
The Harvester's Scion: A Tale of Death and Destiny

"SILENCE", " TOTAL DARKNESS " This were the thought in his mind as his consciousness slowly drift away, taking along with it his dreams He could help but reminisce the words his father told him, "death is the only true path to life" For the first time he felt the truth in those words as there is nothing more relieving than dying at this moment After fighting alongside his kid sister tirelessly against an enigmatic evil threatening to consume the world, only for them to meet a tragic end at the hands of betrayal. miraculously he got a second chance, setting forth on a quest for vengeance against those who wronged him. But as he grapples with his newfound abilities, he realizes that the line between hero and villain is blurred, and the path to redemption is fraught with unforeseen dangers." With each step he takes to embarks on his quest for vengeance, he discovers that the enigmatic evil threatening the world has only grown stronger in the century he was dormant.

umukoro_prosper · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Fear of the Relzar's

The panicking world had calmed down a bit, all thanks to the timely announcement.

Though the human race is skeptical about the announcement of the threat being taken care of, they still felt relief to hear that.

Nothing had been said as to why the human race's hero isn't amongst their ranks.

Sure, they've heard they lost many soldiers, but the whereabouts of the human race hero hadn't been revealed up until now.

While the human race was bothering about this issue, raising questions that no one was ready to answer, if there was an answer at all.

The people that could have a clue were sitting in the conference room of the alliance federation.

One made after the victory and alignment of all the nine races, the only difference in this setting is:

There is a figure sitting up ahead at the leading spot while the others stay below, a position many aspire to achieve.

Becoming the strongest being on earth had such a knack to it, but unfortunately, none of them were sitting there right now.

They had taken the discussion over here due to a few reasons, one being the announcement to the world to calm things, especially since they had been hanging on by a thread all along.

Secondly, just a portion of the detail Morfinael revealed had shocked them silly.

"So you are saying in the old era there are three main phases of advancement that has been lost in time?

And that Umbra guy is just at the peak of the first stage with such powerful strength," Kalen asked to reconfirm what they had been told.

They were the only ones seeking information as Morfinael had been asking questions of his own, just like Umbra.

He is clueless about a few things of this era, and from what he said so far, he had been hibernating for roughly 800 years.

Morfinael nodded at Kalen's question, "Umbra isn't at the peak of the first phase, but the peak of the second phase, it's due to his seal that his strength relapsed to that of the first stage.

If it were not for that, you all wouldn't even have the chance to get close to him, talk more of battling him."

All of them gulped mentally. That guy is pretty strong at this point, and it's just his sealed power. How incredibly strong would he be if he got his full strength?

"Umbra is an aspect just like me but on a higher stage. Back in the old era, I won't stand a chance against him. I'm just at the beginning stage of the aspect phase.

Compared to him at the peak, about to break through, I don't hold a candle to him."

"You've been mentioning these three phases all this while. What are they, and what stage would we be said to fit in on all three phases?" Thassalya asked, with the others nodding to show agreement with her question.

This whole new information is too heavy to swallow in one go, and this Morfinael guy wouldn't spill unless they asked.

"Incipient being the first, which you all are still within its range, aspects the second, which would be me, and ascendant the third, which is completely lost in time.

There is a fourth, but that itself isn't information for the likes of you infants."

The leaders raised their brows but said nothing more. If Umbra ran away because of this guy, there is no telling how strong he would be.

Morfinael continued when he saw the helpless look on their faces. They obviously couldn't tell things apart.

"From your level of strength, according to his, you people rank it right now.

Level five hundred would be the first phase peak mid-rank."

Once you break through that level hundred of yours, you would enter the advanced rank of the first phase, which is what you've experienced in the hands of Umbra."

Once the enlightenment hit them, they all felt a heavy weight lifted off their shoulders.

The lingering question in their minds then is, how strong the Aspects phase is.

Morfinael looked at them as if he could read through their thoughts, a light chuckle escaped his lips.

"I can't tell you how strong the Aspects phase is, but what I can say is, I'm above anything your current world has that could damage my skin. Not a hair on me would be harmed by your most powerful weapons; it would be like an egg smashed against a rock. You might be too busy to notice it, Umbra was never scared of getting hurt by your weapons. His strength might be weak, but his body is still that of an Aspect."

