
The Hidden Awakening: My Unique Path to the Apex

On the platform of awakening... Li Jun awakened a talent that seemed weak [Breath of Wind]. Everyone mocked him. But fate had other plans, as his unique system was activated, and notifications began to pour in. "Talent [Breath of Wind] detected." "Please choose from the following evolution paths: [Morning Breeze] [Desert Storm] [Mountain Whirlwind] [Ocean Hurricane] [Dragon's Breath]..." "Please confirm your choice, [Dragon's Breath]." "Continue to choose the evolution path: [Fire Dragon] [Deep Water Dragon] [Solid Earth Dragon] [High Sky Dragon] [Mysterious Shadow Dragon]..." And so, Li Jun began to use the system to his advantage, heading towards the path of great power, defying all who doubted him.

dreamsky · SF
19 Chs

Chapter 19

Li Jun intently observed the battle unfolding between the Dewdrop Falcon and the Shimmering Sand Serpent.

The falcon gripped the serpent's body with its powerful talons, while the serpent attempted to retaliate with swift strikes, trying to crush the falcon under the weight of its tail.

The falcon flapped its wings mightily, attempting to lift the serpent and repeatedly slam it to the ground.

Feeling threatened, the Shimmering Sand Serpent quickly coiled its body around the falcon, trying to ensnare it in its grasp.


The falcon displayed intelligence and skill, flapping its wings at the right moment, soaring away to avoid the serpent's rapid attack.

Li Jun was astonished by the exchange of attacks between the two.

He knew that if he faced both adversaries at once, he would be in real danger.

It would be best for him to leave the battleground and wait until both opponents were injured before returning to reap the rewards.

Li Jun planned to withdraw first. However, before leaving, he decided to take a look at the characteristics of the opponents.

Using the Eye of Truth, he obtained information about both adversaries.

[Dewdrop Falcon]

[Attack: 170]

[Speed: 110]

[Health: 230]

[Mana: 130]

[Defense: 100]

The offensive power of the Dewdrop Falcon was relatively high, and its attack had an armor-piercing effect, meaning that receiving a blow from it could have severe consequences.

The defensive and health capabilities of the Dewdrop Falcon were at a medium level. If Li Jun could breach its defense several times, he would be able to deliver impactful strikes.

Then he turned his attention to the Shimmering Sand Serpent.

[Shimmering Sand Serpent]

[Attack: 80]

[Speed: 89]

[Health: 320]

[Mana: 130]

[Defense: 180]

The defense and health of the Shimmering Sand Serpent were much higher than those of Li Jun, especially in terms of defense. If Li Jun reduced its defense by 30% each time, which is equivalent to 54 defense points, he would be able to breach its defense with a maximum of four attacks.

For the Dewdrop Falcon, Li Jun only needed to activate the Storm Breath skill three times to reduce its defense to 10 points.

If Li Jun faced these two beasts at the same time, one would act as a protective shield while the other as a powerful attacker. It would be difficult to deal with them together.

After reviewing their stats, Li Jun realized he could not stay in the place any longer. It would become more difficult to leave if he attracted their attention.

He began to retreat quietly and prepared to withdraw from the confrontation with the beasts.

However, at that moment, a notification appeared before Li Jun.

[The effect of aura concealment has ended. The next activation is available after three minutes.]

Li Jun felt anxious upon seeing the notification. Without this effect, would his presence be discovered?

He raised his head and looked at the Dewdrop Falcon and the Shimmering Sand Serpent. It was clear that they had stopped fighting.

Then they both turned and looked directly at Li Jun.

The sharp gaze of the Dewdrop Falcon and the venomous eyes of the Shimmering Sand Serpent made Li Jun's heart pound fiercely.

"It's over. It seems I have no choice but to fight!"

In the next moment, the Dewdrop Falcon launched itself with its wings towards Li Jun, ready to attack with its powerful talons.

Li Jun did not hesitate and jumped aside quickly to avoid the attack.

The falcon missed its target, but the Shimmering Sand Serpent opened its bloody mouth and lunged at Li Jun!

Li Jun jumped into the air again and landed on a nearby rock, skillfully avoiding the serpent's attack.

