
The Hidden Sovereign

TBC. Basic Synop- Overpowered Dude gets thrown into Hawkeye tv show. He decides to join the merryband of archers. That’s it for now. Thanks for reading.

ShadowSovereign790 · 映画
2 Chs

Chapter 1- Who the hell are you?

AN: before we start, just wanna say thank you for reading. I would also like to ask for feedback, even if I get flamed in the comments. I am heavily basing this off the show, so I recommend watching it. Don't know as of yet what I'm changing, but you know, it's all a journey. Also, there's going to be a lot of commentary, so bear with me. Also, please watch the show, or watch clips of the show to better understand the chaps. At least I think you can watch clips on like yt or tt.

Final thing-

Speech- "Hey!"

Thoughts- 'Damn!'

Sound Effects- "Crash!", "Pow!", "Bang!"

POV changes- Ex; -1st Person Pov-

EXCUSE MY SFX!!! They're a work in progress.



As a charity auction was taking place somewhere in New York, a group of individuals used this event to make an underground auction, where they were auctioning off rare pieces of art, bones from the olden age, and many more elusive things to the rich.

But before anyone even knew what was happening, an explosion occurred mid auction. Causing some injury and in poor Liam's case, death. But no need to worry, as his soul was quickly replaced by another. However this soul was almost identical to the old one. Such a strange occurrence would've been ignored but this is no ordinary strange occurrence, as this was an isekai of sorts, an anime trope where a main character gets reincarnated or transmigrated, in this case the latter, meaning his soul was transported into another individual usually with the same name, birthday, dna, basically same everything, except they were born in new universe.

And just like in those animes, it was happening right now.


-1st Person Pov-

'Holy fuck!', I thought to myself as I bolted awake. I just went through a crazy trip down memory lane essentially telling me that I am now in the MCU. When in the MCU? At the beginning of Hawkeye, a Marvel tv show, featuring Clint Barton(Hawkeye) and Kate Bishop(Female Lead), who just so happens to be here right now, I think at least.

Let me recap on my story just really quick.


To begin this story, we must go way back to the birth of a certain boy. You see, even at a young age, he seemed very inquisitive about everything that he saw, heard, touched, etc. He was a very curious boy. And that curiosity led him to comics, manga, anime, tv shows, movies, novels, etc. He became obsessed with these things called isekais, where the protagonist of a show would die or get teleported to another world, thereby starting anew.

So, like a certain someone else, he decided to dedicate his time to becoming the best human there could ever be, from being a world renowned champion in martial arts, swordsmanship, marksmanship, literature, anything and everything you could think of, he did. He made his mind an impenetrable fortress, his body a living weapon, knowing all types of martial arts, sword arts, how to handle all types of weapons/bows.

He had conditioned himself to the absolute peak of humanity, every inch of muscle oozing with strength. He may have looked weaker than reality, but that's because his body had somehow compressed every muscle fiber making his body seem lean, but it did the opposite, making it even more stronger and durable to the point where he made every body builder, powerlifter, strongman, all these 'freaks of nature' admire his strength. Being able to casually lift hundreds of pounds easily.

Now this may sound familiar, and that's because it is, you see, he had been inspired by Bruce Wayne. So much so that he decided that like Bruce Wayne, he wanted to build himself into the perfect human, and so he did. He became inhuman, no ordinary or above average human would ever do what Liam did. It was only seen in comics or superhero movies.

And like another fellow 'degenerate', Cid Kagenou, he became an avid fan of isekai, a trope in anime where like previously stated, the mc would be thrown into another world, and he wholeheartedly believed that he himself would be thrown into another world. So in preparation for such events, he trained his mind in order to retain information, essentially creating a version of eidetic memory.

He learned survival skills, foraging skills, building skills, you name it, he learned it. Alongside this he learned various languages, cultures, etc, in order to blend into whatever society he was thrown into.

And after 22 long years, his time to shine finally came. After a long day at the gym, he was heading home when his car had suddenly lost control, and he ended up ramming into a truck, or what we know as Truck-kun. Eventually, after suffering major damage to his brain, he was considered brain dead, but what people didn't know, was that his consciousness was moved into another fellow named Liam Mariano.

Now that's for me, Liam. This other guy, Liam, had a similar story, but for him, he gained more attention than me, so he became a celebrity of sorts, gaining fame, money, and attention. But, of course, like me, he idolized superheroes, so when he heard there was a secret auction going on at this charity event, he got ready and immediately made his way down here, where promises of Avenger items lay, the truth to be discovered.


Well there you go, now you know who I am, who the other me was, how I got here, and how I am able to do this-


Crazy sound affects right… HAHAHAhaha…ha. Leave me alone.

