

Deon continued with the video game for about an hour before he got a call that his patient had arrived and so he had to leave.

Deon stepped out of the office and met Jane who was busy typing.

"Hey Jane" He greeted with his Charming smile.

Hearing that voice Jane raised her head and then saw his face and his ever so charming smile.

She stared at his face without a word as she struggled to bring out words from her mouth. Seeing his face and that smile left her dumbstruck.

"So handsome" she said and then sighed.

"Did you say something?" Deon asked.

"Uh... n... nothing sir" She said with a nervous voice. seeing him stare at her like that a blush crept up her cheeks.

Deon who didn't seem to notice it just smiled and then headed to the elevator.


"Mr Walker, I must say I was shocked when I heard your proposal. I couldn't believe that you of all people would want to but shares from the hospital" Came the voice of Mr Donald.