At that moment, his forehead was covered in sweat. He was in grave danger after just the first two attacks.

The confrontation with the two beasts was a significant challenge, and it wasn't easy for Li Jun to hold his ground. He had to consider escaping as a priority.

But just as he was preparing to flee, the Dewdrop Falcon swooped down on him again.

Li Jun had no choice but to dodge quickly.

The falcon's speed surpassed that of the serpent, prompting Li Jun to activate his Double Jump ability at the critical moment to avoid the falcon's attack.

As for the serpent, Li Jun only needed to slightly increase his speed to be able to dodge its attack.

After circling around the two beasts several times, Li Jun felt danger looming around him.

It seemed as though he was about to be expelled from the edge of the abyss.

Li Jun looked at the deep cliff behind him and swallowed hard.

"Is there a way out of this predicament?"

At that moment, the Shimmering Sand Serpent moved swiftly towards Li Jun.

Li Jun decided to face the challenge and activated his Storm Breath skill!

His hands were covered with a layer of energy. As the giant jaws of the serpent approached, he used all his strength and struck down with his hands, releasing very sharp wind blades that penetrated the scales of the Shimmering Sand Serpent with force.

[Explosion! Echoing sound!]

The serpent's scales shattered and scattered.

The serpent was injured and let out a piercing scream.

This was just the first Storm Breath. Li Jun would still need a few more strikes before he could inflict any significant damage.

At that moment, Li Jun noticed that some of the scales on the serpent's body were already damaged.

Although the Dewdrop Falcon managed to inflict some damage, it wasn't enough to provide real assistance to Li Jun.

Desperate, Li Jun could only look up at the towering mountain peak above him.

He could no longer stay on the ground, and jumping off the cliff wasn't a viable option. He had to choose the only available path - climbing towards the peak.

Without hesitation, Li Jun leaped towards the peak and began to climb rapidly.

Behind him, the Shimmering Sand Serpent closely followed, tracking his trail and climbing after him.

Above, the Dewdrop Falcon hovered in the sky, looking for an opportunity to launch a surprise attack.

Suddenly, the falcon dived towards Li Jun, extending its sharp talons towards him.

Li Jun jumped into the air, skillfully dodging the attack. Then he activated the Storm Breath skill, releasing wind blades that cut through the falcon's talons.

The hard outer shell of the falcon's talons shattered into countless pieces after receiving Li Jun's fierce Storm Breath attack.

The falcon, in pain, flapped its wings in an attempt to attack again.

Li Jun, still hovering in the air, used his Double Jump ability to land back on the mountain.

The falcon missed its target and flapped its wings to retreat.

As soon as Li Jun landed on the rocky surface, the Shimmering Sand Serpent immediately seized the opportunity to attack. It opened its bloody mouth and bit down on Li Jun's thigh forcefully.


Fresh blood gushed from Li Jun, enveloping him in sharp pain, causing him to break out in sweat.

The serpent's fangs pierced his thigh, nearly dragging him down!

Li Jun's hands clung tightly to the cracks in the rock until his fingertips bled.

"It's over! There seems to be no escape for me!"

In that critical moment, Li Jun faced an unexpected attack from the Dewdrop Falcon that was hovering around him once again.

Li Jun had no choice but to face the attack head-on.

He had to utilize his special skill during this challenging time.

The falcon struck, embedding its talons into Li Jun's back, causing the skin to tear and blood to flow.

At that precise moment, Li Jun activated the Whirlwind of Salvation skill.

A shadowy, illusory whirlwind appeared around him, merged into his body, and then split, leaving behind a duplicate of Li Jun.

Li Jun discarded the shadow duplicate and continued climbing the mountain. Looking down, he saw that the giant talons had shredded the shadow duplicate into pieces.

He was now completely invisible and no longer the focus of the beasts' attention.

Li Jun's wounds were still bleeding. His body was covered in blood, and his health was at its lowest.

He was so weak that he almost lost the ability to cling to the rocks.

Below him, the two ferocious beasts were still battling, each searching for the Twin Yin-Yang Flower.

Li Jun was literally trapped between a rock and a hard place. Escaping from this situation seemed almost impossible!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

dreamskycreators' thoughts