
" why am I acting like this?"

Kin caught up to Wame on the stairs. She was really sad. " Wame don't misunderstand ..She__"

" why do you explain Kin I'm just your pretend girlfriend…that's it…I'm going to get a drink."

"lets go then!" kin walked forward. Wame stopped him. " please leave me alone Kin…I just want to be alone…please! Right now I feel weird as if …as if.."she paused.

"As if I'm cheating on you?..well I feel the same" " I'll give you space then.."

Wame went down stairs and got a drink from the trays. After she drank it someone made a call. " she drank it all."

Kin stormed upstairs as like a soldier going for war. He wanted to put Meghan in her place this time.

Meghan was looking at her nails when Kin stepped in. She raised her brow and smiled.

"you came back for me… sweet!"

" You want me so bad right?" he asked with an ominous grin.

" Yes..so you changed!" Meghan said in joy.

Kin pushed her against the wall and wiped off her lip stick with his thumb. " I don't like synthetics they give me allergies." he seductively said as he starred at her lips.

Kin kissed her lips ruthlessly without any pause. He turned her around and pressed her against the wall and placed slow kisses along her neck to her bare back, she wore a backless dress.

Meghan was more than happy, she felt her body weaken, the rush in her vessels. She was now impatient. She released a slow gasp and closed her eyes. This was what she wanted and she was there to live it.

"like what I got? Do you love it?".Kin whispered to her ear from behind and slowly bit her ear flap. He turned her around and Meghan reached to his skipper and removed it slowly.

" yeah I like it…" Meghan mumbled.

Kin smiled and pushed her onto his bed. He kissed her and suddenly stopped. He looked at her still smiling.

" Come-on Kin.. let's do this.." Meghan begged.

" I want you to beg me…since I'm doing you a favor"Kin said.

" please.." Meghan was so desperate and begging.

Kin got off her and wore his skipper. " like I said..I don't like you…even if I seduce you and you beg me on your knees I won't do anything with you, I will never!..I don't feel anything…and kissing you is just boring, maybe your perfume has a factor because I hate it."

" No Kin you can't do this to me!..you can't leave me like this.. you'll be evil"

" Get out…Meghan, go find someone else..I want to relax alone." kin opened the door for her.

Meghan cling to him but he pushed her out of his room. "Get out now!"kin slammed the door and locked it.

He was going crazy inside , he hated Meghan. But he blamed himself for it. Only if he hadn't challenged TJ and stole his girl, when he was still schooling in Kimlock.

" I messed up!" he banged the door to his dressing room. "he sighed and sat on the floor for a while."


Khali lit his lime lights and buried his face on his pillow. He was still thinking about Lisa and Aiden.

Someone bugged in. It was Whales, he was very sad. Khali rose from the bed and saw him. "Whales?"he asked.

"well yeah…hi khali..I'm sorry I'll go"

However Khali stopped him. "please let me share my grief with you…my brothers are kinda busy."

"ohh! We are enemies but I'll_?" whales sat down.

" let's talk.." he said. " I've never been this heart broken..like am today" Khali said.

" I am living with caged feelings dude.." Whales remembered his one-sided love.


Tefo was about to to shower when he heard a knock at the door. He opened the door and saw Lone.

" hey!" Tefo said with a serious face

" should I come in?…you smell nice" she tried to flirt.

" please go….I won't allow you inside..bye go to your sophomore boy!"Tefo slammed the door on her face. He went to shower.


Wame was a little dizzy,she walked around pushing people. She wasn't stable. " I haven't drank alcohol so why am I feeling dizzy" she muttered.

" gosh!.. I need to go!"" where is Kin's room.." she went upstairs and bumped into Meghan standing by Kin's door.

" hey!…girl…you are" she took a closer look. " you look like…it's Kelly..where is Kin's room"

Meghan was shocked. "is she drunk!" she thought and decided to trick her. " Kin's room is that one at the far end."