That statement hit home; Umbra was obviously powerful even as he is. He couldn't even be damaged by their strongest weapons. They recalled him so uncaring during the battle. Aside from the fact he could almost predict their moves, he had an air around him like he didn't care if any of them could break past his defense. Now they thought more about it, they noticed he only showed a bit of concern for that sword Morphis was using, and the words he said about that sword were still fresh in their memory.

"A stronger weapon like one in the Aspects phase level would do just fine," Morfinael added after allowing them to digest the first info.

Mentioning this, the eight of them seemed to undergo an electrical jolt. He seemed to get what they were thinking; he sighed and spoke again.

"Don't worry too much; you won't have to face a beast at such a level, as that would be the end of this world as it is. All Aspects phase level beasts had been taken care of 800 years ago when the world began its decline. Still, that didn't settle the problem at hand, which pushed the desperate decision that led to this world's current state."

Everyone's ears perked up as Morfinael gave out the details of the solution they came up with at that time.

The atmosphere turned somber after Morfinael's comment; they clearly weren't happy about the decision and choice they had to make, but there was no other way out. They had to do that to avoid the complete destruction of the world; it's the best they could have done.

"All you guys have to do is level up and make use of the opportunity that the system had to offer. With this in mind, I hope you all wouldn't give up halfway."

Vyraghast was the first to speak up after hearing there are still more steps to climb, and his ancestor in front of him is a living example. He made up his mind to push himself to the limit he can and make a breakthrough.

"Enough with the history talk; tell me what led to all of this and how did Umbra find help to break free."

This had been the question in his mind ever since he sensed Umbra's aura and was awakened from his hibernation.

The leaders didn't hold back any information either, going all the way from when Louis led strange aliens to this world and how he was defeated by Morphis and the human heroes while they took out the aliens. Down to the betrayal of a certain Arthur and Alexa Relzar who betrayed them because of greed for power.

"You said Relzar," Morfinael asked with a raised brow, his tone a bit skeptical.

"Yes, Relzar," Ariadne replied as she went on to recount the tale of his resurrection and massacre at the Aerendil complex.

Morfinael was quiet in thought for a good while before he decided to speak once more.

"Which of you was there when this Arthur person switched sides?" The question had shocked them, but they still gave an answer.

"Morphis and the other human race heroes," they all answered almost in unison.

"How foolish," Morfinael stood up apprehensively, as if recalling something. His mind flashed back to the energy he felt inside that ice castle.

"This world is doomed," Morfinael spoke afterward. "Killing a true blood Relzar is unleashing tribulations on the world."

The word "tribulations" sent a chill through them. Hearing it from Morfinael himself only made it more horrifying.

"When a true blood of a given bloodline is killed, an inherent disaster is released that attracts more chaos to the location. Their intent only to take revenge and kill.

The sole reason for making the world seal and keeping all other races away from the humans since ancient times is to prevent you all from breaking the balance and unleashing such tribulation on this world.

Because of one mistake, all of this world would be lost.

I fear for the future myself. I never would have imagined waking up to meet such chaos.

If you fear Umbra right now, then I suggest you dread the wraths of the Relzars."

Complete silence reigned in the air after Morfinael's words.

Morfinael, on the other hand, for the first time felt a sense of dread watching over him.

Severing the pride he once stood proudly with, he almost wished he wasn't the one decided on to stay back and watch over this world.

"What do we do now, aren't you all powerful and mighty?" Urog questioned. "This Relzar kid is just a level ten ability user the last time he was seen.

If he had gotten stronger, there is no way he had gotten stronger than us, talk more of you," his thick voice boomed in the hall as he spoke.

"Foolish thoughts," Morfinael spat out of anger but quickly calmed down since these kids were void of historical knowledge.

"No more answers can I give you all. It's the history of the world, and I have been in hibernation. I couldn't possibly know all that had occurred and what all is about to happen.

The only way for us to put this right is to not let any more incidents happen. A mistake must not occur, and I hope this time around, all would have a chance at having a future."

Once more, the beings in the room fell silent after Morfinael's words.

All of them were plagued with a kind of dread that left them feeling powerless and afraid of the future.

"Let's just hope we can change the hands of fate this time around," Morfinael added, his back against the group, lost in his own world.

"We would be needing all the help we can get," he threw in before leaving.

As Morfinael left, the group was left in a further state of confusion, this time not knowing what the right decision would be.

No one knew what to do next, but they all knew something would happen, and only time would tell what would become of the future.