
The Hall of Idea’s

Where all my idea lay to either waste or consideration

TheMagusGuild · ファンタジー
42 Chs

DxD: The Black Knight

Reborn into a world of monsters, beings that can shake the world with a punch, shape it with their imagination, and change it just by existing. Weakness isn't an option especially when so many of these beings will take glee in making you suffer just because they can.


Name: Sparda

Titles: The Blade of Lucifer, The Reaper of Rebellion, The Hell Swarm

Rank: Pinnacle Transcendent Devil(Super Class)

Full-Blooded Mutated Devil: Due to the effects of his experiments and his mutated pawn piece. He became a full-blooded devil and so much more.

Sacred Gear: Rebellionis Vi Messor: Is his sacred gear, at first it started off as a weak normal sword. Over the years it grew stronger with him even gaining true names.

Rebellionis/Rebellion: Takes the form of rebellion from devil may cry.

- Advance Class Weapon

- Demonic Energy Stores

- Curse: Prevent healing effect

Vi/Force: It takes the form of devil sword Sparda from devil may cry.

- Master Class Weapon

- Demonic Energy Stores

- Curse: Prevent healing effect

- Scythe Form

- Power of Slaughter Attunement

- Spectral Blades Creation

Messor/Reaper: It takes on the form of devil sword Dante from devil may cry.

- Mystic Class(+) Weapon

- Demonic Energy Stores

- Demonic Energy Attunement

- Curse: Prevent healing effect

- Power of Slaughter Attunement

- Spectral Blades Creation

- Fire Attunement

- Soul Adsorption

Power of Slaughter: An bloodline ability he accidentally created while going through a perfect evolution from mid-class to high-class. It allows his killing intent to take on a meta-physical form. He can use this energy to increase his physical abilities, enhance his weapons, and create spectral weapons.

Power of Pestilence: An Bloodline ability he created while going from high to ultimate-class. It grants him incredible regeneration abilities and resistances to most elements. He can also turn into a large swarms of insects/small versions of himself.

First Form: When he unleashes his second pair of wings he takes a form similar to devil may cry's devil trigger. In this form all of his abilities skyrockets by a rank. His resistances and regeneration even more so.

Second form: When he unleashes his fourth pair of wings he takes on a form similar to devil may cry's sin devil trigger. In this form he is comparable to a Pinnacle Super devil at base. In this form he can manifest his sin, pride as an extreme condition of regeneration, resistance, nullification, and immunity.

True Form: When he unleashes his true wings he takes on the form of a 10ft version of himself. In this form all of his abilities enters the realm of the divine. He even gains the ability to control devil's who possess the sin of pride.

Master Martial: Multiple and Mixed Styles

Preferred combat stances:

- Swordsmanship: Transcendent: Slayer Style

- Scythe Combat: Master: Agent of Death Style

- Hand-Hand Combat: Master: God Breaker Style

Progenitor Runic Master: Devil Runes: He created a system of runes made specifically for the demonic energy devils possess. This system though not strong makes up for it by being incredibly versatile and compatible to other systems of magic.

Progenitor Hexer: Devils Due: A system of hexes he created that is meant to be used in reaction. Meaning the more damage one takes the more powerful an hex can be cast.

Progenitor Wizard: Tier System: He is the co creator of the tier system. A system of magic created to replace the old system of magic for devils. The tier system maintains the versatility devil magic possess while increasing its overall power and effectiveness. The tier system is separated into 12 tiers going from the weakest 1 to the strongest 12.

Preferred Spells:

- Reinforcement: Transcendent

- Fire Magic: Transcendent

- Space Magic: Master

- Time Magic: Master