" ok" she staggered to the room and got in. Meghan grinned. " wait till you here Tefo kick her out..or maybe loud slaps." Meghan laughed. She surrendered and went down stairs since Kin didn't want to let her in.

Wame opened her eyes wider. " this is not an illusion…why is everything blue..never mind I'll wait for him…I have to go home"

She remembered something and started crying. The sight of Meghan and Kin kissing really got to her.

Tefo came out of his dressing room wearing track bottoms only... He sprayed his cologne and his marbles almost fell off when he saw Wame sitting on the bed. He approached her slowly and folded his arms.

"Wame.."he called out but she didn't answer. He bent to reach her and called again.

"Wame!"she turned to face him.

" Wait…aren't you Kin!.."she held her mouth and stood up. " you are the Canadian."

" yes..and why are you here?" Tefo asked.

" Canadian….Kin…kissed Meghan.." " don't I deserve to be treated like a normal girl, it was just for a day.." Wame cried.

" What..Kin kissed Meghan?"

"yeah…now I feel so jealous and angry…Kin is cool in all aspects. He is hot, pretty, tall, smart, rude, Caring, saved me from Whales, he's a good dancer, rapper, famous, rich and also his cool eyebrow piercing…" "maybe I got carried away..how can I dream so big "

"Wame are you drunk?" Tefo asked as he noticed her constant movements. " you are dizzy…" "you really like Kin?"

"I don't know… All I know is that Meghan is his league."

" Gosh!…" Tefo signed. " she really sees all those qualities in Kin, what about me?" he muttered.

"uhm!…aren't you gonna find kin..it's pretty late.." Tefo said.

" Wait first…Just tell me am I that ugly?, Am I really that ugly..just tell me canadian" her voice was sleepy. She stood up and got close to Tefo. " Tell me, am I pretty or no?"

Tefo swallowed as he felt her cold hands touch his wrists.

" Well go and ask Kin!" he exclaimed and moved back.

" wait..I Know what to do…if I win then I'll be pretty enough or maybe hot….but just watch me okayyyy. I'll apologize afterwards."

" wow! You look cute with your hair tinted black just like the day at the fitting room..I gotta say you got to me that day " " okay..I'll start the bet"Wame almost fell, she was all over the place.

Tefo was curious of what she was about to do.

Suddenly Wame started by taking off her denim jacket and tossed it on the floor. She was left with the half off shoulder she didn't feel good in because it exposed her chest and top part of her boobs. She took off her shoes and smirked at Tefo. She kept on making seductive facial expressions to him.

Tefo stood there in awe. He didn't know what to do. Wame came to him and twisted her waist as she twirled slowly Infront of him. The jean she was wearing exposed her body figure. Tefo's heart raced as she slowly danced.

Tefo tried to ignore her and went to his bed to pick up his vest. Wame arrived by him and snatched it from him. Maybe she was more comfortable with him half dressed.

She took the vest and put it over her shoulder.she licked her lips as she faced him. "you are not getting this until.." She lowered her gaze to his body and chuckled. " you are so hot!"

Wame traced her fingers on his chest slowly. She felt his navel and moved slowly going down. Tefo held her hands back when she about to touch his waist.

" f**k! What is this girl getting me into?" He thought as he held her hands.

" let me feel your skin…I'm just adventuring"

" Wame you really need to stop. .just stop, stop snatching my vest. You wouldn't wanna deal with me…"

" I can deal with you!…" She moved to his back and felt his temperature. " you are warm..but I'm cold…"she wrapped her hand around his Neck from behind and stood on her toes in order to reach his ear and whisper. " you are hot…when u ride a bike…" " Can you give me a ride now…I promise I'll hold on just like earlier…" she continued to whisper and chuckled. " what if I give you a ride instead, I promise to break you off in just seconds"

Tefo was totally turned on. This girl was dangerous with words and the way she traced all over him. Tefo ran his hand through his hair. He could feel the rush of blood, hormones all over his body. Every touch she made and every word tried to compel him to just turn and push her onto the bed.