After quickly taking note of my surroundings I realized that my body was still as attentive as it was before, but I did feel like I was somewhat weaker, not to the point where I'd be afraid of some 3rd rate thugs, but more like I'm afraid of their guns. Anyways, that sound was me moving out of the way as there was a hole in the wall with men coming out of it, so like any ration human being I made my way to the opposite side of the hole.

There I saw a girl in a suit. This mysterious girl was hovering over a box on the ground containing a hoodie or a mask of sorts, which looked oddly familiar.

After racking my brain, did I mention my memory was kind of affected? If I didn't, then I am now, bits of memory are slowly coming back to me, so after a short pause, I recognized this scene from the pilot episode of Hawkeye. Kate, who is the protagonist, will put the Ronin suit on and will beat these Russian thugs up by herself. But with me here, things have changed, mainly because I hate bastards who just blow shit up and kill people, so I say, let's show these fuckers what we do best in America.

So seeing her now in the costume, I myself took the initiative to find a mask or some sort of item that could hide my face, and just my luck, I found a mask, so I quickly put it around my head, after which I took off my suit jacket. Finishing up, I grabbed two bottles of wine, one for each hand, and made my way to an isolated target. Mind you, I played a shit ton of Hitman, Assassin's Creed, and some Dishonored, so I know a lonesome loser when I see one… "Sniffle."…

Approaching this 'Bro', I got as close as I could and then proceeded to kick in his knee, making him stumble backwards, where I then smashed a wine bottle onto his head, knocking said bro out.

After seeing him fall to the floor, with the occasional twitches, I grabbed his gun and dismantled it, before grabbing another bottle.

Kate on the other hand, from what I saw and heard, was fighting a man which then led to a shootout. Such an amateur.

Seeing about 4 people in the middle of the whole wine cellar, I grabbed more bottles and placed them next to me in order to grab them in quick succession. And with pinpoint accuracy, I threw a bottle, "Smash!" success. Quickly changing targets, I threw another, and another, and-

Before I got the chance to throw the last one Kate managed to take him down. Now I know this sounds unbelievable, but just know a portion of my strength is more than enough to hurl an object at crazy speeds with a crazy amount of force. I mean they didn't call me Yuji for nor reason. Get it? Cause I was like Yujiro Hanma, no? Ok, fuck yo-




Mid thought, we heard more gunshots, meaning the reinforcements were coming. Kate, who knew I was the culprit behind these guys going down so quick shot a glance at me. Knowing what she was trying to say, I started running towards an exit or so I thought.

"Follow me!" I yelled to her as I dodged the incoming bullets while I made my way away from the exit.

Oops. I forgot about this guy.

"Crash!", a burly man who had snuck past me had dropped the stuff he was trying to steal. Seeing this quick lapse of confusion, I dashed forward and tackled him.

"Thud!" After bringing him down, with enough force to incapacitate him, I stood up and began running after Kate, who sprinted past me to fight another guy.

"Bang!" I heard as he fired a shot.

"Thud!" Kate, who had hit his gun hand with a bowl or helmet, honestly no clue, made the gun go flying.

After which she proceeded to fight, only to get thrown against the wall.


Hitting the wall quite hard, she lost her breath.

So, seeing the guy about to continue fighting her, I sprinted towards him. Reaching him, he tried to backhand punch me.


Dodging back, I threw a right hook, then a left one, then a right uppercut.

All my strikes hitting their mark, eventually by the third one buddy was sent to sleep.

Finishing my fight, I looked towards Kate and extended my hand towards her.

"You okay?" I asked her, mainly because she was getting her ass handed to her.

"Yeah, and you led us the wrong way!" She said angrily as she accused me, taking my hand whilst doing so.

First of all, let me tell you… I didn't know.

"Ha, my bad. That should be the last of them, c'mon, we'll go through the hole they made. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be seen by anyone out front." I told her as I made my way to the hole, not caring if she followed or not. Let me tell you boys something. Not caring is the key to a woman's heart, until you eventually manage to make them your girlfriend after which, you must treat her like a princess…

I'm just playing, I was too 'busy' in my old life to really have any actual relationships, plus many girls just wanted me for the attention, so I shouldn't be someone you take advice from. Anyways as I stepped outside I could already hear the guy up ahead cursing at the poor little doggo.

Kate, who had decided to follow me in the end, saw this and became angry. So after yelling at the guy, she ran up to him and kicked him in the face. Almost like a punt kick.

Immediately after, the dog started to run away.

"Hey! Come back here." She said as she started running after him.

'It's like there's two dogs.' I said to myself as I shook my head.


