

Having desolated the army, and taken possession to the key of redemption, Artaxerxes and his legions took to the gates of Corinth , definitely it was locked by the remaining soldiers of Corinth guarding the city.

Then the sounds of uniformed,steady and rhythmic movements of the troops was ground shaking as they approach the gates of the city, fear erupted and the city was in a total chaos.

The soldiers of Corinth were at alert to launch as their enemies got closer hanging the head of the king and his son Azeroth on a spear as mark of victory. as they got to the gates Artaxerxes the king alighted from his wooden chamber being carried by some of the soldiers then he said 'I have your king and his son open the gates to your city and I would let you live ', in a deep voice like that of a lion, there was no sound coming from the city, The citizen of Corinth that was still left were the wives and few hundreds of soldiers , and here is Sparta with the remain coast of Greece, how well could they have fought to possibly conquered this troops which were about 100 thousands of fighters and the best wizards and sorcerers ? .

Earlier that day, it was a mystic morning gentle breeze blew across the city as the gleams of sun shine towards the royal palace of the magnificent Corinth there laid the pregnant wife of Cyrus the king heavy and about to give birth ,she had just had her water break and now she as been taken to delivered by the maiden, at this time the king and his chariots were on the battlefield .

The king was killed in the same hour the new baby was born. Behold it was a Baby boy which has been prophesied by the sorcerer. A destiny child his name HUGO a child born with powers which has never existed ,Few hours after the birth of the new born prince , there was joy in the city the news went abroad but at the same time the citizens were in grief cause they were at war .

Then again Artaxerxes just commanded his magician to struck the gate of the city , on the other side of the gate the sorcerers and magicians from Corinth along side with the soldiers were at the gate ready to attack then the great witch who has the powers of the dark casted a spell to struck the gate then it blew open with the guards at the back of the gate.

Now the army launched into the city fought killed the soldiers, guards and took the wives of the men killed the young children burnt the city down great noise surged as the army began to reap the city of their heritage and honor , raped the ladies made slaves of the people , the palace was still guarded by the soldiers, the queen Emilia who has just conceived the little prince was tired and out of strength as she heard the sounds of war in the city and she knew there was no way she could possibly get off with the baby now she beaconed on her chief maid whose name was Ava she thought to herself 'She would be trusted with the future of the Corinthians' so Ava came hurriedly towards the queen the queen ordered that she ran away with little boy to be protected and raised by her this she employed the Ava to do , she nodded, then Emilia gave a braclet and told her he should be named Hugo , that moment was when she gave up the ghost , Ava on the other hand was in shock as she took to her heels carrying baby Hugo then came lord Artaxerxes with his eyes filled with anger shining like that of a burning coal. The Other maidens were at the doors to the chamber of the kings room where the queen laid lifeless on the Royal bed, he then went close peeped through the windows watch the city burn to the ground.

Now that he has the key to redemption in his possession he thought to himself 'the battle has ended I won' he said to himself as he laughed hard and loudly, little did he know that it was the beginning of the real war itself, one of the dark witches came to Artaxerxes told him the only key to the activation of the era of the dark was the blood of the Royal lineage of he Corinth , at this time the sorcerer knew the queen has just been delivered of a child he saw it in a vision as he placed his hands on the queen .

At this moment Angry eyes tells me his brain is in a different mode, that he had switched gears from empathy to cold emotional Indifferences as he shouted 'get me the boy'!!!!!. The soldiers spread across the palace and the city in-search of the boy , Eva was accompanied by one of surviving soldiers who led her through the the secret passage out of the city now the sorcerer led few soldiers along side with the king himself they were close to the place which Eva had passed through with the boy. Alas' they broke out at the bank of a river,now the soldier were getting closer to the door that led out to the river bank , then the soldier with Eva ,Tisius now he heard footsteps and voice close to the passages he then took her to the bank of the river the was a small boat he placed the baby in it with young maiden Eva who paddled the small boat .Tisius decided to go and face the soldiers in order to buy time for the maiden As she got away with the young lad. Now was the time to show the range in the blood of Corinth he got inside through the passage instantly got into fight with the soldiers he fought with great anger as he swiped his sword in a fight now he surrounded what could've possibly had done he looked tenaciously at the the crowd.

Artaxerxes came stretched his hands as he lifts Tisius off his feet it was dark magic he was using in controlling the soldier , he then set him to the walls instructed for the search for the young prince .

Now Tisius was bleeding all over his face. Artaxerxes walked towards the injured man as he picked him off once again and inquired for the whereabout of the boy. Tisius looked straight into his eyes as he laughed and said 'he is gone and never to be seen again till your day of death' he spat on his face, now the king Artaxerxes was angry plugs out the eyes of the soldier and killed him.

Evening was now near as the young lad has escaped out of the city to the west coast of Greece. Battles over , moonshines, lilies flows soft in quiet time, scented visions and memories seat remains of this terrible day of what was feigned.