Wame approached him slowly and slammed her back against his chest. Tefo pushed her away and tried to control but she was so stubborn that she followed him .

" I'll not stop trying…. I want to be a normal girl too." she said.

" f**k ! She doesn't need to do anything more…I'm …" he gasped " stop this shit..Wame I don't want you to hate me!"

" Hate you?..not at all…you always give me sweaters, blazers but this time I want your track bottom..it's cool."

Tefo dipped his hand in a water jar and splashed it on her face. " snap out of it"

" ohh! I'm drenched now!..guess you have to give me your track pants." her hands reached his track pants. She was really serious.

Tefo had enough. He couldn't take it any more. He was only thinking about dirty things. After all Wame was set on seducing him.

" Wame stop !….Tefo exclaimed

Wame laughed and left his pants, she started dancing some erotic dances while holding his body, she started from down going up until she held his chin and his lusful gaze fell on her.

Tefo held her waist and pushed her against the wall. " okay stop, you got me… how are you going to escape me…you called this upon your self. ...if a girl promised to break me off then who am I to deny.." Tefo smirked. " We don't have enough time so you better get to work now"

Wame looked at him and smiled. " I want you to teach me and maybe I might need some baby juice to get sober"


" what? ...are you hearing your self Wame! you just straight up sex talked to me" Tefo was shocked by her knowledge.

She laughed." so you agree that I can be hot too.."

" poor you..only god can save you today…don't say you were joking because you just said some dirty stuff...you wanted to cause a mess " he pinned her harder to the wall and traced his fingers along her lips to her neck.

Wame Started crying " if only I had a real boyfriend…"

"you are crying…?" Tefo couldn't understand her. " why is she being cute now" Tefo thought.

" just kiss me…. Atleast I'll feel it too." Wame cried." I'll only stop crying if you kiss me…a real kiss." she whispered.

" I won't.." after his qoute some one budged in and Tefo turned to see Lone and Allison. He wanted Lone to be jealous and breakup with her sophomore boyfriend.

Tefo's lips met hers and and he kissed her slowly, the kiss went to french as he held her waist. Wame stood there clueless and the Canadian did his magic. Lone and Allison closed the door as if they didn't see anything.

Finally he stopped Kissing her and she was asleep. She fell in his arms. Tefo felt his lips and wondered what he had done.

" she's asleep…..how dare she arouse me and sleep..she's crazy…..I swear I'm gonna take revenge." Tefo picked her up bride style and nicely placed her on his bed.

When he was about to leave she dragged him back and he fell on the bed. " thought I'll let you go…" she said in her sleep.Wame paced her head on his chest.

All of his ex girlfriends, he had never let them sleep on him. Thi sees was bizarre. He wanted to push her away.

He noticed her genuine smile and how she slept peacefully without kicking stuff. Maybe she needed a person who could hold her and prevent her from doing that.

" Gosh… Allison's party!… I can't be here." "you …get to me without even trying but today…you tortured me so badly.." he stared at the ceiling still battling his inner most desires.


Allison and Lone sat on the couch still scared and shocked.Instead of Lone being the one over stressed Allison was the one in great pain. Her face was soaked in tears.

" Why are you crying ?" Lone asked. "Are you sad because Tefo kissed that girl or something else" Lone asked.

" Now do you see it, I didn't say anything but that girl did something"

"Allison! Do you love Tefo?" Lone asked.

" Yes I do…but he just doesn't notice me." " I can't believe that girl is Kin's girlfriend and now she's kissing Tefo"

Lone laughed " I'll deal with that pest my way."

" Please don't do anything drastic…" Allison gasped. " if you hadn't blamed me for saying something bad about you to Tefo then we wouldn't have seen that because Tefo would have not kissed her"

"Whatever…I know what to do." Lone took out her phone and texted Rebaone.

Kin arrived in, he was looking for Wame. " hey girls were is Wame?"

" Who is Wame?" Lone asked.

" Well_ _ _ I don't no..where she went after…." tears built in Allison's eyes again.

