
" are you jealous?"

Wame arrived home. Reneilwe called her mother. " mom..the rebel is back"

She laughed. "she think I don't know she pretended to be sick to seduce those rich boys." "Mrs Nti told me about her sudden illness and that she slept at her house"

Reneilwe was amazed. " you mean to tell me she slept there?" " Really!__how did you do it …. the heirs drool over you?"

"Good morning ma'am. " she was somehow in a good mood.

" stop and answer me!" Reneilwe dragged her back. " you dare…"

" what?..Kin paid your mother's plate and now I have to pay for his phone…aren't you happy?" Wame asked and pushed her away.

" how is a beggar like you gonna pay him back?" Reneilwe asked as she mocked her.

" he said I can pay in kinds…it doesn't have to be money." Wame said and grinned as she passed her.

" what! So you are a bi**ch in disguise?"

" What about you!" Wame asked her.

Thato came out of her house. "The water is cut off, the bill is excess. Wame..go and fetch water next door, at Mrs Nti's."

" What?" Wame questioned. " Me alone?"

" yes!.. you were not home so who do you think did the job?..hurry unless you wanna go hungry and die for good"

Andile came to her assistance. She took about four 20 litre buckets and entered Kin's house.

They both began filling the buckets with water. Kin and Tefo watched from the balcony.

" You guys are really struggling!..please don't damage our taps." Tefo laughed at them.

" Please care to avoid destroying the lawn." Kin laughed too.

Andile and Wame starred at them as they carried the buckets out. " Andile…why do you like Tefo…..he's rude"

" let's just go to sleep. I'm tired. " Andile decided to sleep with Wame.

An unknown caller called but she didn't answer the phone.


The following day they went to studio to practice and then to school. They arrived on their motorbikes..

Surprisingly, TJ turned up in his bike too.

" What?.." The heirs exclaimed.

" don't draw to conclusion…last time you might have won but..not today." TJ said.

" Race it is…I'll take care of this one" Tefo wore his helmet and started the bike.

Minutes later the race began. Their race was up to setlalekgosi and back. TJ was ahead at the beginning then Tefo passed him.

TJ checked the time, they were left with 5 minutes to get into school. When they reached the bridge they saw Wame walking to school.

"Wame ..if I stop I'll lose" TJ thought.

" This irrational girl pops up every where." he thought. Tefo pulled the brakes and the bike stopped at her angle.

" huh!" Wame was shocked. She wondered who it was.

" it's me…" Tefo took off his helmet and inserted it on her head. "Hop on I'm about to loose a race here"

Wame got on at the back. Tefo wrapped Wame's hands around him and drove off. He was driving at a very fast speed. Poor Wame was scarred. She closed her eyes and laid her head on his back. She held onto him tightly that her nails reached his skin.

Wame was scarred. She thought of the worst as she closed her eyes. She breathed in his cologne and found motivation. She held on tighter.

Tefo was concentrated on the road, he could see TJ's bike passing by choppies. He felt Wame's fingers grip his stomach harder.

" Don't be scarred…I won't kill you!" he said but Wame didn't hear him.

Just a few metres before the finish line , Tefo passed TJ…and won the race.

Most students were taking videos and some where curious to know the girl with Tefo.

🗣️ "who is that chick!"

🗣️ "should I also ask for a ride"

🗣️ " she's lucky..that He risked loosing the race just for her."

" Did he really do that!" Khali asked the others.

" He's full of surprises…maybe Wame will like him instead..because I can't risk such innocence. I'll only make her cry." Nelly qouted.

Kin looked at him and grinned. "You also have mercy…or you are interested in her best friend."

Wame got off, followed by Tefo, He removed the helmet from her head. And dragged Wame along to TJ.

Most students were mumbling and whispering. They could not believe Tefo risked losing the race for Wame.

He laughed at him in a mocking way "you left your girl…for a race. What a bummer!"

"Next time don't challenge a pro like me okay…remember I'm a biker" Tefo said, looked at Wame and walked away.

Wame was moved by what he did. Maybe he wasn't bad afterall. She was indeed fascinated by his gestures.

