
The Hidden Card

Jin is living in a remoted town with his grandparents. He help them with their small farm. He knows nothing about notes, music, or songs composition. He hates numbers and computing them brakes his head and a few words to be read makes him sleep? the only thing he are sure and confident is his looks are too good to be true. He woke up one day to be the young successor of the number one leading company of the Entertainment industry. Can he manage the business? or will it all go down the drain?

Purple_ARMY · 音楽·バンド
69 Chs


The sun is soon to rise and we are all cold waiting for it outside. We are on the Top of an infamous mountain with a great view. I wonder why this is not yet a tourist spot.

"Can I have one more hotpack?"

Hyun is asking JM.

"Let's ask the staff if they still have extras."

Yoo walk through me and handed Hyun one.

"Thanks bro. Do you have one for yourself?"

"They got one extra. I still have enough for me."

Actually, I heard him ask the staff for it. Even Yoo look cold and scary. He is always kind and caring. His words are sometimes far from his actions.

"That's sweet." I sat beside him decided to tease him for a bit while we wait.

"Stop. Do you wanna get hit?."

"Of course not. But actually, I need extra hotpack too."

He stood and dropped something.


"Thanks. I shouted." We'll it's not that I'm being mean, but I heard him ask seven extras. I know he is planning to give us all one incase we need it. He is just shy to do so.

"Everyone. Gather the sun is rising now!" The director shouted.

"Okay, Talk with each other while looking at the sun."

"In one.. two.. three.. Cue!"

"Woah! This look amazing." JM shouted.

"It's enchanting." Hyun eyes is sparkling with amazement.

"It's... It's breathtaking." JK is smiling wide.

"I want to take a picture with my phone too." Yoo's eyes looking more peaceful.

"This looks better because we're together." Hyun said looking on us.

"I want to see more sunrise with you guys!" RM being the leader always think plans for the group.

"It looks like sunny side up egg ! I'm hungry!" We'll that's what I see now.

They all laugh.

"Cut!" Great! Let's move to another location."

We went down on the middle of the mountain to film some action scenes.

JM is needed to be hanged to show that he is flying.

We are all waiting for our turn inside our camp when we heard Yoo shouted.

We all rushed out to look for him.

Yoo is on the ground holding his shoulders.

"Are you okay?" I helped him up.

"Yes, I just slipped."

"Are you sure, I heard a loud thud." JM looking worried.

"I think you need to be checked in by the medic first. " Joon helped me assist him.

We all went to the medic area.

" Is it bad?" Jay asked worried.

"I think that his shoulder is a little dislocated." The medic said. He sprayed ointment on it.

We walk back on our camp to let Yoo and us rest for few minutes before we start filming.

"I think we should ask if we can pushback filming your part."Manager said.

"No, I can do it. There's just small movements that I need to do. It doesn't need to move my shoulder."

"Don't push yourself too much." I said trying to stop him from getting more injuries.

"Don't worry. I can take the pain it's not that much."

"If you say so. Just tell us if you can't take it anymore."

"Yes, Sir."

We all filmed our part the whole day. I can't help my self but be worried with Yoo.

I can see that he is really having a hard time with his shoulder injury.

It's good that his part Don't need too much movements but I can see that he is just enduring the pain.

Manager drive us home and left us to rest. Tomorrow will be our day off.

"Get up." I said looking at Yoo.

"Why?"He said.

"Let's go somewhere. Don't say no. "

"I want to rest though." Even he complain he still stood up and follow me outside.

"Bro, where are you two going?" JK shouted.

"We'll just buy food! You stay there, we'll be fast."

I get a taxi and asked the driver to go to the nearest hospital.

"Bro, I told you, I don't need to."

"Shut up, Stop being stubborn just for once. Don't worry about the bill, I'll pay for it." Even I'm just few months older than him. I am still the oldest and I have the responsibility to look after them. For once I can't be childish now.

"I'll pay you soon, after we got our paycheck."

"Pay, whenever you want. I'm telling you, not too soon. I won't be needing that money anyway. It's an extra so don't feel bad about it."

We quietly waited until we reach our destination.

Just as I thought. Yoo's injury is nothing simple. His shoulder has a broken bone. He needs to undergo a surgery to properly aline it again or it will be worsen in the future.

"Don't tell them."

"But atleast manager should know."

"What if they remove me from the group?"

" They won't do that!" I won't let that happen. I'll talk to father.

"How sure are you. We know that we also needs to dance hard choreography and if I get operation it will take few months to heal. We are just starting."

"But if you hide it, You might suffer."

"The doctor said, It's not needed to be immediately. The operation can be pushed back as long As I can take it. I won't get any operation soon. I am fine."

"If you say so. But please don't do it too late. You are