" I'm out of here!" Lone left.

Kin was concerned about Allison , she was really weak. " why are you sad..tell me"

" Well….It happened that Lone accused me of trying to destroy her relationship…" she continued.


Lone came from Tefo's room after he rejected her and went to Allison. She was assuming that she had a hand in it.

" What did you do?" She asked.

" what?" Allison glared at her

" Tefo doesn't want to do anything with me!"

Allison laughed. "Thats why?…am I so desperate?" Allison looked away.

"look at me..stop pretending okay!" Lone got. Hold of her hand. "you said something

..you and Kelly did something."

" Okay then since you think so lowly of me then let's ask Tefo..let's go ask him." Allison dragged Lone upstairs and went to Tefo's room.

Allison knocked twice but still no one. She knocked again but still no answer.

" Really…knocking! Let's go" Lone opened the door and her gaze fell on the scene of Tefo half dressed pinning Wame to a wall.

Tefo turned to look and saw Lone and Allison behind her, he immediately held Wame's waist and dragged her closer to kiss her.

The two girls stared in shock and carried their dropped jaws out of the room. Allison dragged Lone out and closed the door politely.

Along the passage Allison struggled to breathe, she held the walls for support. She never thought yet another girl will get in her way.

However Lone wasn't bothered that much. She kept on swearing and planning on ways to deal with Wame.


Kin also felt the heavy weight on his shoulders after hearing what happened. He couldn't believe it. He sat next to Allison and rested his head on her shoulder.

"Its my fault Allison…Wame shouldn't have seen Meghan kissing me"

" Kin do not blame your self.. you see even though you all are different you have a lot in common…"

" and what is that?" kin asked

" You introduced that girl as your girl to Meghan to get rid of her..then Khali lied to Lisa saying Wame was his girlfriend…now Tefo saw Lone and Kissed Wame to try and chase her off…"

" why are you crying?…" Kin asked. " Nelly once told me you have a crush the Canadian could it be that"

" Well yeah..my celebrity crush…nothing else other wise he's a dear friend to me " Allison grinned.

" smile like that and lie to my face…I know you love Tefo okay..it was evident from day one. "

" don't you think you have to take your girl home" Allison asked.

" don't change the topic…please Allison as a friend, I advise you to forget about your crush on him because Tefo sees you as a sister…"

" I'm not crushing on him!" Allison lied.

" okay I'm going to see Tefo." Kin left Allison and she continued her sobbing.


Kelly clashed into Aladdin and her glass of juice spilled on his shirt. Kelly was kind of scarred as she wasn't fermiliar or ever acquainted with him. She only met him once in the past.

" I'm sorry…" Kelly said.

"Sorry? Is that all… Kelly you need to clean this up." Aladdin said.

" What…okay!" she agreed.

"Lets go upstairs then."

Aladdin and Kelly went to one of the spare room that was suppose to be Aladdin's room if he was part of the band. Kelly found tissue and tried to wipe Aladdin's shirt.

" There is no use…let me remove this shirt." Aladdin took out his jacket and took off his shirt.

Kelly didn't have a clue. She found herself in a weird position with a guy who was suppose to be her brother soon. He was hot as hell. She bit her nails and looked away.

Aladdin noticed and suddenly had a change of thoughts. He dragged Kelly's hand and pinned her to the wall.

Kelly looked at him with a wide gaze. Aladdin kissed her slowly. He was holding her waist and Kelly leaned her palms on his chest.

Aladdin slowly untied her dress Knott behind.

" Aladdin…this is wrong!" she mumbled with her eyes closed still overwhelmed by this bliss she was experiencing.

He stopped and looked at her, " Says who?" " is it because we are going to be siblings?"

" yes!" Kelly got off him and leaned against the wall facing him.

" if so then we haven't been officially declared family… I can't help it but want you right now..I don't know why or how but I do…." Aladdin smiled and held her cheek to kiss her.

Kelly responded to the kiss too as guilt shadowed her heart. Nelly budged in and almost fell down to the sight. Kelly pushed Aladdin.