Kin got hold of Wame and walked with her into school. " it's time to pay that debt." Kin whispered to her.

" what?" Wame exclaimed.

"What should I do when I want you to pay me here.." Kin said in a low tone.

Wame looked around. It was behind the DH .

"Kin! I don't get it…what do you want?"

Kin dragged Wame closer and grinned. "You."

" Me?"

"Yes…what do you think?" " I'll pick you up after school." Kin winked and left.

" What..does he mean..No I must have misheard him." Wame walked to class still dazed. She was lost in thoughts. She bumped into someone and almost fell off the high corridor but he held her back.

She looked down the corridor and swallowed. She turned to her saviour,by coincidence the boy too turned to face her. They made eye contact and she recognized him. It was Khali,

Khali gazed at her and Wame stared at him without blinking, a gasp escaped her lips. She was still scarred.

Khali was still holding her hand. he left her hand and she moved back. " Again!…do you plan on killing me?" Khali asked.

She looked down and saw Khali's phone. " oh! God..not another debt." she muttered.

" you are muttering?.. so how do you plan on paying for this damage" Khali asked.

She picked the phone and looked at it. "but it is not damaged..it's only a scratch."

" Scratch!..so what..do you think I move around with a scratched phone?"

" sorry…I don't have anything to say or do now"

" you have…since you don't afford to fix it then.. how about you pay me differently"

" dont worry I'll tell you about it… now let's go to class." Khali placed his arm on her shoulders.


School dismissed at 2pm. The heirs were to go to the penthouse to prepare for the party.

Andile, Wame, Minnie and Onalerona walked out of school. They planned on walking to the rank. Kin approached them.

Onalerona couldn't stop grinning. Wame kept a straight face because she knew Kin's agenda. Andile frowned secretly.

" Hello!" Kin waved.

" hi!" they all responded.

" Wame..it's time, let's go"

The other girls looked at her all surprised.

" what arrangement?". Andile asked.

" Well she knows…" He dragged her along.

" What the…" Andile was shocked. Wame never knew the heirs before but she was getting their full attention.

Wame and Kin drove off. Nelly, Khali and Tefo looked at the road and walked to the girls.

" since..Kin stole your cousin how about I steal you." Tefo pointed Andile.

" off course My Canadian!" Andile smiled and stepped to him.

" Since it's a flex then I'll also do it."" My lady would you care for a ride?"Nelly extended his hand to Minnie.

" my God!…why not, this is a dream come true…getting to ride a bike with my bias."

Onalerona was left out, she didn't have any relations with the heirs. Khali grinned. " would you also like to go for a ride?"

" Yes please!" Onalerona got on the bike and they departed.

Everyone was so stunned and some where jealous.


Kin arrived at Judah's boutique. He walked in and found him in his office. Wame was behind him. Kin seemed happy for some reason judging by his smile.

" Kin! What are you doing here?" Judah asked. He saw Wame behind Kin.

"ohh! Miss player! You here too..hi"

"Hello sir!" she said.

" Don't call me sir..I'm still young, clearly you can see that.." Judah retorted and looked at Kin waiting for an answer.

" I'm shopping… please tell your stylists to find pretty outfits for her…I really don't like her clothes."

" what?" Wame asked. She never thought Kin will take her shopping.

"Don't act like you don't like it!" Kin flicked her forehead.

" I'm proud of you Kin.. finally you decided to become a man…a man spoils his girls."" Ma bad.. I mean his girl..you are not the player type."

" Judah…cut it…just do the damn job..we got a party to attend."

" Party?"Wame shouted. " you didn't mention it before" Wame was dazed. The last time she accidentally went to a party, she woke up next to hot boys.

" Just follow Judah…I have to go to STAR BRIGHT.."

WAME followed Judah and he called one of his assistants to help with choosing outfits for her.

" Try this one" the assistant gave her a backless dress.

" No! It won't suit her..find something her style…not too girly, cliché or too boyish..just find something…." Kin held his neck as he couldn't explain fully what he wanted.

Wame tried on different outfits but they were not beautiful. she liked some of them and kept them aside. She decided to run Kin's Debit card.