-3rd Person Pov-

After waking up, the Russian thugs made their way outside and saw the unconscious guy, waking him up, they were told what happened and that they were following a dog.


"Oh no." Liam heard Kate say as she saw the dog run into traffic.

Without thinking about it, Kate jumped into traffic and somehow avoided getting hit.

"Thud! Thud! Thud!" Hearing multiple footsteps behind him, Liam knew that the gangsters were on their trail, so he too jumped into traffic and picked Kate up and started running.

"Hey what the hell! Let go of me!" She said struggling against his iron grip.

"Shut it. Those thugs woke up, they would've seen us if it wasn't for me." Liam said as he stopped in an alleyway to let her down.

"Who even are you?" Kate asked the mysterious man.

"Me! Who are you? I know you're not the infamous Ronin. The costume was going to be part of the auction until that whole ordeal." Liam said as he peaked around the corner.

"Stop moving!" She said sternly out of nowhere.

"You're bleeding. Oh god, you were stabbed? How were you stabbed?" She questioned.

"What? What are you talking about?" Liam said as he started to check himself out and to his surprise he was indeed bleeding. Remembering what had happened, he recognized it as the thing that killed the previous Liam, but now instead of being a lethal injury, it seemed superficial so it was okay, but there was a lot of blood staining his clothes.

"Follow me, I know a place not far from here." She said to him as she told the dog to follow her as well.

"C'mon boy. C'mon." She said, but before she could move, she heard Liam ask a question.

"Why?" As simple as this question was, whatever came out of Kate's mouth would dictate how Liam would think of her.

"Because, you saved me, and all those other people. It's only right someone gets to save you too." She said, before she started walking to her apartment.

Pondering this answer for a bit, Liam decided that he should give it a shot, a shot at becoming something greater than great. He had the means, all he needed was guidance and who better than the man who single handedly took down several gangs, mobs, mafia's and was ready to throw his life away if it meant his kids and wife would come back. That's the type of man you want to be. The type of man who would do anything to protect his loved ones.


-1st Person Pov-

After arriving at her apartment, which she doesn't know I know it's her apartment, she made me sit down at the table.

"Quaint little apartment you got here." I said to her as I sat down.

"Oh, yeah this place isn't mine, nah, pssh, I have multiple… safe houses like this. Yeah, this is my safe house, one of many, so don't you go blurting anything out." She said, as she made her way towards me with some gauze, medical tape, and rubbing alcohol.

"Ok, now lift up your shirt." She said.

"At least buy me dinner first." I said to her, getting a little laughter out of her. After which, I lifted up my shirt.

Seeing my injury, I could see her eyes show a tiny glint of worry for me.

"Hiss." After she applied the rubbing alcohol it really wasn't that hard for me to fake pain, as this shit was burning me alive.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, just a slight burn." I said, motioning her to continue.

"All done. You could let down your shirt now." She said as she started picking everything up.

"Now, I'll let you crash here for the moment but I don't want to see you here by tomorrow. Understood?" She asked me and told me at the same time, which I had no idea how she did so.

"Yes, ma'am."

"And take care of the dog, poor little guy must be hungry." She ordered as she typed something on her phone.

"Okay, later." She said, grabbing her stuff and leaving.

"Well it's just you and me, you hungry boy? Yeah. I bet you are, what a good boy you are. Let's see what she has in here. Pizza, ketchup, milk, aaaand….That's it, I guess pizza is gonna have to do it.

"C'mere boy, have some pizza. Now, listen here I'm leaving okay, I don't want you to make any mess for the missus. Understand me?" I asked the dog.



I said to him as I left. If I remember correctly she was going to get jumped by the mafia here soon, so I should probably follow her.


-3rd Person Pov-

After searching up where Armand Duquesne lived, Kate made her way towards the location. In order for her to interrogate him about the auction and for making trouble with her mom.

"Branded butter scotch, jeez, ego much." She said as she saw a piece of candy with the brand name Armand III.

"Armand?" She questioned as she saw a body laying on the floor. A huge stain of blood right next to it.

"Oh God." She said to herself as she turned the body over enough to see who it was and to her dismay, it was the very person she was in search of.

Armand Duquesne, a wealthy man, who had unfortunately met his untimely demise.

"Creak." As Kate was shocked at finding a dead body, the house maid had entered the home after a short outing.

"Mr. Duquesne!" She yelled, not hearing a response she made her way to the living room, there she saw a horror, something that would scar her for the rest of her life.

"Ahhhhh!" She screamed in terror.


"Pant. Pant. Pant."

Kate who was short of breath started slowing down as she was becoming tired.