Aladdin ran his fingers in his hair and sighed. "Dude why aren't you knocking?"

" Wow!…cool, so you two wanted to smash here!..what about being siblings" Nelly approached them.

" we are not for now so, I'm not wrong…" Aladdin said as he took a skipper from the wardrobe and wore it.

" but I thought Kelly was obsessed with the Canadian?" Nelly asked.

" Nelly please don't tell Tefo." Kelly said.

" I'm also Canadian too, besides its just a once off thing." Aladdin walked to the door. "Kelly see you around" he left.

Nelly was laughing in disbelief. " wow! I admire your bravery …I just find girls like you quite appealing,"

" don't flirt Nelly, you are not my type…" Kelly left him in the room.

" hey!.." Nelly followed her out and bumped into Kin heading to Tefo's room.

" Nelly? Kelly?" kin asked.

" Not at all…I'm not that crazy!.. where are you heading to?"

" Tefo…" Kin replied and paced. Nelly followed him.

Kin was really anxious and worried about Wame. He wanted to see her and somehow after he heard about the kiss he kept on clasping his fists to control.

They knocked twice but no one answered. Kin tried to open the door but the door was locked.

" let's just go back?" Nelly dragged Kin.

"No way.. I'm the one who brought Wame here so I should take her home but somehow Tefo locked her in…"

" You mean to say Tefo and Wame are together in there? ….I can't picture it.." the idea blew Nelly's mind.

Tefo finally unlocked the door and came out of the room.

" Where is Wame?" Kin asked.

" she's inside and she's asleep…dude that girl is an alcoholic." Tefo said.

" she's drunk…!" Kin exclaimed

Tefo went downstairs, in search of Lone, he realizes he needed her more at that moment. Afterall Wame did unholy things to him.


After a long conversation with Khali, Whales left and Lone arrived in. Khali was lying down starring at the ceiling. He felt someone's foot steps and turned to look.

" Lone!" he exclaimed and got up.

" Khali…hi!" Lone sat on the bed side.

" her arrival had a lot of askance. Khali knew Lone more than anyone. " why did you come?..I thought you'll be with your boyfriend."

" Well..I figured you were always better Khali. Even though I kinda blew it. We were so good together." Lone was sad.

Khali noticed the melancholy reflected by her eyes and her gloomy voice. " What happened?"

" Well..I know I'm not suppose to complain because I have a varsity boyfriend but Khali I was ready to end things with him for Tefo tonight." " but he rejected me so badly and he even Kissed Kin's girlfriend Infront of me"

Khali was shocked. " He did what?, You are lying he can never do that!"

" You can ask Allison…Tefo literally did." Khali stormed out after her qoute.

" Khali wait!" Lone followed behind.

Khali went to the pool side and saw Tefo there. Khali arrived and tapped his shoulder.

Tefo turned to him. " Sup Khali .."

" Lone says you kissed Wame..is that true?"

" it was an accident…but don't talk much about it because it's not important, Lone please come with me."

" okay!" Lone followed Tefo leaving Khali at the pool side. He looked at the water and all the memories he had with Lisa flashed on the water surface. He never knew when he fell deep for her.


Thato was still waiting for Wame. She went to her room and checked it out. She was still not back.

"Andile, where is that girl?" " this time she's gonna pay. She didn't do her chores and the tuckkshop has been unattended for a while now."

"Aunt please learn to love your niece…she's just like Reneilwe , Just treat her nicely." Andile said.

" shut up! You don't know how evil her mother was. She was so sly and selfish

She left me a burden a long time ago. I can't help it but loathe that good for nothing girl."

" she's gonna pay !"Thato stormed out to sleep.

Andile was terrified. Thato never provided empty threats when it came to Wame. She had to save her cousin.

" That jerk! Because of him Wame will be in trouble…what should I do?"

" I'm guessing this party is at the Heirs residence…"she made up her mind and went there.