" let me help.." Kin looked through the hangers and took out an dust pink off shoulder half top. He also Found a high rise pale blue mom's jean that was garnished with a little splash of pink paint on its lower legs.

" Try this on" Kin gave her.

Wame got in the fitting room and wore it. The top fitted well and the jean too. The jean reached her navel and met the top to avoid exposing her stomach. She got out shyly and looked at everyone.

Judah and his assistant were wowed. They never thought such simple clothes will fit her perfectly.

" Wow!..she's gorgeous..Kin are you a stylist?" Judah clicked a photo and moved to the shoes. As always Kin found the appropriate shoes for her. They were black sneakers with a thick Soler, extending her height a little.

Wame looked at her self on the mirror and got amazed. The clothes fitted perfectly on her. She imagined living such a life everyday.

" Kin I'm not going anyway looking like this!.." Wame said.

" Let me guess you want a jacket?….good for you because I already saw a nice denim jacket . It's made from patch work." Kin gave her.

" Why are you doing this?"Wame asked.

" Because my girl should be presentable…." Kin joked. " I have to go to the company…Judah make sure you do some magic with her hair and stuff..I'm out bye."

Kin walked out. Judah approached Wame and laughed. He showed her the hair section and the hair styler started by washing her hair.

" Wame…you are a player..how do you do it" Judah asked.

" I'm not…I'm here because I have to pay your brother "

" Okay but I swear one day Tefo and Kin are gonna fight..."Judah nodded.

" why would they? I'm not their type after all.."


At STAR BRIGHT, the boys were preparing for the concert. They did their hair,nails and eyebrows. They chose attires for the concert and practiced one last time. They had to know all their song choreographies.

" Guys we can't show our hair styles at Allison's party…we have to cover our heads." Khali suggested.

" you are right…let's go to block 5 and get ready" Nelly stood up and wore his hoodie and mask, the others also wore hoodies and masks.

Just when they left the company premises, a group of reporters, journalists and photographers ambushed them.

🗣️" Tell us about your new project!"

🗣️ " May we get a glimpse of your appearances please!"

🗣️ " Is it true that you spiked the drinks at your after party?"

🗣️" what is your relation with the Unruly dancers…"

🗣️ "May you please tell us about your girlfriends"

🗣️ " what do you have to say about a leaked photo of Kin kissing a girl"

Their questions couldn't end. Nelly stepped forward and faced them. " I just wanna say…I love all our flower kisses and I hope their blessings will always keep us safe..Thank you…Kisses from me.. we'll meet at the concert" he made air kisses.

After that, The heirs passed and went to their car. Their driver was in the packing lot. They departed and went to block 5.

Just after they arrived Judah's car also arrived and dropped Wame home. Thato and her husband were stunned after seeing her. She was different. Her skin was glowing. Her eyelashes and eyebrows were aligned.

Her hair was styled with neat medium sized carrot puff lines. Due to school rules she settled for color black.

Reneilwe saw her and dropped her cup. She was shocked. Andile came out of the house and saw her.

" Wame!" they all exclaimed at once.

" You are so cute…wow!" Andile exclaimed

" wait…how?…." Thato asked. " where are you going?"

" Well Mrs Nti did all this…she asked me to come and help her with something" Wame lied using Mrs Nti's name because Thato respected her.

Thato's husband, Jacob glared at Wame and smiled. "You look beautiful dear"

Wame felt bad energies and went to her room that was at the far back of their yard. Andile was not convinced.

Andile sat on the single bed and Starred at Wame, Her scrutiny had a lot of doubt. She checked the shopping bag and saw very nice outfits.

" Wame …please explain because I'm not moved by your lies!"

" Well Kin…said I should go to a party with him in order to pay his i-phone. I had no choice but to agree…and now I somehow broke Khali's phone too!"

" What!…Kin is very unpredictable.please be careful of him please!"Andile warned her.

" whatever! Atleast I'll be with my crush..Nelly" She held her cheeks and blushed.

" Nelly your crush?…that's unexpected"

Wame dressed up and waited for Kin's sign. After a while Kin called Andile.

" Hello ..why do you call me I don't know you!" she exclaimed.