After getting some air inside her, she stopped and thought about what she just saw. It hadn't even been 2 hours since the whole explosion happened, whoever did it knew Duquesne and what time he left the party, which meant that they were on his tail ever since the party.

Before she could process any more information, a pair of lights from a van shined on her.

"Click! Click!"

Immediately after, doors started to open, the Tracksuit Mafia had found her.

'Oh, c'mon.' She thought to herself as she backed away, running the other direction.


Unfortunately for her, there were more people in front of her.

"Hey, we got a little surprise for you." Said Thug 1.

"We got you now, bro." Said the supposed head honcho.

After this, Thug 3 instigated Kate, to which she responded with a fist to his face, or so she thought.


Blocking it, Thug 3 uppercutted Kate, hitting her right in the stomach.

"Thud! Crash! Boop!"

(A/N- Crazy ass sfx am I right. 😂)

After fighting off the three men, she started opening car doors on the side of the road.

"Clink!" Locked.

"Clink!" Locked again.

"Clink!" Open!

Finding an open truck, she got in and quickly locked all the doors. Forcing the men outside to resort to breaking the car windows.

"Thud! Thud! Thud!"

As the three guys were hitting the windows and the windshield.

Liam, our protagonist, arrived on the scene.

"Come on bros. I usually like foursomes, but usually with a lot less men. I mean c'mon three on one, there's only so much you could- oh my god never mind, 3:1 is the perfect ratio." Liam said as he had an epiphany mid conversation, thinking of the three holes women have.

"Who the fuc-" As one of them was about to start cursing at Liam, he ran up, jumped high in the air, and kicked out with his right leg.

Soon after, the sound of glass breaking could he heard in the neighborhood as Liam had kicked the guys head through the door's window.

"Now that's how you make an entrance." He said, moving onto the next target.

On the other side however there was a man, fighting the last guy.

The sound of multiple punches hitting their target soon echoed around them.

'He's finally here.' Liam thought as he finished his fight. The guy on the roof of the car had taken a 'slight fall'.

"Who are you?" Liam asked.

Not paying any attention to his words, Barton made his way over to Liam, with no friendly intentions.


A quick right hook flew by Liam as he dodged it.

"Ok, I guess we're fighting." Liam said, taking his own fighting stance. Knowing and having used multiple martial arts allowed him to gain his own type of fighting style, much like another person…

Anyways, getting his guard up he backed away from Barton and started getting serious.

"Not bad kid." Barton said as he too got into a stance.

"Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!"

As the two fighters got closer to each other, they started throwing punches, neither hitting the other.


Knowing that this guy had years of experience under his belt, Liam decided to utilize his whole body instead of just trying to win via fists.

So taking his left leg, he sweeped it at Barton's feet in an attempt to knock him down.


Using his right leg to block, Barton moved in and threw an overhead.




Once again neither hit their target.

"Kid what the hell let me just put you to sleep." Barton said as he threw another swing at him.

"Man, what the hell are you talking about. You saw me taking those guys out, we should be on the same side." Liam said as he dodged the punch.

"Yeah, well that's not how this works." Barton said, before clicking a button of some sort.

"Bzzzz!" Immediately after, Liam felt electricity coursing through him.

"Yooouuu, scuumm baggg." Liam uttered, as he fell on his face, twitching at every second that passed.

"You lasted longer than usual kid. Keep up the good work." Barton said as he walked up to Liam and punched him in the face, knocking him out.

"No! No stay away!" Yelled Kate as she saw Barton walking up to her door.

After taking Kate, Barton made his way to an alley.




Struggling against Bartons grip, Kate tried pushing herself off a dumpster only to be pulled away, breaking a glass bottle.

"Come on!" Barton said, forcing her onto a wall.

"Thud!" Smacking the wall, Kate was turned around and had her hood taken off. Seeing a fist coming right for her.


Feeling the cold wind, she opened her eyes only to see Barton's fist a couple inches away from her.

"Come on!" Barton said, not so happy that this kid took his outfit.

"You're… You're Hawkeye!" Kate said with giddy.

"And who the hell are you?" Questioned Barton.

Hello, thanks for reading. Any thoughts or comments about the chapter would be great, as long as it’s criticism or some sort of info to help. Let me know how the inner monologue felt. How the dialogue between characters felt. How the slight ‘interaction’ between MC and Kate felt, I want her to be the main female love interest, don’t know on the harem just yet(maybe Yelena), so keep it in your pants for now. But for now, until I somehow find a way to go back in time, it’s soley Kate and Yelena that are popping up for Harem. thanks again for reading.

ShadowSovereign790creators' thoughts