Andile was a big fan. She knew a lot about the band. She even knew the location of their penthouse. She bravely took a taxi to Molapo estate.

Andile finally arrived and entered. She saw the stairs and the elevator and thought about it. She was not fermiliar with elevators but stairs were energy consuming.

She finally made a choice the elevator. At that moment someone else came in the elevator. Andile tried to ignore him as she snapped her fingers.

" Hello" The guy said.

" Hello " she waved with a fake grin hanging on her face.

Finally the elevator stopped and the doors opened. The interior was so beautiful. She took time and admired the house. She never imagined that one day she'll have a reason to visit their residence.

She walked around and finally saw someone she knew.

" Whales!" she called out and went to him.

" Andile?.. what are you doing here?"

" where is Wame?"

" I don't know…but why are you here" Whales asked.

Andile saw Kin and Nelly upstairs. She rushed to them and dragged Kin's hand from behind and pushed him against the wall.

"The f**k!…I knew you liked me when you__" Andile cut him short and and yelled.

" Look here superstar! I don't care what you have to say. Where is Wame? "

Nelly was loving the aggression. "yeah! That's what I call a sexy girl… strong, dominant and super freaky"

" dominance?… If only you knew how bad I am then you wouldn't be provoking me" kin gently held her hands and dragged her along from the audience.

" Wame is asleep…and if you want more info find Tefo."

" Uhm!…Andile..do you mind idolizing me for an hour…I'm just inspired by your aggression.." Nelly approached her.

" Save it for Wame. She likes you." Andile left. She was looking for Tefo. She missed her step and her body suspended in the air as she was about to fall and roll off the stairs.

By coincidence someone was going upstairs and she fell on him. The boy held her and helped her up the stairs.

She looked up and her eyes dilated after seeing the boy's ocean eyes. His smooth symmetrical face and his big round eyes. He had long lashes and thick black eye brows. Although his hair was naturally blonde, this time he tinted it black and tied his long hair into a ponytail. Her gaze moved to his lips. He had a monroe piercing just above his upper lip on the right side.

She had been starring at him for a while. Aladdin snapped his fingers and she snapped out of it. She was just hypnotized by his beauty. He really reminded him of the Canadian.

" thank you…" she said quickly and held his hand involuntarily.

" Are you okay?" he asked softly.

" Yes…I__ am actually…" she paused after Aladdin smiled.

" could he be the fifth member of the band" Andile thought to herself.

"what are you looking for here …" Aladdin asked as she was not fermiliar.

" I am looking for__Tefo!" her voice cracked. She was so nervous and shy.

"here he comes!" Aladdin raised his eyes.

Tefo arrived with Lone in his arms. It seems they reconciled. Lone was enjoying his attension. On the other hand was Kelly and Meghan approaching them.

" Andile! When did you come here?" Tefo asked in shock.

" Tefo.. aunt is gonna punish Wame badly because of Kin…where is she?" She asked.

" How is my boyfriend suppose to Know…please get Lost" Lone said and rolled her eyes.

" What…I thought Kelly..never mind…just call Wame please" she pleaded with gloomy eyes. Her concern was reflected by her voice.

Tefo approached Andile and dragged her to a corner and whispered something to her.

" Wame is asleep in my room. She's sort of drunk..I don't think waking her up will be good."

Andile exclaimed with a loud hollow. " she'll never drink alcohol, she's alcohol intolerant. Why did Kin do this!"

Tefo held her shoulders,Lone and Kelly frowned. "Andile I'll ask my mom for help tomorrow don't worry!…I won't let my biggest fan down." he winked and dragged her to the others.

" Hey! Aren't you gonna introduce yourself?" Aladdin asked her.

Andile shyly looked at Aladdin and Lowered her gaze again. Before she could start , Tefo Started.

" This is my classmate and biggest fan Andile!" Tefo introduced.

Tefo went on to introduce others. " this is Aladdin my cousin. This is Kelly and this is Meghan."

" You don't need to introduce her, afterall she's my cousin." Kelly said.