" slow down kiss hijacker…it's me your enemy" Kin said.

"You!…sorry I'll save your number…wow thanks for taking my cousin shopping." Andile said in happiness.

However Kin didn't have the same vibe. He coldly replied. " Do you want me to take you too?" " just tell Wame to come out, we are waiting for her."

"okay..bye" Andile dropped the call.


Wame walked out of their yard. It was dark in the street. She walked to the Heirs gate and found them busy discussing something.

All of them turned to look at her. A piercing breeze swift all over them and they got goosebumps. Wame was different from the girl who wore oversized old rags. Her eyes glittered at them. She smiled and slowly approached them.

Wame was also moved by their awesomeness. They were super cool, " Darmn these dudes are dripping!" she thought to her self.

Kin held his lips in shock. He never anticipated the cute Wame to also be killing the look. Tefo had to deal with a racing heart beat. He kept on gasping secretly to avoid being noticed. Khali blinked many times still mesmerized, he swallowed and held the car for support.

Nelly was also stunned.He held her hand and looked deep into her eyes.Wame was a little shy. Nelly grinned and kissed her cheek fastly. " you deserve a real flower kiss from me…you are so hot!"

" Thank you…" she couldn't stop smiling and blushing. The other 3 noticed and rolled their eyes as they sighed.

Judah arrived and got in the car. Kin opened the door for Wame and got in too. Since they were overload, Wame was in the middle of Kin and Nelly.

"wow! I gotta say..Kin did a great job by choosing you to be his girl." Judah said.

Everyone turned to Kin, even Wame. Kin exhailed and laughed. " this girl? my girl?…even Meghan is can be mine but at the moment I'm helpless."

" okay.." they all agreed.

Along the journey Tefo who sat on the front passager seat looked at Wame on the rear view mirror and got lost. Wame was dazed. After that he smiled and winked at her . She coughed and sat property.

Just after travelling a few metres Nelly remembered something. "Judah wait..I actually have to pick up my girl. I'll use Kin's bike to get there." Nelly got off and went to Minnie's house.


Everything was extra special and well placed The lights, the dj was playing songs like D'chita by August D OMG by NEW JEANS and other songs like Amapiano. They played hip hop songs like Munch by ice spice and some local songs, especially the heirs songs. . Allison and Aladdin fixed a few things.

Ryan arrived and and felt a little uncomfortable with Aladdin. "hello!" he waved.

" Hi Ryan..you came !" Allison side hugged him.

After that the heirs arrived in the party. Wame was in between Kin and Khali. Tefo rushed up to Allison and hugged her for a while.

" Happy birthday Alli… he cupped her cheeks. You are so adorable.." Allison was wearing a light blue off shoulder dress and some heals.

" Thank you Nimo!…" Allison noticed the new girl. " Dude whose that new girl..is she Kin's girl."

" Well.,I don't know Ali…" Tefo retorted. He didn't have the proper answer.

"she looks Fermiliar!" "anyway….come along I want to show you something" Allison dragged Tefo to the kitchen.

Meghan and Kelly saw Kin and ran to him. Kin saw them and held Wame's hand.

" Kin! I've missed you a lot.." Meghan pushed Wame away. " whose this girl?"

Kelly noticed Wame and exclaimed out a loud . She couldn't believe her poor cousin from the ghetto was this hot.

" Wait Meghan.." Kelly held Meghan back. "this is Wame, my other cousin…"

" hello Kelly…" Wame waved.

" since you know her Kelly then this is my girlfriend Wame…we are dating so please Meghan stay away from me" Kin pulled Wame into his arms.

Wame was shocked , she pulled away.

"girlfriend?.." she coughed.

" yes ..don't be shy…" Kin pulled her back. He pressed his lips against her ear and whispered. " this is how you pay me..

Play along..babe!"

Wame blinked to different directions and wore a fake grin.

" Sorry girls…I'm just addicted to saying sweet things to her..don't mind me I'm not gossiping. "Kin grinned and faced Meghan.

Meghan felt like killing Wame. "I don't believe you… Kin you can do better that this.." " Kelly please tell your cousin to leave my man!"

Kin punched Wame's arm behind. " please tell her babe!"

