

By the time Aliya reached her condo it was a few minutes past 8:30. She then entered her room and changed into a black dinner gown that had a fish tail with a one shoulder off design. She then matched it up with a silver necklace and a pair of silver earrings to match.

She then used a pair of black high heel to match her gown. She packed her black hair in a bun and then added some pins while letting a single strand fall at the side of her face.

She then added a little make-up and matched it up with red lipstick. Her look today was seductive and that was what she was aiming for.

Her doorbell rang and she already knew sho was there and so without wasting time she opened the door and a young gentleman clothed in black tuxedo was standing at her door. He looked really handsome but Aliya didn't seem to care about his looks and unlike her the young man seemed to be lost in her beauty as he gazed at her.