" Lastly this is Lone she's______ a friend!" Tefo said.

" Girlfriend!" Lone added.

"isnt Kelly your girlfriend?" Andile asked.

" please tell your cousin to stay away from my man!" Lone blurted out.

" so possessive!" Tefo chuckled as he hugged Lone from behind. It appears he suddenly changed his mind about Lone.

" yeah ..I've got a request too. Tell your cousin to stay away from Kin, he's mine." Meghan added.

" Your name is pretty hard for me to pronounce but I'll call you Andy…ok" Aladdin told her and with a smile.

" Okay…Aladdin" she blushed as she agreed

Kelly noticed their scrutinies and felt angry.

" I'll take my leave guys...."Andile went down stairs and then she bumped into Kin. She wanted to go home.

"Wait… where are you going so late?do you want to get us in Trouble. This is not as easy as kissing me you know!"

" What?…Kin stop kidding around. I'm not your type I get it..so please let me leave."

Most people left, while the residents remained behind. Kin checked his watch. " the time is 12a.m."

Meghan came downstairs. Kin was still wondering why she even stayed behind because, she wasn't related to the heirs.

" This girl, just won't give up." Kin muttered.

When she approached, Kin acted like he was having an errotic conversation with Andile. Meghan arrived and frowned at Andile.

" Kin you left me hanging earlier…please come with me! I love you Kin, please don't reject me!"

Kin ignored Meghan, Meghan held his arm but he pushed her away and had to do the 'crazy' to atleast get her off his face.

Kin dragged Andile's waist and then Kissed her. He wanted Meghan to go away. Andile was shocked. Kin held her tight and french kissed her without mercy.

" stop that!" Meghan yelled in pain but Kin didn't stop.

Andile was confused. She was busy kissing Kin from the Heirs. Although she hated him. The kiss was sweet. Without her thinking, she went with the flow.

" Kin you can't make out with her while I'm watching!" Meghan watched as they both staggered and fell on the couch. " I'm going home. Let me call my driver!" Meghan left.

While in this occurance the others where upstairs. Kin stopped Kissing her after Meghan left. " I'm sorry…I'll I'll return the favor" kin said and prepared to leave. Andile was still lying on the couch astonished.

Unexpectedly Andile dragged Kin's hand back and he fell on top of her. She looked at him and her heart skipped. She held his cheeks and kissed him back. Kin didn't expect that reaction from her. He went with the flow.

Kin unzipped her sweater fast and started kissing her neck causing Andile to gasp louder. He went back to her face and kissed her nose, cheek and mouth.

"if you really want to do this then let's get a room" He suggested.

Andile got back to her senses and pushed Kin away. She was shaking and gasping. She never wanted it to end like that. She didn't intend to do any of that. She didn't like Kin but he was just alluring and perfect that she couldn't stop.

Kin approached her and robbed her lips with his thumb. " Sorry but now do you agree that my looks decieve you?" he chuckled and turned to see Nelly.

" Nelly! how long have you been standing there?" Andile blurted out.

" The whole time… Andile you are badass. You are the only girl I know that has the ability to dominate Kin." Nelly commented.

" let me guess, this was your second kiss with Kin and you are scarred of doing anything more than that because you are a virgin.!" Nelly analysed as he approached them.

" Nelly please don't tell anyone about this, it was a mistake___"Andile begged him.

" why?are you ashamed?""Kin this girl is ashamed instead of rejoicing."

" she's right it was a mistake!" Kin stormed out, he remembered that Tefo kissed Wame and felt angry. Wame was his pretend girlfriend not Tefo's.

Andile fell to the couch and rested. What happened between her and Kin replayed in her mind. She held her lips gently and closed her eyes.

" shake it off..why did you do that Andile…why did I come here…now you are also trapped here and my Canadian..he's busy with that sly girl. Now Kin's girl too is aiming for my life." Andile was overthinking things.

Allison left the penthouse. Tefo convinced Lone to go home. Andile was fast asleep and Kin checked on her.