Wame's eyes dilated. "Babe?" she muttered.

"Well from now on he's not yours he's mine do you get that!" Wame turned to Maghan. She tried to be brave and chase Meghan away from Kin's life.

KIN looked at her in awe as she claimed him. He felt a movement in his chest. "you heard my girlfriend Meghan beat it!"

" I'll be back Kin.."Meghan walked away and bumped into Minnie who just arrived with Nelly.

"that girl Maghan has been following Kin for a while now…." Nelly told Minnie. " " if I was Kin I could have kept her…she's willing to do anything."

" you are a baddie….Nelly" Minnie laughed.

" I know that's why you fan me…" Nelly ended. Allison and Tefo returned from the kitchen and spotted Nelly.

Allison saw Minnie and remembered something. She definitely knew her somehow.

" This is the girl you ditched us for?" Tefo asked.

" Yeah and please apologize for being rude at first impression!" Nelly folded his arms.

" Okay…but for Nelly's sake…Minnie I'm sorry!" Tefo held her shoulders.

Minnie nodded as her focus was on Allison. She wasn't sure it was the girl she spotted with Ryan.

" My bad.. Minnie this is Allison, Allison Minnie." Tefo introduced.

" Allison?…you are Ryan's girlfriend?" Minnie asked.

" Please save me! Allison and Ryan?" Nelly laughed. "Good joke though."

" you are Ryan's girlfriend….I'm sorry but please don't blame Ryan. I'm the one at fault. Ryan is my classmate nothing else." Allison explained.

" So you are Ryan's girlfriend!…why didn't you tell me. I could have dealt with that scum personally" Nelly was shocked.

" Yes..I'm his girlfriend and I caught him hugging Allison" Minnie explained.

Tefo laughed and held Allison's hand. " Then you are misunderstanding, Allison is our best best friend…she's not dating Ryan."

" Minnie you amazed me a lot!" Nelly said and saw Kin and Wame from afar. "Tefo why did Kin bring Wame here?..he gave her a complete Makeover…is he dating her or what?"

" Curious you!" Tefo poked his nose. " he's trying to get Maghan off his back." "Wame is his girlfriend for the party."

" Wame?" Minnie turned to see her. She was startled. Her whole persona had hanged. She fitted perfectly among the rich kids.

" Oh! That makes sense" Allison said and dragged Tefo along.

Minnie and Nelly went to kin and Wame.

Wame saw Minnie and ran to hug her. "Minnie thank God you are here."

" Wow! And you didn't bother to tell me you are dating the most finicky member of the band."

" you are hot…girl"

" I'm just paying a debt….I'm not his real girlfriend. "

" Hello Kin!" Minnie waved.

Kin didn't respond. Wame and Nelly noticed his ignorance and both lashed out. " Kin!…Minnie said Hi stop being ignorant!" Wame and Nelly turned to look at each other in shock.

"Hello… Minnie..you guys terrified me!"

" Do you both like her so much!"

" Well…my answer may harm my fellow fan here.." " she has a crush 🥰 on me." Nelly smirked and locked eyes with Wame.

Kin noticed their strong scrutinies and decided to wave his palm on the eyes to unlock their eyes from each other. " That's enough…Wame are you here with me or Nelly"

" ohh he's getting jealous…Are you sure it's just acting Kin." Minnie raised her eyes after and saw Ryan from afar with Atlang,Whales and Theo.

Ryan and whales saw her too and approached her. He looked at Wame and his mouth hanged wide open. "Wame?…you rock..no wonder why TJ kept talking about you"

Kin was revolted when Ryan mentioned TJ. " Can you stop talking about that boy Infront of my girlfriend."

" What?" Whales and Ryan exclaimed.

" This is crazy.. came on Minnie let's get away from here and talk." Ryan dragged Minnie away.

Lucia came by and dragged Nelly away. Now whales had the freedom to express his feelings. " Wame is it true.?" Whales asked

" Yes it is. Why do you care?" Wame lashed out.

" he is only using you Wame!, I care about you a lot"

" Whales get lost…I don't entertain it all. Unless you want to get thrashed real bad." kin warned him

" Wame please just withdraw from these." Whales said.

