off on this?" Anthony sweatdropped, detecting the lustful tone in Akeno's voice.

"Akeno... that's enough" Ordered Rias.

"Awww... its over already?" Akeno obeyed, blushing. Anthony's jaw dropped, he could FEEL the arousal radiating off this crazy chick!