" This girl…she dare take advantage of the fact that I kissed her to get rid of Meghan. Wame was suppose to be the one in her place...." Kin paused after his qoute. " Wait did I just say that…"

Kin turned to leave but his heart refused. He stopped and exhailed. " why do I feel bad! Jeez Kin this good heart of yours."Kin picked her up bride style and took her to his room upstairs. He placed her on the bed and went to Khali's room.


Tefo entered his room and steadly closed the door. He looked at Wame, she had pushed away the blanket and she was at the edge of Falling.

He rushed to move her from the edge and pulled the blanket over her. He looked at her face and chuckled.

He remembered what Wame did to him earlier. " I never thought irrational innocent Wame could awaken my feelings by her drunk sassy dances… where did you learn that?…" "does she have a choreographer?" he spoke softly in his low voice.

He immediately got a video call from Blue but Wame rolled to fall off and he rushed to her side leaving his phone.

" This girl is going to destroy my room completely…Kin was right!" Tefo said as he moved her to the center of the bed but she dragged him and he fell on the bed. Tefo tried to get up but Wame placed Her head on his chest. She cushioned her self to comfortability and grinned in her sleep as she placed he arm across his chest.

" What the heck!" Tefo was trapped.


The next morning Andile stretched and kicked while still lying down. She remembered yesterday's incident and she stormed out of bed and looked around.

" Where am I?" she asked no one.

" In my room!.."Kin cameout of the dressing room.

" Kin…how did I get here?,who did this?… Wait last night did we…I mean did you…do something to me while I was sleeping." Andile quizzed.

" Yes, we did after the kiss, I decided to give you a part two..don't you remember?"Kin said with a smirk.

" What nonsense? .. jerk!..how?"Andile was scarred. She started whining softly.

Kin laughed and strolled her back. " Crying like last night!" he whispered.

Andile paused and slapped his chest several times. " you took advantage of me!"

" ooh please….I've long told you, me and you totally different…why would I do that to you? However you turned all freaky last night and grabbed Me to a couch..you like me afterall."

Andile hit her forehead. "Well____ I was taking revenge. You kissed me first dude"

" Go shower!…I want to go to STAR BRIGHT."

"PS.. you wouldn't be so up and well if I tried doing anything funny with you!" He grinned and sat on the bed. "go shower…Wame should also be up now!"


Wame half opened her eyes and saw blue blurry visions. Her head was resting on something warm and it couldn't be a pillow.

" Wait...." the part of coming to the party replayed backwards until she saw Meghan kissing Kin. She opened her eyes and saw a totally different room. She could feel constant movements from her pillow. She looked to the front and met Tefo's face. He was still asleep.

It all seemed like a dream. She stared in awe and her mouth hanged wide open. She couldn't get off. If it was a dream then she was liking it. Although in reality she would have seen it as a mistake. She smiled spontaneously and directly pointed her index finger to his forehead between the eyebrows.

Tefo opened his eyes after the distraction. He met Wame pointing her finger while she was still on him. Tefo widened his eyes and grabbed her finger.

" What are you doing?" he asked.

" This is a really upsurd dream..why did I have to be with you…" Wame said lightly.

Tefo bit her finger and she groaned in pain

" ouch!? Why did_____wait this a'ight a dream!" Wame screamed and jumped off him.

" yeah…its real life…can I ask you? Do you love me?" Tefo asked.

" What?..no way" Wame said still revolted by what just happened. She felt a headache beat her. It also happened the last time. It seems her fate was going to be the same. History was repeating itself.

She reached for a bottle of mineral water and gulped in two thirds. Tefo gazed at her as she drank from his bottle. Even after waking up with a hangover she was still pretty as hell. He bit his underlip intensily and ran his fingers though his hair as he recalled the events of last night.

After cooling something played in her mind. The events flashed backwards in slow motion and fast forwards too. She dropped the water bottle upon remembering something.

" I DID WHAT ?" Wame exclaimed as she started shaking.
