

Hurrying feet's and groping hearts of the soldiers running across the expanse of the land of Corinth, it was a battle between the Corinthians and Sparta. Thick blood was like that of a rain flowing through the land, the Corinthians army was led by Azeroth the crown prince of Corinth , his father Cyrus the king was old and stricken in age, having ruled the land for 60years subdued kingdoms , brought down kings, fought in the days of his youth mightily and valiantly but now the times of wrought came upon him, confusing was king as the Spartan army were winning the battle and gradually all he worked for all these years was gradually coming to an end, the days of the dark was finally near.

The Spartan clan was of the best fighters and great sorcerer that has ever been , the king of the Spartan at the time was Artaxerxes , he was a brave king, handsome dark and giant with great strength and power ruled the coast Greece having defeated most of the cities and having them as ally, his kingdom was now so wide and strong yet the only city to be conquered was the Corinth , the Corinthians also had great fighters and they had great magicians also they had the the key to ''redemption'' which was the gate to the days of the dark.

The king of the Spartans Artaxerxes believed after he gets the key he would be so powerful and rule the world with the black magic, Artaxerxes was tenacious and made up his mind to get the key to redemption no matter what he would take him, it was a do or die mission

''now the hour to rule over the earth as come'' said Ataxerxes as he sat in the throne carried by slaves , he glanced through the city of Corinth.

On the other side was king Cyrus in grief as he saw he legion of army die in the hands of the Spartan, he called on his son Azeroth he took him to a tent set at the back of the the warriors he told him

"my son the hour has come for the key to be protected'

the key has been passed on from generations in the royal family, the key of REDEMPTION.

The king brought out a wooden box wrapped with a linen then told his son take this far away 'the time to go to the land of the dead is now here' he said to his son' Azeroth refused ,

"no father I would go no where without you my king" the king insisted and said.

"go my son the key is too dangerous to be in the hands of Artaxerxes' The young prince took the box and ran with his horse .

At this time the soldiers of Corinth were almost all dead the great army as been desolated the king was killed by a beast in the army of the Spartan he fell on his face as he saw his son Azeroth run out into the woods with the seal , instantly Artaxerxes saw him get away with the seal he ordered that Azeroth should be seize immediately .

''Get him" he said,

troops of soldiers followed the crown prince he ran as fast as he could , obviously it was his city and he knew the fastest route out of the city he was headed to Valinor, valinor was the land of the the elves as he ran on the horse one of the great sorcerer casted a spell putting the young prince to the ground, though he was strong and a well trained fighter also of course he was the leader of the army.

Oh sorry back to where I was :

Then the soldiers surrounded Azeroth he fought as brave as he could but the soldiers were too much for him to conquer he had the seal tied to his waist , then came the king Artaxerxes climbing down his horse he asked in a deep voice


He looked intensely as he spoke to the prince who has already been tired fighting with the soldiers then the prince said i don't have it he was covered with blood then Artaxerxes pointed his sword towards Azeroth . That Instant he saw the seal so he lifted up his sword and smite Azeroth ,got hold of the seal he laughed as he opened it,

Behold the key is mine now we rule over the cities of the world ,his quest for power had just began and now is the time for unleashing of the days of the dark....