" You hate me whales, so why are you caring…even if I'm played or used just stay away." Wame lashed out.

Whales couldn't bare Wame's words. His eyes reddened and he went away from them.

"Kin I thought you wanted to get rid of your girl. Why did you tell everyone?" Wame asked.

" Because I can!" Kin exclaimed. " Where is Tefo?" " I'm going to find him, wait here" Kin left.

" finally escaped him…should I run away!..yes I'll run away." Wame paced and a hand dragged her back.

" Hey don't try to escape…you are my sister in law at this moment…so I can't let you fool my brother."

" Tefo!.I wasn't running away..I was touring these place..last time I was here I.." she paused after realizing what she just said.

" don't pause..just say it, you didn't study this place properly last time because you were in my room."

"Kin went upstairs, he's looking for you!"

" Okay!.." Tefo went upstairs.

Khali was at the bar corner drinking mango juice. He was awaiting for Lisa. Lisa arrived and spotted him. Khali felt a slight touch on his shoulder.

" Hey!" Lisa called.

Khali turned to her and frowned. " hey!"

" you look great…" Lisa said.

" you too..your ring is nice!"

" Thank you Khali…please meet my fiance, Aiden." Aiden came from the back.

Khali felt tears fill his eyes. He swallowed them and extended his hand for a hand shake. "Hello I'm Khali…Lisa's…." he paused. " Lisa's sister's friend."

He shock his hand " Hello Khali…from the heirs…I really like your music…can we take a selfie" Aiden said.

For some reason he smiled and moved closer to Aiden. Aiden rounded his arm around Khali's shoulder and took out his phone and clicked a few selfies.

" Thanx…" Aiden moved back and looked at Khali. Khali returned the gaze and gasped. Aiden was an almost bad boy based on his dress code. He preferred, black leather trouser than normal sweatpants or jeans. He was more gothic but his personality was actually different. He was caring and loving. To the world he preferred being seen as dangerous.

" Nice outfit!..it's nice" Khali complemented him.

" Thanx bro…you are actually a great ex" Aiden joked.

" Khali I just wanted to apologize for breaking your heart. I know It's not easy but…" before she could conclude Khali interrupted.

" Not at all…"" I have long gotten over you Lisa," Khali saw Wame at the far end of the counter. " I also have a girlfriend" he stood up walked to Wame. " Wame now it's the time for you to pay for my phone…come with me " Khali whispered.

" Lisa and Aiden..this is Wame my new girlfriend." Khali introduced.

" nice to meet you, I'm Lisa his ex." Lisa smiled.

" ohh! Hi…"Wame faked a smile. " this girl is beautiful..why does this… this boys use me to get over their gorgeous girlfriends..first it was Meghan and now.." Wame thought.

" I love your nails..nice art." Aiden said.

Wame looked at her nails and chuckled. " it's just clear nail polish…but thanx"

" Aiden we have to attend a dinner with your family..let's go it's almost 8p.m." " bye guys!..I'll find Allison and get going." Lisa dragged Aiden along.

Khali finally breathed and sat on the stool. He drank his juice.

" Dude! …what's this… I'm here as Kin's girl and now you too"

" Wame ..I had no choice…I loved her so much but she left me for that hot gothic dude."

" I'm sorry… I didn't Know.." Wame empathized, she placed her hand on his and nodded her head. " Don't worry you will meet the one for you… I gotta say you are so different…your other brothers are heartless to love anyone." Wame laughed.


Suddenly lights went off and everyone panicked. The DJ played a beat. Most people recognized the beat of the song and started screaming.

A spotlight appeared by the stairs and it Was Nelly, he was holding the mic performing the song Friends. The song was part of their album flowerkiss. It only had vocals hence no rap.

Nelly:🎶 First dai…I've never known Abt ur pretty face.

Second dai u stamp on me and I lash your name

I was raged, u called me names I won't forget.

I was raged, you called me babe and I blush.


Nelly sang as he shown emotions linking to the song. The song was mainly talking about people close to you and how they affect you. How meeting a new person might be the beginning of a serious relationship and later find it hard to part ways..

All the lights were now dreamed as the bright spotlight fell on Tefo. He was singing the next verse. As known for rapping, it was kind of weird to the crowd.

Tefo: 🎶 third dai u look at me I look at u we go

Forth dai we don't see, we just can't,we. Roll


Tefo sang the part as he dragged Allison into the spotlight. He looked deep in her eyes.

Khali took over as he sang his verse.

Khali: 🎶last dai, I hugged you,you went away

I liked you, I just can't __

I want you

While singing this part, tears filled his eyes as he remembered his first love that backfired. He continued with his last verse.

🎶But it's ok

But now I'm stuck with memories of the past.

But now I'm stuck with memories in my head.🎶

They all sang the sub chorus together while they stood beside Allison, she could only grin and everyone was cheating. Some turned emotional and cried.

All:🎶 Amigos para siempre ×4🎶

Then after that Khali took over to sing the outro.

Khali: 🎶 you went away with my sleep

U went away with my dreams

U went away with my soul

U seems …to …seize all my peace.🎶

The others joined in for the chorus.

All:🎶 we were friends, we were friends for life×2

Amigos para siempre×3


Nelly sang his last verse.🎶 Let's meet again and maybe lash 🎶

Kin came from the back and sang his last verse. 🎶 Let's hug again and maybe patch🎶 he smiled and they all group hugged as they sang the chorus .

Everyone began clapping and the place was filled with many emotions as they hugged tighter and got off each other. It seems that was just a trailer of the concert.

Wame was soaked in tears, throughout the performance she remembered her parents and the fact that they were both alive, correction she wasn't sure if they were alive or dead. Despite that she was living as an orphan.

Whales noticed and thought of comforting her but unfortunately Khali intervened.

"Why are you crying..it's not like you have a break up or something."Khali asked.

"it's nothing…the song is very slow and sad too" Wame said.." I didn't know you guys can actually sing soul healing songs" she used her hands to wipe off her tears.

Allison was crying. Probably tears of joy that the heirs loved her more. Kin and Tefo tried to elevate her mood.

Suddenly they both turned to the sight of Khali trying to wipe off Wame's tears with hands. They all starred slowly. It seems she couldn't stop crying. They froze and watched with worried faces. Wame turned to meet their scrutinies and quickly wiped off her tears.

The cake was cut and presents were opened. Tefo went upstairs and Khali decided to go too. Nelly was nowhere to be seen, probably with some chick from Kimlock high in his room upstairs.

One of the juniors from Kimlock came to Kin with a message. " Kin…Tefo is calling you in your room." he left.

" why would he call me in my room." kin went upstairs.

Wame was worried because time was passing

Fast. She had lied to Thato and she didn't want her to throw her out. " I gotta find Kin and tell him I want to go home"


When Kin got in his room it was dark. He switched the lights on and boom he saw Meghan sitting on his bed.

"Meghan!" " what are you doing here?"

" I'm waiting for you…I don't care about that poor girl. I just want you!"

kin laughed" get out of my room"

" as far as I remember you..once brought me to this room and did all you wanted with me." Meghan stood up and wrapped her hands around his neck.

"like I said …I don't like you so please leave Meghan..I have a girlfriend." Kin pushed her away.

" well you don't have to like me….just seeing your face turns me on..and I won't let any little winzzy beggar get close to you." Meghan's palms lied flat on his chest.

"Little girl,please leave me alone…I don't want you!" kin caught her hands and pinned her to the wall. " I will never imagine loving a shameless girl like you!"

"you are choosing Violence!and those words…say more rude things to me" Meghan whispered.

" kin went away from her."" for heavens sake what do you want bi**ch! Get out"

Meghan approached him and ran her hands slowly under his skipper on his chest. " this is what I want…"

Someone bugged in and Meghan fastly dragged Kin with his skipper and french kissed him. Kin pulled away and turned to see Wame. He was shocked. He felt as if he was cheating.

Wame watched in shock. She felt cheated as if she was Kin's real girlfriend.

" Wame!" Kin exclaimed in guilt.

" sorry...I thought.__" Wame cried as she ran out. Kin ran after her.
